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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Wow... The Christmas Invasion only just finishes airing... and they've already announced Season 2 is coming to DVD in R1 in January.
  2. Yet another of the myriad examples of a "standard" that no one adheres to.
  3. After 10 minutes, I've only got 19. However... one of the answers is VERY corny... Some of these answers are NOT horror films, which makes it a bit harder... OMG! I typoed one, and it accepted it! "cream" by accident! 15 minutes, 21 so far. 22 minutes, 22 answers. 23 for 23. 24 for 24. I want to get at least HALF of them. Hurrah! 25 for 25. Oh, the "sixth" one... what a BAD pun! 26 for 26. 27 in 28. 28 in 29. Well, I'm stuck at 31. Will save and try some more later.
  4. Benji? Can't say I ever saw that. I did see that CBS series, though Benji, Zack, And The Alien Prince circa 1984. I did not see Star Wars until after Empire Strikes Back. And, I only saw those two because they were rereleased for Return Of The Jedi. And, to be honest, I only went to see them because everyone else was. They weren't bad, by any stretch of the imagination. But, even ever since 1983, when I first saw the movies, I was not blown away by them. Like everyone else. But, everyone else can go to Hell. When everyone else starts to acknowledge anything I like as something deserving a following, then, we can talk about those that I won't recognize. This is how the king of the world would run things. Deal with it. I do not remember my first movie experience exactly. I just know it was one of these movies, as these are my earliest movie memories from Phoenix, Arizona: Battle Beyond The Stars The Black Hole Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown Now, I have to admit, I really liked The Black Hole. When I saw it in later years, I started to understand more of the symbolism involved. As a kid, I liked it for the special effects and robots. Later on, I liked the story and later after that, the subtext involved inside it. And, Battle Beyond The Stars is NOT the worst I've ever seen. Because, I somehow managed to get my ass in front of Howard The Duck, Leonard Part 6, Great White, and Metalstorm: The Destruction Of Jared Syn IN theaters! I even saw Metalstorm WITH the 3-D glasses on!
  5. Two entertainment news items of recent note that make me doubt so much of reality and the world. Enough to make me want to hang myself. Both from IMDB. Up first... well... just, wow... Dustin Diamond Sex Tape "Former teen TV star Dustin Diamond is reportedly the star of a candid new sex tape in which he romps with two women. The 29-year-old, who played geek Screech Powers in Saved By The Bell, engages in a number of sexual acts with the women in the 40-minute tape. Agent David Hans Schmidt has acquired the rights and is currently seeking a distributor for Saved By The Smell. Schmidt tells the New York Daily News, "Just when you think you have seen everything in this business, mankind has raised the bar another notch. Or lowered it." Diamond's manager Roger Paul hopes the tape will raise his client's profile and help resurrect the acting career that collapsed when Saved By The Bell ended in 1997. He says, "I haven't seen the tape. I've heard rumors. Dustin has been trying to escape the Screech typecast. So this may help me get more bookings." Diamond will welcome any royalties he gets from the tape - in June he launched a campaign to save his home from foreclosure, by selling autographed T-shirts on the internet." What I find the saddest thing is how I didn't even know this guy was younger than I was. And, yet, despite given the above, he still... well, you can put two and two together. I should just because from this point, it ain't gonna get any easier or any better. In a world like THAT. The second: Actor Edward Albert died of lung cancer at 55. His father was Eddie Albert, who almost lived to be 100. He would have been back in April. His father's death is listed as two things: pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease. It just makes you think. A guy can live to be 99, and, then, a year later, your son dies of cancer at near half that age. Things like this really put the oddity of life into perspective. Like how I had wondered about my grandmother. How I was thinking that when she died, my "purpose" may be at an end. It was my current function in life, as I could find no other. Then, less than a day later, she died on 9-11 earlier this month. So, what is life trying to tell us here? In the words of Robert Stack about thinking 1941 would be a big hit and that he told the Zuckers he'd only take Airplane! "as long as it didn't interfere with my success on 1941!" He said: "So, what I guess I'm really trying to say here is that nothing makes any sense!"
  6. dbminter

    Getting Smart?

    Well, there was the one that Don Adams almost didn't appear in at all. That was wasn't that good.
  7. Reminder to US viewers! New Doctor Who episodes start this Friday! With a mini-marathon of episodes: Dalek, The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Boom Town, Bad Wolf, and The Parting Of The Ways. Then, shortly thereafter, The Christmas Invasion and New Earth. The Christmas Invasion is listed as 90 minutes, so, my guess is "The Christmas Invasion" is BOTH The Christmas Invasion and Attack Of The Graske. So, US viewers pay attention to that schedule that the premiere is actually 2 and a HALF hours long, and not just 2. You'll thank me for it later.
  8. Looks like we lost some posts. Anyway, FINALLY got to see the Cyberman action figure, no thanks to SOMEONE in particular. They were being offered in the latest Previews catalog here in the US. Even offering the Cyberman telephone alarm thingy.
  9. dbminter

    Getting Smart?

    Be sure to use CONTROL singing code! "Curds and whey" means KAOS agent; cigarette means imposter and "whistlestop" means get away!
  10. Here's an interesting update on this: http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/2006-09-27/ Dogs Can Sniff Out Pirated DVDs -- But There's a Hitch "Efforts by the Motion Picture Association of America to use dogs trained to smell the chemicals used to produce DVDs to nab movie bootleggers at airports have run into a hitch, the Washington Post suggested today (Wednesday). The newspaper said that two Labradors, Lucky and Flo, who were trained in Ireland by a man who also trains dogs to sniff out bombs, made an appearance in Washington Tuesday to demonstrate their talent (after already discovering a cache of bootleg DVDs at Stansted Airport near London). One "potential embarrassment," the Post observed: pirated DVDs smell just like legal ones."
  11. Is it possible to use an optical drive's own laser to destroy it?
  12. We may have to add this to the FAQ.
  13. Oh, don't worry. Maybe, someday, if I'm lucky, I'll swallow that last handful of pills as per my daily retinue and my system can't take the shock anymore. Liver failure or something like that. Some sweet day... 40 YEARS FROM NOW!
  14. I'll give it a shot, sometime in the far distant future after we are all dust when I'll have the TIME to do it. Thanks!
  15. Well, if you examine my post carefully, it was to determine a way to figure this out.
  16. Well, my list of Extension is easy, because, I've tested it under the best condition. Here it is: " " None. My guess is that some remnant of something is still in there from the past. Because, my tests last month on a system with Firefox installed basic had the script problem occur far fewer times.
  17. Eh, just make some napalm derivitive instead with gasoline and styrofoam. And, no, I won't be saying what missing steps are needed because they require a bathtub and a double boiler to... ah, damn it!
  18. dbminter

    Getting Smart?

    Who said I don't understand? I understand better than any of you that the CONTROL Honeymooners' kit must contain knock-out drops, throwing knife, and brass knuckles.
  19. Well, I can tell you ONE thing I'm not high on, as someone won't even acknowledge it... but, it ain't photos of the Cybermen action figure! Let's see. Just to give people a laugh. I currently daily take 1 Atenolol for hypertension, 1 Celebrex for inflammation in the back, 2 Neurontin for neuropathy, and 4 Ultram for pain. The answer you're probably looking for is the Celebrex. That supposedly makes its victims hyper.
  20. Well, what's primarily wrong is using Rapidshare. Sorry, couldn't resist digging into them a little. They get on my nerves. Links that are dead within a day, flagging nearly everything as someone complained about them, so, in effect, they get deleted nearly instantly, etc.
  21. dbminter

    Getting Smart?

    My favorite was the portable Cone Of Silence, connecting the Chief's and Smart's heads together by a single short tube! "The Cone Of Silence, Max? But that thing doesn't work. It NEVER worked!"
  22. At last, I am given my due. Props unto me. As for being the One, I am the One that is, I am the One that was, and I am the One that will be. I am the Alpha and the Omega. And, as evidenced by my work here, I am also a Beta. Alpha and Omega be! Changed from glory into gory! :& Oh, what faith to trust me more!
  23. Well, that's a bit different... as Santa deined to show up. God wouldn't. If he shows his face, then, he proves he exists, and, without faith he is nothing.
  24. Okay, also fucking fed up with Microsoft's idiotic Search thing in XP. It goes about on its merry way, then, randomly, encounters something it doesn't like, says to itself, "I don't like this, so, I'm just going to sit here and do nothing. But, I won't tell the user I've stopped so it appears I'm still going." In essence, the search stops randomly but keeps on going, so, it never finishes. So, I thought I'd ask for any recommendations for external installable applications that can do the same thing as Windows Search in the Start Menu does. Something FREE; I've ALREADY paid for XP. Basically, I just need something that can find files by a given name/extension, allows wildcards, will search within files for text, search sub-folders, and search hidden/system files. Yes, I DO have to list all these things because there will always be some app that idiotically does ALMOST all of these, yet, leaves out a key idiocy, like searching for system/hidden files. Thanks!
  25. Okay, finally got goddamned sick and tired of it. So, figured if anyone knew, knowing full well I'll most likely get nothing. Is there a way to "diagnose" WHICH fucking scripts are the culprits whenever Firefox opens that window that says "Warning: Unresponsive Script" and basically all you can do is say keep going, which just reopens the window, or Cancel the script. If I could actually FIND out which script it was, I could, maybe, do something about it. I know some Extensions are notoriously poorly written in this aspect, such as Session Manager, and other session based Extensions. So, figuring out WHAT the script in question is would be VERY helpful. Yet, I've no idea where to look to see what it would be. Any ideas?
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