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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Your not far from wrong Donta.
  2. jfkeenan, Imgburn is a BURN only program. It will read UNPROTECTED discs ONLY.It does Not circumvent copy protection full stop. DVDD could read protected discs which is why DVDD is no longer supported. Hope this clarifies.
  3. Yes, barracuda, not a problem.
  4. jaccarla, Vista is strange like that, some programs you must run them as administrator in order to get full functionality. Do as LUK mentioned as all should be okay. I've hit quite a few programs like this.
  5. I really wonder sometimes.............
  6. Bwahahahaahahaha Title of new book: My Recursive Life................
  7. 01010100011010000110000101101110011010110111001100100000010011010110000101110100 11001010010111000100000010010000110111101110000011001010010000001111001011011110 11010101110010001000000111011101100101011011000110110000100000011000010110111001 00100001000000100100100100000011101000110111101101111001000000110101001110101011 00110111010000100000011011000110111101110110011001010010000001100010011010010110 11100100000011100110111010101100011011010110110000101100010011011000110010100100 00011101000110100101110100011100110010111000100000001000000101010001100001011010 10110010100100000011000110110000101110010011001010010000000100000010010110110010 0111011000101110
  8. Ohay noway, otnay histway ginaway.................
  9. Shit Disturber Spinner................ . We have the same type of Zoning Bylaws up here, works well when it's in our favour..........
  10. It's because LUK gives a damn about the quality of his product. No fancy thingys, just a pure and clean product free of bloatware and that works the way it should.
  11. quinnsta, Could just be the media causing the booktype problem as well, Get some Verbs and try the burn again. As for buying Verbs, where do you live?
  12. quinnsta, Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) I believe a major part of your problem is these blank media your using. Try getting some Verbatim DVD+R DL media, these are just about the only ones that do the job right. The Riteks are pretty weak at DL burning.
  13. Possible media problem you have there. Can you post the log of the failed burn. IMG>help>logs>copy and paste. This will give us a better idea.
  14. kevdriver

    The Who

    Novel idea Corny, would have never thought of that........... I fiqured maybe Bands or something.
  15. jmsync, You shouldn't have to install any driver. Just leave Img on default setting with use SPTI by default.
  16. Bite me! Asshole... Hi Spinner, Great first post............... , but totally agree........
  17. The Boss must of had doubles for his birthday bash Polo........
  18. Shazza, we could really use more info here. Can you post a log of the failed burn. Img help>img logs> copy and paste.
  19. NotMickey8, Try burning those Sonys at manual speed of 2.4X not max. For sure fire results though, we reccomend Verbatim +R bland media both SL and DL formats. Its not the name of the disc thats important eg.... sony, memorex, whaterver, but the dye quality that is used on them. Verbatim work the best and always work.
  20. This suits me just fine.............
  21. Glad you got it sorted out............... touch wood.........
  22. As LUK just said, try some Verbatim +R media first, all else mostly cause the user problems. Update your version of Imgburn as well, then if these suggestions fail, look for help with your samsung burner.
  23. Your burner can't read what it just burn't, thats the reason for the failed verification process. This is a newer burner but you could try looking for firmware updates for it...... www.rpc1.org Theres been some problems with this burner under Vista, some users have had to switch to XP compatibility mode in order for it to work proper. Just google your model number and read. Also you should update Imgburn......... now at Your using
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