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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. Talk about a vehicle that runs on corn based fuels! Corny jokes, anyone?
  2. dbminter


    Yeah, that was ALSO the promise of DLL's! Only called when needed. Yet, dozens of them exist in memory, even though not needed.
  3. dbminter


    I've noticed no depreciable performance with .NET installed. BUT, if I had a choice, I'd not install it. Thus far, no app I've tried that I kept required it, so, I don't have it running. But, eventually, it will be required just to install apps that don't need it because Microsoft wants it installed on all PC's. Makes keep an eye on what you buy, for targeted advertising, and don't buy, for themselves, the RIAA, and the MPAA, easier for them.
  4. dbminter

    Snow Storm

    He probably will see about that extension, especially now that he's apparently gotten his dream woman to look his way after dropping weight and exercising.
  5. If it was George III, then, it would probably be Cheney who should watch out! A mad king brandishing a shot gun!
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,184617,00.html Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunter in Texas Sunday, February 12, 2006 WASHINGTON ? Late night comedy stars are probably planning a slew of new jokes after news broke Sunday that Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a hunting buddy. Harry Whittington, 78, was hunting quail with Cheney on Armstrong Ranch in south Texas when Cheney sprayed his friend with birdshot. Bird shot disperses a spray of small pellets rather than a single larger shotgun round. First, I noticed the immediate spin, that is also appearing on the news channel itself, that the primary thing they want you to take off the bat is how more important it is that late nate comedians are going to make jokes about this. Well, to Hell with them, as I will now make jokes! Whittington: "LOOK! TERRORIST QUAIL!" Cheney: "WHERE?!" *Immediately swings towards Whittington and shoots, first, asking questions later* Cheney: "Oh, I though you said terrorist Quayle! Worst... Vice... President... EVER!"
  7. dbminter

    Snow Storm

    "And, my brother, Russel, thought his name was Damn It! DAMN IT, WILL YOU STOP ALL THAT NOISE?! AND, JESUS CHRIST, SIT DOWN!"
  8. dbminter

    Snow Storm

    New York Cith? Are you really a secret agent of Palpatine?!
  9. Office Depot really is a place where you can get royally screwed or find a great deal, depending.
  10. You do have to watch out at Office Depot. Because, if you look, pay attention, and come in on the right day, you can find some great stuff! For instance, the RITEKG05's I use for temporary data backups, etc. (Covers a lot. ) I usually get when they have buy 100, get 100 more for free. The last time, it was $29.95. Often times, you can find things in the back of the store on reduced shelves that are cheaper than their counterparts near the front. While this means they are older, it doesn't matter the age on some products, though. I've also seen the buy 1, get 1 free offers on recordable media where the same items exist in two separate places in the same aisle where one is free and one isn't. Or, a sale may be reflected on one price tag, but not another in the same aisle for duplicate listings of the same thing.
  11. dbminter

    The Dalek Song

  12. "Corn cobs we have heard on high!"
  13. People waving inflatable penii at football games?! What pussies!
  14. Gives new meaning to the old problem of having to clean your mouse balls.
  15. Surely one of Shamus in Tweety Pie water wings exists somewhere? As for mine, I normally CHARGE for the type of pictures taken of me as a child... What the hell am I saying?!
  16. Office Depot near me normally has surprisingly good deals on decent quality media. BUT, this one I just had to laugh at! Buy 1 100 DVD-R stack for $80, get another free. Unfortunately, they were Memorex DVD-R! :& So, isn't that more like buy 1, get none free?
  17. If you can't take the heat, don't go skinny dipping into the heart of the sun!
  18. I work AFTERNOONS, part time, thank you very much! As for the quality of the bars I frequent, well, it's my choice who I with!
  19. Hey, wait... are those... no, it can't be! Are those water wings attached to the dog's neck?!
  20. Also notice how the dog kind of looks disinterested, even, maybe disappointed...
  21. THAT'S what he's doing with all those penguins, then! Poppins, indeed!
  22. He asked her to but she wooden go. Hey, that one's pretty good, actually!
  23. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
  24. dbminter

    Al Lewis

    "I hate Captain Block!"
  25. It's not the keyboard you have to worry about with the It's the modem cable. Let's NOT relive THAT again, eh?
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