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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. kevdriver

    Imgburn Sigs

    Something tasteful would be nice. Something without frogs or mice humping, for example. *cough* Breasts?................
  2. @ Shamus
  3. h3lladvocate, Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00) These are jus crappy media, this is probabley the reason for your failing verifys. Get some verbatim DLs and try the same burn again.
  4. Quiky, Since you have had good burns I would say its not a filter driver, although you could ditch the pfc ( padus) driver with no harm done. Memorex medium is iffy, but the Verbs are great medium. Can you post a complete log of the failed burns...... Img>help>imglogs. This will help us see whats going on thats making the burns fail all of a sudden. There is also a firmware update for your drive.......... 1.29...... your using 1.23. www.rpc1.org
  5. kevdriver

    Imgburn Sigs

    Don't know mate, everythings been okay here ( Canada) No probs at all.
  6. Mattie, Yes it will burn DL discs. http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/stor...76/en/intro.htm For your info. This machine has been crossflashed to a benq 1640 also and works extremely well with the 1640 firmware as well.
  7. Sono, best thing for you to do is go to the Guides section and read it. Theres excellent guides there for what you need to do.
  8. Mattie, what make and model of burner are you using now? You will need a burner that is capable of DL burning.
  9. Why do people post for help but don't come back to follow their post up.......... Is it my cologne or what?........ :&
  10. Not familiar with that Arthur only know this one Hopefully the poster will get what I mean..........
  11. open Img, go to help>img logs>copy and paste into a post.
  12. tmogoodie, your trying to put a dual layer image onto a single layer blank media. Unless you pre arthur this image you'll never do it without errors. Also would reccommend switching from those discs, Phillips I think, to verbatims for a much better burn. W 13:33:35 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn! This is why Img went ahead with the burn. Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: INFOME-R20-00) Try some Verbs.
  13. condor, Is your standalone able to play PAL formatted discs. Standard region 1 is NTSC format standard. Unless you change the format your standalone may not recognize the disc being in PAL format standard.
  14. kevdriver

    5000 members

  15. ofy, under tools> settings in Img , make sure you have spti-microsoft checked off. In fact just hit default. Img runs perfectly well under default setting. Also go into tools>filter driver order and copy and paste the results here, if you could
  16. Ofy, can you go into help>img logs>copy and paste the entire log from there. It will give us a larger view of whats going on. Img is a burning program only not a ripper of any kind.
  17. kevdriver

    5000 members

    That would be quite the outting........... a bunch of enubriated beta team members out on the town in the UK. We could even find where the Boss lives and crash his place............ Unless of course he's leading us out on the towen and then we would have to think of something else...........
  18. psychme, Unfortunately, do to past legalities, we are unable to provide any help with copyguard circumvention. Do some searching for the help you need.
  19. JJB, It could very well work for you but with buffer fluctuations you will get a bad burn.......... as Volvo said just use the one instance of Img and use the queue feature to alternate burns between drives. This way your assured of a good quality burn everytime. Don't forget to use Verbs.
  20. JJB, not at the same time, two instances running may work okay on a very fast computer with oogles of memory but just use the queue mode and load up the images, if you have 2 burners you can set each image up to burn one after the other using different speeds etc....
  21. That it does......... !
  22. Hick50n, Img is a burn only program, not a ripper program. It does not and will not ever be able to circumvent copy protection of any kind...........
  23. DaveC, Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x) We reccommend only using Verbatims as blank media of choice. Try switching and see what happens, successful burns. CMC MAGS are really awful media. You may get some to work fine but most of the time you encounter problems such as yours.
  24. Could you post a log of the failed burn. Could be bad media etc etc........ the lof will give us more info. help>img logs>copy and paste.
  25. Dolt, The delete option is there for people to use by choice. I have used it several times with no problems, but like the others I normally just delete the images on my own because of personel preference. This option was implemented in Img because of a user request I imagine and the author thought it would be a good thing to have. Having worked perfect for me, doesn't mean it will work 100% for other peoples issues, there is a lot of variables for one code to cover. Its a poor worker that blames his tools for mishaps. I always test drive my programs before I use them for any serious work I may have. Perhaps the best thing for you to do is delete Img from your computer and find another free program that does the same excellent job that Img does. Good Luck in your search..........
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