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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. In most likely cases. Imagine to have died on August 28th, but, the world at large only knowing until October 10th? What a delay! Anyway, legendary animation designer Ed Benedict died at 94, but, the news wires in the whole are only just now passing along this information to the public. 5 days after his 94th birthday, the cartoonist, who created the character designs for so many well known Hanna-Barbera characters, to name just a few: Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, and the four Flintstones' principle characters, laid down his pencil. From my perspective as a fan of animation, it was his years over at MGM that I remember the best. He was recruited over there by Tex Avery, IMO, the best animation man who ever lived, when Avery defected there himself after not receiving the credit he felt he deserved for many things. (He was instrumental in designing the character of Bugs Bunny.) In particular on two Droopy shorts, Deputy Droopy and Dixieland Droopy. Per his wishes, there was no service for Benedict. He was cremated and his ashes spread out into the same waters as his wife's had been, preceding him. With his passing, only a handful of the pioneers of animation remain. I can think of only three at the moment. Joe Barbera, Bill Melendez, and Bill Littlejohn.
  2. Yes, it was officially announced on Weird Al's site. #10 DEBUT!!! We are extremely pleased to announce that "Straight Outta Lynwood" debuts on the Billboard charts at #10 - making it Al's very first Top 10 album ever! Thanks, everybody!! BREAKING NEWS "White & Nerdy" is the Hot Shot Debut (the highest charting debut single of the week) on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. It enters at #28... which already makes it Al's highest charting single in over 22 yea
  3. The spoiled child is not a bad analogy. In fact, many times, when people have told me Kim Jong Il is a madman, I've said he just acts like a spoiled child. He's not a madman. As you said, since they don't have the means to deliver any considerable payloads any difference, he's not something to take seriously yet. The worst he can do is start a domino effect. He bombs someone near him who is friends with a bigger dog who goes and rounds up his gang and attacks North Korea. Which riles up the bigger dogs on the side of North Korea to bite back. So, what he's got is that bone to use to attract all the dogs and hope to get some table scraps by accepting some capitulations from diplomacy. That if he can just get X out of threatening to use a device, it was worth it for him.
  4. It also appears to have been far less than North Korea actually wanted, but, probably set it off anyway, knowing if they didn't at least create the equivalent of a nuclear fart they'd not be treated seriously in any way on the global scale.
  5. Well, looks like they finally did it. And, maybe, the ball will FINALLY get rolling here! It is by no means a certainty by this point. But, the indications are North Korea went ahead with their nuclear test. Now, it's just a 4.6 magnatude earthquake detected. Of course, this same quake HAD been only 3.6 before. And, naturally, "senior Bush officials" have already been quoted by Fox News as saying it was a nuclear test. Which means diddly shit. BUT, there was also the 20 minute warning supposedly given to China before the test began. So, for all intents and purposes, it really does look like a test went on as scheduled. Of course, until I see reports of detectable rads of Angstrom radiation, I am open to skepticism. However, I say, if it was a test, let's finally get this party started! Let's get those things flying and dropping and banish the silence of the night. Imagine, no more nightfall if everything is irradiated by day. BOOM! To quote the Kingston Trio: But we can be tranquil And thankful and proud, For man's been endowed With a mushroom-shaped cloud! And we know for certain that some lovely day Someone will set the spark off, and we will all be blown away! They're rioting in Africa. There's strife in Iran. What nature doesn't do to us will be done by our fellow man!
  6. Could be Sony's player. Sony makes notoriously shitty stuff when they make it themselves. I once returned a VHS/DVD combo to the store because stuff burned ON Sony media BY a "true" Sony drive, i.e. not a rebadged LiteOn, etc. that played even on the PS2 would not be recognized on Sony's SLV-D300P. My review was not the only one that mentioned the word RETURN on Amazon.com.
  7. You know how sometimes we learn something new and it marks an elemental point in consciousness? We learn something so amazing that its sheer existence wobbles and/or boggles the mind? I came across one just now. Did you know that in Alcohol, the burning software, you will get this titled dialog box if you try to erase a disc without a disc in the drive? "Please insert an blank disc into the following CD/DVD-Recorder to continue." Granted, the developers are German, so, that can explain the "an blank" grammatical error. But, the rest is sheerly a simple logic error! In order to use the drive for the disc erase function you have initiated, you must first insert a blank disc, which is already erased or not erasable if it is a WORM, in order to use it? So, the erase function will only work for discs that have already been erased?
  8. Well, I do keep up to date with the official Who site. I check it at least once a month, on the 2nd.
  9. I had a similar experience with The Horror Of Fang Rock. When it first aired on my local PBS affiliate, I was very sick over that weekend and fell asleep before it aired. So, I had to catch it on its rerun about 2 years later. Horror is the only official appearance of the Rutan. As you mention, they are referenced in, at least, The Sontaran Experiment, coming soon to DVD, if not out in R2 already. Big Finish has used them for Benny Summerfield, and they did appear in the Sontaran direct to video adventure, Shakedown. Plus, many other assorted appearances, mostly in novels. I always thought it funny that the Rutan resembled a lime sourball that had been dropped on the floor after partially licking it. I love Terrance Dicks talking about how green is always the choice of Doctor Who monster color in (More Than) Thirty Years In The TARDIS. "Green! Green! Why is it that the common color of most of the monsters is always green?!"
  10. I decided to save money and steal it. ER- I ordered it at the same time as the The Weird Al Show DVD from Amazon.com to get both the discounts off the prices on each and to get free shipping, even though it will take longer in arriving. I couldn't even find the album at Best Buy on Wednesday. Found The Weird Al Show, though.
  11. You take what you can get. Well, in most cases. The only ultra speed CD-RW's around here are Memorex. Tried a pack of them since they were selling them in 3's, knowing full well they'd probably be problematic. Strangely, they were, since Memorex's CD-RW's in the past, I had no problem with INFODISC, and, though these were, they behaved as expected, given Memorex's past track record. Thus, I take the only 6x and 8x rewritable DVD media around. Must have been that one disc as I have not gotten a repeat of that incident since, and, I don't know which disc that log was from.
  12. Hey, it looks like Straight Out Of Lynwood cracked the Billboard Top 10! #10, but, it got into the top 10 slots! I'm not sure, but, could this be the highest value a Weird Album has ever climbed up the charts?
  13. Got this line in a recent log, writing to 6x Ritek DVD-RW, RITEKW06, in the NEC 4570: I 23:53:21 Media Type: DVD-RW (Speeds: 1x, 2x, 3.1x, 4.2x, 5.2x, 6.3x) Starting at 3.1x... well, I've never even seen 3x before at all. 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x. But 3? And, as for decimal values, I've seen .2 as normal on a lot of + media speeds. And, only within the last few years have I seen .1 attached to some of the common bases, like 4 and 6. But, LUK says that's normal, so, I believe him. But, what about some of these weird values? 5.2x? And particularly 6.3x? One drive only returned 6x and 2x as supported write strategies. The only 6x capable drive had 2x, 4x, and 6x. The 4x max drive returned only 4x and 2x, as expected. So, should these strange values worry me in any way?
  14. There is one sort of multiple folder selection, but, it's kind of outside the scope of this, probably. You can select an entire drive at once, like, say, the root of a CD that is inserted into a drive. Just selecting D:\, say.
  15. So, you no longer work? Sorry, just ribbin' ya! Glad you got it worked out. Enjoy your stay, best o' luck , and all that rot! Don't worry. I'm just the board's resident loon! I need some sleep...
  16. I was thinking about the multi-track images, like audio CD's, not being supported at the moment but will be in the future. And, I was wondering if this might be considered because it should be a fairly simple addition to make. I was thinking of, well, it's kind of hard to describe in simple terms. i.e. I can't think right off the bat if there's an accepted term for it. Anyway, a user can set an option for, basically, choosing an external burner application. For instance, when ImgBurn returns the dialog "Invalid or unsupported image file format!" that this could be extended to prompt for an external application to run to burn it. Say, Nero or whatever. And, this could also be set by the user to always run that application. The dialog can even set it once the user selects something for the first time. And, it could even include an option to do nothing for newbies to select if they're afraid of what is going on/don't know/aren't sure what to do. It may be considered "advertising" other applications, but, I know WinZip, WinRAR, and other applications allow users to define external applications for some file types and operations. And, web browsers also usually allow the user to define ext. apps. for file types to run on them. So, I figured I'd toss it out as a suggestion to handle these file types in the interim. Granted, finding any space in the real estate of the GUI to add a button to run the external burner app might be an issue. But, it can always be off the GUI entirely and be a drop down menu option. Short of bundling an external app that can burn multi-track images and allah forbid that happens I figured that it might make a good stop gap idea for multi-track images until they are internally supported by ImgBurn. Plus, having it just as a general option would also be handy and save the user some work. Albeit, it would make for a pretty lazy user.
  17. Nope. But, here's a BIG spoiler... Starbuck's a WOMAN in this new series! About real Starbuck spoilers there's only one in the premiere... and, it's a revelation that I saw coming about a year and a half ago. If one just keeps their eyes open and remembers past plot points. HA! I loved it! The Doctor introducing himself as a former companion! Sweet! And one that, plus, had had his mind supposedly wiped of his time with the Doctor to boot!
  18. Now, did me ears deceive me or did the Doctor introduce himself as Dr. James McCrimmon at the start of Tooth And Claw!?
  19. dbminter

    Netscape 8.1

    In all fairness, I did not test Firefox extensions with it. I know from my past testing that the .X whatever extension of the files automatically opened in Netscape when double clicked, because Netscape was last installed after Firefox had been. So, they may actually work. But, if they did, why didn't the Extensions page for Netscape just link to the Firefox one?
  20. dbminter

    Netscape 8.1

    Now this just BOGGLES the mind...! I never noticed this in the update to Netscape, 8.1, that was released 10 months ago... and the reason why makes it obvious. Install or update to Netscape 8.1 or 81.2, the current update, and check out its About screen. There, it openly states: "Netscape 8.1x BASED ON FIREFOX!" Now, Netscape had been based on Mozilla for, well, forever. BUT now it is openly copying Firefox instead of trying to make something of itself? It's even copying the Extensions, except there are currently no Extensions for it. Why? If it's based on Firefox, then, the Extensions NOT working for it are just typical fucker regressing. I guess Netscape is now in its 2nd death throes. At least if it has to copy something, it's working off of something that had worked well at one point. But, why copy it at a point when Firefox seems to be getting worse? Also, why bother with Netscape as an alternate browser anymore? If it just copies Firefox and is sitting around waiting to implement things Firefox already has and can't work in Netscape, what's the point?
  21. I call's them as I see them... or, in my case, can't... uh...
  22. dbminter

    Housing Prices

    I guess you've never seen Doctor Who?
  23. Oh, a line like that writes its own gags!
  24. Episodes I have seen, but, not JUST the only ones I have thus far. The Christmas Invasion New Earth School Reunion Rise Of The Cybermen The Age Of Steel Army Of Ghosts Doomsday And, oh, is the end of this season an absolute cracker! I am glad they've coupled new Who with new Galactica. Before they were pairing new Who with old Galactica.
  25. Oh, yeah, always COULD be. One of the things that makes life's failures more painful in the end. But, Sony's track record with the Playstation going to PS2 doesn't bode well. My original Playstation had to have its entire motor/laser assembly replaced in 2000. By late 2003, it needed it replaced again. My PS2 also has already needed 1 motor/laser assembly replaced, too.
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