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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Maddog, As long as those "backup copies" have no copy protection on them. Imgburn does not remove copy protection. ISO read to put image on HD, then ISO write to burn image to disc. Best to use Verbatim discs for quality and longivity.
  2. maxnt, your burner is having a bad time trying to read to that media. Recommend getting some Verbatim to burn to. Not sure if Verbatim make RW discs though. Also, Are you running anything else in background while your using Imgburn? Looks like Img is having a hard time getting exclusive rights to your burner. Packet writing software often does this, In CD, etc.......
  3. kevdriver

    New TV

  4. kevdriver

    New TV

    I have a great spot in the basement rec room for that baby............
  5. Shunna, depending on your source, those counters could very well be part of the download. These are especially prevelent in movie downloads. This is not a glitch in Imgburn. Due to legal restrictions I can't help you any further. Imgburn is strickly a burning program.
  6. Mindchamber, Img can do this but ONLY if the material you want read is not copyguarded. This would also apply to Windows Vista CD which is COPYGUARDED. Imgburn cannot circumvent copyguarded material no matter what it is.
  7. kevdriver


    Hoppy Brithday Volvo...............
  8. BastilleOne, Imgburn is not a ripper, its a burning utility. It will not remove copyguard. DVD Decrypter is 3 years old and unsupported now, it will not do what you want it to anymore either. The most help I can give you on this matter is to google around.
  9. Meathed666, As was mentioned before, Your still geting that spindle error message even with Verbs....... I think its time to look for a new drive. Lots of good ,ones out there, I like the Pioneer ones myself, newest one is the DVD 112.
  10. reese, This may be a silly question but are you sure you have a DVD writer/burner and not just a CD writer/burner? Open Imgburn, got o tools>drives>capabilities. See what the info says.
  11. Meathed666, This could be caused by serval things, but since your burner still burns to other media then I would say its those RITEKS your using. Pretty dodgy media for sure. Go get some Verbatim DVD+R DL's and see what happens. Verbs are by far the best media for DL burning. Also you have buffer set to 40MB, Imgburn works great with default setting of 20 MB for the average user, unless of course you have a couple of gigs of ram.
  12. dae06, Download Imgburn, and use it. Become a member or this forum.
  13. Just keeping abreast of thing lfc........ LoL

  14. Note to self: Arthor = maker of Imgburn = Boss = LUK............... Enrol in spelling school............
  15. I think a member of staff got battered after making a shite joint. Hope that roach got clipped............
  16. c1m_xl, Can't give you a techical reason why. But if the Arthor felt this was a good buffer size for default settings for his program then it must be so. The option is there to increase the size if you deem it neccessary. 20mb setting probabley works fine for the majority of users though.
  17. Reset, goes without saying, as lfc stated, use Verbatim or Tys for media. They are the best.
  18. Up here affectionately known as Dead Bird In The Bucket.................. I believe his full name was Colonial Harland Saunders.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE ! All the best to you.
  20. Donta, agree with you on not trusting these discs to anything important, yet I'm still kinda shocked at the apparrent quality of these discs, at least right after a fresh burn. Wonder if they will hold up over time........ I'll be sticking to the verbs never the less.
  21. @ Donta....... WOW! Great scans from CMC MAGS. How did the scans do with the 1650.
  22. Glad it got straightened away for you Quiky.......
  23. dregus.......... Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D03-01) (Speeds: 2.4x) This media is not the best at all. It has been causing havoc all over this forum as of late, just read some of posts. Get some Verbatim DVD+R DLs and give the burn a try again. Also you should upgrade your 111D to 1.29 firmware from your present 1.23, and leave all Img settings on default.
  24. I'm still thinking its those damn Riteks, even though you did say you've had successful burns with them. Did you delete that pfc filter? On a hunch, try deleting Imgburn and re-downloading a fresh copy from the site here. I'm sure one of the other guys will be along and have other thoughts on your problem.
  25. after the firmware update, burn the same image again using the verbatim discs......... just a hunch that the failed burns started when you switched to the memorex media. Force of habit asking for logs as they show the media MID code and other pertinent info........
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