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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. "No, no, no! It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yatch, but, it's pronounced Throat Warbler Mangrove!"
  2. Rent it from a store and get your PS2 chipped.
  3. Of course, the funny thing is both sides are taking this out of control. Cheney shot someone, that's news! He shouldn't have tried to keep the story down. BUT, it was an accident, and, even if the guy died, it would not have been a crime that the Vice President would need to step down for. As usual, the problem with people blinded by partisan politics, which always results from a dominating dual party system, is they are color blind: they fail to see grey.
  4. dbminter

    Snow Storm

    Now, now, now. Everyone who grew up in the era of the G.I. Joe/Action Force cartoon knows that when you discuss climate control, it's always Destro and Cobra's Weather Dominator at fault! In fact, I think on the old board, I once accused Florida's Bush and King Bush II of collusion because interestingly enough, after Bush won re-election, the dreaded predicted storms didn't hit that year. So, makes you wonder... how did Louisiana vote? Did they go for Bush or for Kerry?
  5. Actually, if that jolly swag man had had waterwings, he'd probably not have escaped the stockman and the troopers by drowning and turning himself into a singing ghost.
  6. Of course, it also depends how you're zeroing out the drive. Writing just a zero to every area is faster than, say, the more secure wipe method of writing a 0, erase it, write a 1, erase it, write a 0, and check that the write reads 0, and repeat for 32 passes. It might just be easier to use something like Partition Magic to safely delete the partition, create a new, blank, unformatted one in the empty space, image the partition, then safely delete the new partition, create a 2nd new blank, unformatted one, and then restore the imaged partition, and safely delete it. While it seems like a lot of useless steps, the partition sizes will be small since hardly any data will be used, thus, making the restores, creations, and deletes quick. Plus, creating and deleting multiple partitions to the same area should make it very difficult to recover anything through means beyond electron tunnelling.
  7. dbminter


    Here, there may be 5 offerings a year, and they all want 5 years experience either with network certification plus the 5 years or they want people to run those godawful AS-400's. (Nice machines from a programmer's end, but, nowhere near operator friendly.)
  8. Someone doesn't know their Python routines.
  9. So, tell me. In Australia, do jolly swag men really sit beside billabongs? Are there lots of coolibah trees?
  10. dbminter

    Snow Storm

    Heed the words of Zappa and don't eat the yellow snow!
  11. "Did you say 'mattress to Mr. Lambert? I did you ask you not to say 'mattress' now, didn't I? Now, I've got to stand in the tea chest! AND, DID THOSE FEET IN ANCIENT TIMES WALK UPON ENGLAND'S MOUNTAINS GREEN? AND WAS THE HOLY LAMB OF GOD ON ENGLAND'S PLEASANT-" Above a urinal: "Installed by Johnson's Fine Ceramics: we aim to please. Would you aim, too, please?" <--- I admit it; swiped from Benny Hill, with embellishments.
  12. Reminds me of the lunch room from my elementary school days: Eat everything on your plate before trading food.
  13. dbminter

    My ave

    Also the name of a fantastic new hot beverage: Bake n Drink
  14. dbminter

    My ave

    I admit it caught my attention, then, realized that anyone could put anything for their avatar.
  15. If they don't destroy his brain within 4 minutes, he will RISE and seek human flesh!
  16. I noticed that, too... but, *I* wasn't going to be the first to ask!
  17. What do you know? A smoking pussy! Means something else in Bangkok, but, it is just as literal, though.
  18. http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/7325.cfm "GTA must be banned to protect Prostitutes" 14 February 2006 20:22 "No, you did not misread the headline, and I did not make a mistake. There is yet another group that has joined the list of the enemies of the Take-Two's Grand Theft Auto games. The Sex Workers Outreach Project USA (SWOP) says that Grand Theft Auto games 'accrues points to players for the depiction of rape and murder of prostitutes.'"
  19. With a topic like this, one could easily make a Dick Cheney joke.
  20. I love how Fox News is spinning the press coverage of this as a non-story. So, the Vice President of the United States accidentally SHOOTING someone isn't news? I believe the last time that happened... WAS IN A PISTOL DUEL! And, it's been some 150 years since. Plus, that was INTENTIONAL.
  21. dbminter


    No, we don't mine it!
  22. Yeah, and anyone even attempting to try and make that warning stick will mysteriously be visited by men in black and wind up somewhere in the Secret Bunker.
  23. Do I detect a bit of scorn in your response?
  24. dbminter


    "Keeping kids' eyes shot out since 1886!"
  25. While not on topic, really, just going with the title of the post, it reminded me of something I had wanted to post and didn't. So, I'll do it here. You know? I wish Australia all the luck in the world at the Winter Olympics this year. It takes a lot of balls to enter into winter sports where, as far as I know, it only snows in a (very) few higher mountain areas. I believe they only did send 1 athelete, though, so, even they don't have high hopes.
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