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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. kevdriver


  2. kevdriver


    Happy Birthday Donta.......... All the best, hope you have a great time
  3. lfc....... just as you posted mate......... no probs at all..........
  4. Woowser........ I'll have a good day now!!!
  5. Tom, just to confirm what lfc was saying about flashing your drive......... just did mine several minutes ago and it works like a charm...........
  6. lfc, I love flashing........ . Went over without a hitch mate. Thanks......
  7. Tom, looks like a fairly good burn. One thing the firmware for your drive is now at 1.29. Best to flash your drive with the updated firmware. www.rpc1.org That pioneer drive will auto booktype those DVD+Rs to DVD-ROM, this is okay as most bought DVDs are booked as ROMs since 99% of stand alone players read these fine.
  8. All thge best to you Polo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE!
  9. Pretty soon, sometime, just as soon as all the things have been throughly checked out.........
  10. Didn't reralize that lfc......... will look into it and flash it right away.......... from rpc..... or liggys ? Thanks for the info mate!
  11. Had a couple of bad rippers myself last night................ must have been something I ate....... :&
  12. And rightly so...........
  13. Glad it worked out for you cool.......
  14. 14:05:24 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RICOHJPN-D01-67) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x)
  15. #39;( #39;( #39;( There there Boss, I'll see if I can't find you a new Harold and mail him to you......... Harold The Hedgehog
  16. Ok, Great! I've oviously missed something again, haven't I ?
  17. pioneer 111D update Cool56, try downloading from here and flashing your unit again. Follow all instructions carefully.
  18. Cool56, first, the newest firmware for your drive is 1.29, not 1.23. www.rpc1.org Secondly, the Riteks you are using are pretty lousy, try getting some Verbatim +DLs and give your burn a whirl. Post back and let us know. Also set your burn speed to 2.4X not max, as this is the speed those discs are rated for.
  19. trueno, try burning those Ricohs at 2.4X and see what happens. They may be okay? We just recommend Verbs as the DL media of choice. Post back and let us know what happens. Have you tried using Imgs' build mode to create your .ISO image?
  20. trueno, by the looks of it your pioneer doesn't like those discs. Try burning again at 2.4X instead of max speed. If that fails, try the same image using Verbatim +DLs and see what happens. We highly reccommend these discs for dual layer burning.
  21. Murray, possible to post a log of the failed burn......... help>img logs>copy and paste. This will give the guys more info.
  22. Thanks for PM, glad the problem was solved for you.............
  23. ConvertX does a great job.......
  24. rikki, have you tried going into device manager and uninstalling the device and then restart computer and let it find the device again. This might help. I have the same drive running here with no problems. Also in img, under tools>settings>I/O, make sure your interface is STPI Microsoft is choosen. easier still, just click on the defaults button at the bottom, Img runs perfect on default settings.
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