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Everything posted by kevdriver

  1. Mstrbeau, Most DL discs have a dye formulation that allows a minimal burn speed of 2.4X. If you burn slower the dye may not pick up all the information and you could/will get errors. Irregardless of the rated speeds of DL discs, and I only use Verbatim +Rs, I burn at 2.4X to ensure the best chance of a successful burn.
  2. Still have my Thorns Turntable............. Don't have the heart to pitch it. Still use it on my sound system. I have a lot of old lPs that will never be released on CD so every once in a while.......................
  3. Hey Donta, this even comes with 45 & 78 adapters Like this? You'll love this... USB Turntable The greatest thing to happen to music since Smashy and Nicey hung up their headphones, this idiot-proof USB turntable allows you to transfer your vinyl collection directly on to your computer. More info...Great find on this stuff......
  4. Painman, I believe your problem is those Ritek discs your using, there pretty crappy. Thats why your verification bummed out. Do the same burn with Verbatim and you won't have any problems........ Also, just burn the DLs at 2.4X regardless what speed the manufacturer shows they can be burn't at. Basically your drive is having difficulty reading back from the media it just wrote to.
  5. ouch!
  6. Why do I try................
  7. Bill, use Imgburn in write mode and hit the big green arrow thingy on the bottom.......... First you need to build a burnable image by using Imgburn in build mode.
  8. This usually means theres another program running that has access to that drive as well. Do you have incd or anything else installed? Noticed as well, your Princo discs are pretty crappy. Its best to use Verbatim DVD-R for SL burns.
  9. Could you, post a log of the failed burn please. img>help>img logs>copy and paste. What brand name does that media code come from anyways? Never seen it before.
  10. Apologies Craxytaxi, I was referring to the multiple burning part of your question. Img allows you to queue up multiple burners and burn one after another but not multiple burns at once. I believe Nero can do 2 burns at once but you'll have to keep searching for other apps that also do this.....
  11. kevdriver


    Hmmmmmmmmm, melt in your mouth db...............
  12. Errrrrrr Crazytaxi, Please read the whole thread closely, your questions has been answered.
  13. kevdriver


    Got em here in Canada too db, there delicious..................
  14. Yes. Just because theres no receivers there ( our human Ear ) The tranmitter of the noise is still there ( the tree hitting the ground ) so I would say yes! eg: your car produces exhaust in the summer, just because its too warm to produce the visible vapors, doesn't mean there're not there, there are there winter and summer, visible or not. Did that make any sense at all.........
  15. Hey Kirk, Try burning at 2.4X on DL media even if they can handle faster burns, not that that is an issue here, but it will increase your chances of a good burn. The logs look alright, and the discs do play well in your Panasonic, so like the others I'm assuming its your toshiba player that just doesn't like them. If it was a bad burn thingy then more than likely even your Panasonic would cough when viewing the finished product.
  16. Hey Kirk, Help>imglogs>copy and paste.....
  17. You should sell ensurance Ken.........
  18. As Ken said, Get Verbs +DL! The error means the drive can't read what it just wrote, usually crappy media problem. You'll be surprized the difference good media makes.
  19. kevdriver


    Happy Birthday Minty................... All the Best
  20. sorry..im in the UK.. cheers..(nice picture) Check out Polos' link in his post right above.
  21. aw, mais qui!, naist pas?
  22. This should be in chat but, where do you live Can,USA, etc...
  23. That would have been another check......... blank media type. We reccommend Verbs to back up DL images because they're just about the only ones that do it with a exceptional success rate. Get back to us on how the burn went using the verbs when your done.
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