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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Thanks! Check out Doctor Who there. Many Trivia and Notes entries are mine. Like here: http://www.tv.com/doctor-who/the-evil-of-t...p_list;title;36 All but two of the entries under Notes and Trivia are mine.
  2. dbminter

    mbi and liteon

    HA! I'm the ONLY one who sees the truth here! There was no wedding! The zombie movies were a front! I've seen Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind! In theaters! And was probably the only one! Grain's concocted a carefully intricate Dalek master plan to get to Cuba and assassinate Castro! Well, castrate Castro, maybe. Come on! With a name like Castro, who can resist the pun?! Oh, and don't think I haven't noticed you either, lfc! In on it, too! Winking and sending private messages! You're in on this monstrous plot, too! Admit it. ADMIT IT!
  3. dbminter

    Fall back?

    I don't recall blu e'er saying Dnalaez Wen...
  4. dbminter

    Fall back?

    Beats how my mother can't change the one in her's even with my help! I remember last year: "Okay, now, press the button on the far right. ... your OTHER right... the one most call their left. Yeah, that's it." (True story!)
  5. dbminter

    Oh, Christ...!

    Now, the Spam will come even faster! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,226096,00.html Yep, for, now, they really CAN claim that a plane crash took lives. But, somehow, I doubt it will make the Spam are more factual. That their beloved father was on board and they need our help to get money out of the secret bank accounts. So... is it possible...? That the Spammers are no so desperate that to make the Nigerian scam seem legit... they've taken to taking down planes from the sky using shoulder mounted rockets?! Why not? Spammers are now actually hiring people to pretend to be "real" if someone should e-mail the spam sent out by the spambot to addresses on adultfriendfiner, etc. to make themselves appear legit. Even creating fake web blog sites. Would not blasting planes in flight be the next logical step?
  6. dbminter

    Try this!

    Actually, peace by total destruction has been my mantra for about 10 years now. There can be no war if all who make war are dead. So, if only people could be like LiteOn CD drives: always dying on me. It's such a pure and perfect plan. I was supposed to bring the peace of Colossus to people: the peace of everlasting plenty or the peace of unburied dead. Then, when I was the only person left, kill myself leaving no humans left, and peace would rein supreme throughout the world. Und der Cherub steht vor Gott... Davros would then apply pressure of his thumb, enough to break the glass, and then all the rest of the life in the universe would be gone along with us and himself and his Daleks and Terry Nation.
  7. dbminter

    Fall back?

    Okay, I've a question. Here in the United Sates, recent regulation has changed Daylight Savings Time, or whatever it is, to occur in November now, instead of the last Sunday of October. So, what about all our PC's? Can they be updated to automatically auto correct? What about all our VCR's, TV's, DVD recorders, DVD players, digital watches, digital clocks, Playstation 2 units...?
  8. dbminter

    Try this!

    Boy, did THIS ever get most of it wrong! Your birth tree is Cypress Tree The Faithfulness - Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, happy content, optimistic, needs enough money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic and careless. Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, happy content, optimistic: wrong x 6. Needs enough money. OBVIOUSLY! Passionate lover that cannot be satisfied... well, I'd like to think I'm the former and not the latter. But, never had the chance to test it out. Faithful? Unto death and beyond. Too much so, actually. Quick-tempered. Yeah, I'd have to say that. 20 years of patience has finally worn thin. Unruly? No. Pedantic? (Look it up.) Yes and no. I do think that there should be rules and that those that should be there MUST be followed. But, otherwise, nay. Careless? Well, when my mind is my own to control, no. But, since I've always been mentally enthralled in all moments when I needed mine as honed as a sharp witted wombat, it was always in the control of another. So, I didn't. The Life Path 2 suggests that you entered this plane with a spiritual quality in your makeup allowing you to be one of the peacemakers in society. Oh, did they get THIS wrong! I?! A peacemaker in society?! Maybe at some point in the past... eh, not even then.
  9. I find it funny that Section 9 makes a post and Kev's avatr is probably as good as the Major is going to get to anything in real life!
  10. dbminter


    Yeah, it's like asking them "Don't you go fucking too much now, son!"
  11. I guess in keeping with my past idea: Friends would let female friends wear CMC Mags as bikini tops!
  12. Well, unfortunately, not everything shows up in Add/Remove. Also check your Start Menu entries for these programs. There are Uninstall entries there that won't show up in Add/Remove due to well, usually sloppy programming. And, sometimes, there are uninstallers in the program directories that aren't referenced ANYWHERE.
  13. Yes... this seems to happen randomly across the system and more often than I am comfortable with. With no apparent reason. I get the same thing a lot with Firefox and other browsers, along with Eudora. My guess is it's related to how high speed connections, e.g. always on, work. They go up and down all the time, and then reconnect themselves. In fact, you're urged by tech support to not turn off the cable modem... however, more often than not, it's the only way to get a real reconnection when they disconnect you. Anyway, my guess is that during these brief outages, the software in question detects it and goes into Offline mode.
  14. Well, there won't be a need for a second Add/Remove Programs. Regardless of where they are installed to, anything that will have an entry in Add/Remove will appear in Windows's Add/Remove Programs. There's only the one Add/Remove Programs.
  15. No, don't do that! You'll destroy all of time and space if you do!
  16. Sorry, you have me at a bit of a loss. A control panel for a hard drive? Or, something from Control Panel that accesses the 2nd drive? I can think of a few things that can give you some access to them, but, for different reasons: Add Hardware, Administrative Tools, and System.
  17. What surprised him the most was I correctly predicted the first President of the 21st century! (Wow... the smilie programmer doesn't know whacko is spelled with an h...)
  18. Friday Night Anal Probes?
  19. Friends don't let friends drive drunk... or do this...! Saw it over on Afterdawn and couldn't resist passing along such sage advice.
  20. Pain_Man passed this one along to me. A disturbing trend indeed. http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/index.php?p=114 The funny, ironic, and even sad thing is that at the start of DVD's, Hollywood thought the only way to make them profitable was to secure the PC side's support. By making DVD players standard in a PC they gradually wanted to introduce people to them. I had my first DVD player inside a PC. (I keep forgetting that one I had in 1999 in my PC and rarely used before the PS2. ) Now, Hollywood is willing to toss aside PC users because it's done with them?
  21. Yeah, I've used duct tape, styrofoam, all kinds of patches over the years when they didn't have a spare bay or, for whatever reason, the drive obstinately refuses into a bay, etc. Now, I just say fuck it and slip the bast into an external enclosure! I think the weirdest fix I ever had to employ was on my first 286 machine. Something in the fan made it rattle and whine when turned on. The only thing that stopped this LOUD, distracting whine was to do two things, BOTH necessary: first, hang the printer cable from a nail on the wall; second, place a heavy object (I used a brick.) on top of the case. REAL annoying. Still, beat the one machine where I had to open the case every time I needed to reinstall Windows. It always locked up detecting the SCSI card I needed that I put in the PCI slot during detecting the hardware. BUT it WOULD detect it POST a Windows install. So, had to open the case, remove the card, install Windows, then, reinsert the card, install it, test it, then wait a few days to make sure all was well before replacing the cover. Sort of like how when XP SP 1 first came out and that ASPI.SYS or whatever it was was not being freed in XP. Thus, with some things like Alcohol, the IDE optical drives had to be disconnected to update Alcohol there for a while post SP 1 install before they fixed the installer to work right.
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