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Everything posted by dbminter
Or... we could go the opposite end of the spectrum and claim the dog is... no, maybe... even I'd better not...
Or trying to keep from laughing. "He- he's a total wanker!"
Yeah, plus, I can bet it has wonderful rootkits, Genuine Checks, and Microsoft demos.
Yeah, try it out and see. I cannot fathom the logical scientific reasoning here that works. Why the radio? If the cell phones were putting out enough power to cook an egg, it would also fry anyone who passed within the field on the street. More importantly, WHY do it? It's just easier to use a stove or microwave.
Notice the brown dog appears to be trying to hide its face in shame?
Looks like 2.TG is the same as 2.TB except for some homemade write strategies. So, they technically have the same "date."
Installed the latest from the link and it seems fine. You sure that 2TB is the latest? 2TG looks like it is. It's not only the larger value but, the date listed on the 2TB like is February 2005, and TG is July 2005. That list appears to be entirely hapharzardly made, not in order according to age.
Take a look at this image to see the difference between a 1950's computer and today's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Univac-model.jpg To note the scale, notice the two office desks and chairs on ball casters on the left. To orient you about the location of hardware, these are my best guesses. Far left, bottom: "modem" output, modem processor, tape I/O for "modem. The large block unit next to that: CPU. Next to that, L shaped bank of magetic tape I/O reels. In front of that: keyboard. To the side of the keyboard: "monitor," a small printer that returned the input the user put in, as they entered it, and the results from the processor. Large bank in the upper left: RAM. Next to that: memory controller. Center of room: impact printer for printing out program results, dumps, forms outputs like checks, etc. Behind that: printer controller. Why there's a reel to reel next to that, no idea. Maybe just because that's the only space for it? Or why there's another reel to reel on the right or what that is next to it (My guess is it's the reel to reel's controller.) are also beyond me.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4...manShepherd.jpg Bet the Topic made you look! Anyway, the file name should have given you a hint. I decided to remove it as an image from the post because of the size scrolling off the side.
Sprout was such a little sprout because when he was young someone kicked him really, really hard in his sprouts.
Nope, not going to tackle that one. Too easy.
Unfortunately after King Bush I drank from it and will live forever, he turned it into a little crown to wear on his head.
Oh, that one's easy. Indy opened it up and ate the mana inside. The Ark thus lost all its mystic power and was converted into a kitchen cabinet, above Dick Cheney's sink years ago.
"I'll cover you in nibblets from covers to covers!"
It's been debated in many ways. There was also the most commonly used interpretation that Heisenberg was merely trying to come up with some way of saving his own neck when the Nazi regime fell. That, basically, he was trying to use the "Just doing my job" excuse with a twist. However, there are recorded documents where Heisenberg openly denied the viablity of an atomic weapon. Plus recorded instances of Heisenberg's stunned response to news of actual detonated atomic bombs in Japan. Of course, like most things, the real story won't ever be known and is most likely a mixture of all stories. Most issues are gray in the end.
That was a major blow, but, probably the biggest reason was Heisenberg had said it was impossible to build a working atomic bomb. Thus, research into offensive applications of atomic energy was, at his recommendation, drastically reduced. After all, he really thought it was impossible, so, why waste the effort? There has been speculation from those who knew Heisenberg that, though he was not an outspoken opponent of the Nazi party, he also had little qualms about it. He heavily believed in the idea of a Germany that had naturally right to rule over Europe. But, maybe not necessarily in the Aryan dream. So, some have speculated that Heisenberg lied about the possibility of a working atomic bomb to prevent Germany from obtainining one.
Plus, by what I meant by the atomic bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer, who basically built it, was of partial German origin. As if his name wasn't clue enough. Plus, if it wasn't for Einstein, another German, the idea of energy to mass relativity wouldn't have been readily accepted to lead to experimentation in the conversion of mass to energy.
Also, if it wasn't for Germans, interestingly enough, there would be no atomic bomb.
covers.to ... covers?
That I will agree with. My printer is an HP inkjet from around 2000 and it still works.
Well, whatever works for you. But, HP is on my list, too.