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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. I still think it depends on the region of origin. It seems that R1 RITEKG05's, though not the best, are nowhere near as problems as the R2 RITEKG05's seem to be. I've only had 5 or less that were problematic a year later, readable, but, required different drives to read different parts, and rebuild the image.
  2. I wish there was a similar buy back program offered by/for CMC!
  3. Combined with the Randomizer and the Dodecahedron, that makes for a powerful combination!
  4. Navy Lark? That was just Pertwee's negative reactions from reversing the polarity of the neutron flow of the Mind Probe.
  5. I thought all fairies were considered evil in Britain. Well, up until 1966, wasn't it?
  6. Christopher Eccleston appears to have signed on to appear in the series Heroes. He may end up playing the serial killer. Another reason to like Heroes... even if it shameless rips off J. Michael Straczynski's Rising Stars comic book.
  7. So... does this image depict the first Idiot's Lantern in Doctor Who? There's just something about the "look" on that Cyberman's face, coupled with a lantern on top of his head...
  8. Now, there are some random/rare cases of drives versus the disc you're using where the drive didn't properly quick erase a disc and those drives need to fully erase the disc at least once. This is usually fixed with later firmware that better supports the write strategy the disc uses. Unfortunately, the only way you're going to find out is by actually doing it and encountering it. In general, though, you're best off just leaving it on the Quick Erase ImgBurn will do before the burn. Then, if you encounter a burn that repeated fails or a verify that fails, try the Full Erase and see. e.g. Ritek 6x DVD-RW and 8x DVD+RW current write strategies don't seem to be tolerated well when burned by the current firmware in the NEC 4570. It will burn them properly the first time and then require Full Erases most of the time to reuse them.
  9. Yes, but, the titty does hold a higher place over the pussy...
  10. Man, the fuckers sure don't make this shit anywhere roughly near possible to tolerate do they... Okay, YES the files CAN be copied... but a necessary conversion to make them DVD compatible produces an output that is only HALF the length of the combined files because EVEN THOUGH IT GODDAMN TAKES THE FUCKING TIME TO PROCESS... it only ever produces a converted possible candidate of the FIRST file copied into the combination! Unless, maybe, there's a 4 GB limit to the MPG file type? Not the filesystem, as I made sure to use my NTFS for the target. One of the few reasons I have the bloody thing around. Oh, and to save me the time of looking it up again later the full syntax is: copy /b 1.mpg + 2.mpg 3.mpg
  11. Great... now it's FUCKING stopped doing it like it did BEFORE... CHRIST!
  12. CURDSes! Foiled again! You've SPOILED my fun.
  13. Or, an even more bizarre interpretation, courtesy of Fred Perry: http://gd-tangent.tsunami-art.com/view.aspx?Rec=165
  14. Apparently, the source of the above: http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=18897 Oh, GOD! THIS IS FANTASTIC! I love pirates!
  15. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=18812 If they did combine forces to create this music video to tell us how they really feel of us... MY GOD! THEY ART NIGH UNSTOPPABLE!
  16. SAY NO MORE! http://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Who-Invasion-...=UTF8&s=dvd
  17. Oh, can the Doctor survive? http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/d...p;alreadySeen=1 Normally, I'm not a fan of Flash type animation in any format, but, even disregarding the "It's better no video at all argument," I must say, I like what I've seen so far. I HOPE this gets an R1 release!
  18. Technically, it's Mozilla's bug, but, there seems to be a slight brute force way around it. First, check out these sites I found on it: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.ph...f7629466ba190c6 http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/tips#beh_taf Apparently, USER.JS can be edited to reflect this. Which one could infer means that it may be possible create some kind of import scheme to fix this manually with just a click. Anyway, from what I could gather, at the following changes should be made: In the Address Bar, enter about:config and press Enter. Near the top of the list, you'll find accessibiltiy.typeaheadfind and a bunch of subfields using the same boolean values. To change a value, right click on it when it's highlights and choose Toggle. accessibiltiy.typeaheadfind With this one, whenever the ' bug shows itself, you can manually turn it off by using the about:config and see if this value has been turned to TRUE. Turn it to FALSE and it should go turn off. (I have not actually had the chance to TEST this yet, though.) accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart This one should default to False, but, it more often than not is set to True. Set it to False. accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly Set this to True. If set to False, ' will allow searches in normal text. This is a really brute force kludge work around. It does not turn off the search but changes it into a search function to search through something you won't normally search through. accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout Lastly, this one can change the time out value before TypeAheadFind turns itself off automatically. Use Modify to change this value. And, if you never use this function like I do, set it to 1, which means after 1 millisecond, the Search function will stop. IN THEORY. Again, untested.
  19. Dr. Demento even said it was most likely the return of the new series to Sci-Fi Channel that garnered so many requests for the show.
  20. This topic is really starting to suckle!
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