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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. You don't need to take my word for it. Ask anyone who tried to hire John Holmes towards the end of his life.
  2. Well, you're half right. Wouldn't use coke. Coke degrades your sexual performance over time.
  3. Actually, the way I see it, you want crazed people as suicide bombers. Why? A crazed person isn't exactly going to be willing to commit to being a suicide bomber because you have to first "reason" to those weaknesses that make them vulnerable. A crazed person won't fall victim to brainwashing, which is why you generally shoot crazed people rather than negotiating with them. Plus, recruiters wouldn't arm a crazed person with a bomb because he's most likely to set it off right then and there. Lastly, a crazed person cannot keep a secret. People on depressants would be more likely to be talked into it.
  4. I was thinking about the current war on terror efforts that the US is engaged in. Much like its war on drugs, I believe that the US is wasting its time fighting the way it has since WW II. Ever since we dropped the only nuclear weapons to date employed against others, we have believed that all we need to do is fight any enemy into defeat. The might makes right theory does not work against ideologies, as Vietnam showed. So, I got thinking about how best to employ our greatest weapon against Islamic radical terrorism, money, into an effective fighting strategy. While the US will never do it please allow me to make my point for one moment. The way I see it, there are two easy ways to stop the terror threat as we see it. First, we smuggle in scores of hookers into havens of breeding grounds for Islamic terrorists. Think about it. The youth in Islamic areas are generally indoctrinated into being suicide bombers because they are easy to influence. Take a horny teenage male and it's easy to trick him into blowing himself up if he thinks afterwards he'll have 72 virgins blowing him off in the afterlife. It's easy to go for the brass ring that doesn't exist if you've got a rusty ring falling off your finger in real life. BUT, if every possible candidate for a terrorist bomber was busy getting laid, why would they want to give up steady for the mere chance that there is more after you die? If you've got nothing, you're willing to gamble. If you have something you could lose, you won't gamble. Plus, if these guys spend all their time getting tail, who will be left to even approach to become a bomber? Everyone will be too busy in their bedrooms! Only a handful of people will accept, and, eventually, they'll have all been blown up. There won't be anyone left to recruit. The other we can do has the same problem as the above in that the US would never sanction it. Employ the war on drugs AGAINST terrorism. Say, when you seize a shipment of cocaine, smuggle it into breeding grounds of recruited terrorists and GIVE it away to them. If everyone's stoned, no one can effectively pull off a suicide bombing! You can barely stand up let alone remember to stand up, run, and detonate an explosive pack. There you have it. Two easy ways to end the current war on terrorism. But, the war will go on because the US government would never think of laying in bed with vices... unless those vices can be taxed. Plus, a sad fact may very well be this: WITHOUT an enemy to fight, in this case terrorism, after terrorism replaced Communists, then you lose the support of the people. IMO, there is a specific cause and effect to the fall of Communism in 1989 and the shifting of political power in the US resulting. Sadly, then, those in power in the US may not actually want to really admit it, but, it may just be that a defeat of the current terrorist threat is not entirely desired by them. Because their defeat puts them out of a job. Oh, well. I've tried. I've said how to stop it, so, naturally, it won't be stopped because it works too well.
  5. This relates back to the pants issue. Women, too, have one major on button. However, it is covered by pants, and, unlike men, they have no secondary autonomous activation systems.
  6. This actually goes into the far more hidden meanings of gender and pants. For instance, notice how easily it is to get a man to a pair of pants... he's also the one most likely to take them off quicker?
  7. Apparently, full DVD details just announced on my birthday? http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/news/cult/n.../25/29086.shtml Probably the best story ever crafted for Doctor Who finally comes to DVD! And, it appears to be the first DVD release to offer a Tom Baker commentary track! I hope it gets an R1 release... unlike Revelation Of The Daleks, it seems thus far...
  8. So, what is Shamus's state? Confusion? Anger? Inebriation?
  9. I thought lfc's motto was "Liverpool 'til I die!" Or a belch.
  10. I was hoping for a stupid, legalese reason, like this line from Leno's Headline's Monday. From the instruction manual of a cooking pot: "Do not use this product for any purpose."
  11. From: http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/7241.cfm Consumer spending on DVDs falls while disc sales rise 23 January 2006 14:35 by Dela Overall consumer spending on DVDs fell in 2005 despite the amount of discs sold being higher than it ever was. According to the report in the trade journal Screen Digest, average European DVD consumer prices fell by more than 11% in 2005 to just under ?15. Price reductions put spending down by 1.7% even though more than 732 million discs were sold during the year. Paul Callaghan, Screen Digest analyst, said VHS tapes were likely to die out completely in Europe by 2008, leaving more room for DVD sales growth, although it would be slower than before. The report, entitled European Video - Market Assessment and Forecast to 2009, found that 60% of Western European homes owned a DVD player or a DVD recorder but in Central and Eastern Europe, there is room for growth as just 12% of TV households have a DVD player. Overall, spending on DVD rentals are thought to have reached about ?2.2bn. The report covered 22 countries in detail. The report suggest that, despite growth in other parts of the continent, the majority of spending on DVDs occurred in the more affluent countries in Western Europe. Three quarters of DVD consumer spending took place in UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, the continent's five largest video markets. So, HOW can spending on DVD's fall in 2005, BUT the number of discs that were sold is HIGHER than it ever was? Unless they're counting individual discs in boxed sets in sales, which is easily explained by the saturation of the market of TV DVD boxed sets.
  12. Oh, this is so rich! The MPAA most likely made a pirated copy of a movie submitted to it ABOUT itself! http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/7246.cfm First, they tried to prevent it being distributed by effectively crippling its market with an NC-17 rating for no real reason. Then, they apply one standard to others and not to themselves by copying said movie? AND, their cavalier attitude to it! "Oh, it's okay for us to pirate, but, you'd better not, arse !" MPAA = Movie Pirates Arh Avast! Let's face it. MPAA =
  13. I know that up to 2000, Memorex made a high quality CD-RW. It was only 4x, but, even up to today, those discs still worked. I don't use them anymore because of faster speeds available.
  14. Oh, dear god... :& Imation, another CMC bandwagon, buys Memorex, another CMC bandwagon... You know, the funny thing is Imation, like Memorex, USED to offer some quality products 5 plus years ago. Then, they went cheap, e.g. CMC, and almost everything they made, from floppies to CD-R's to DVD recordables, to audio cassettes, to DVD-RAM, to data tape all turned to crap. So, this means that, at least, Imation and Memorex will no longer be vying for the same shelf space at Wal-Mart to sell you cheap crap! You can get all your shit in one convenient place. http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/7234.cfm
  15. Peter, from Family Guy, with Brian at a bar after the dog, who has been talking since Episode 1, is discussing his problems: "Holy cow! You can talk!"
  16. Now, if you get the right kind of pizza slice, the soft kind, aka New York style, you can put the fries on the slice, roll it up, and have a convenient pizza potato sandwich.
  17. Proper? Just because I wrote how it's spoken doesn't make it the Queen's English! Okay, I'll see what I can do about getting a picture of my tooth up. It was the right, lower wisdom tooth, so, it was still large enough to pry out, even though half of it was rotted away.
  18. For me, it's not late at all. Thank you and thanks to all who wished me a happy getting closer to the grave day. Thanks and tanks will follow...
  19. I remember others here talking about their ancient systems. One that ran on wombat power: a wombat running in a hamster wheel. It was also the first water cooled system. Then there was the amazing one that ran on ethanol and various other corned based fuels.
  20. Anyone want to see the tooth? I could photog it and try to post it somehow. Yes, they gave it to me. As for enjoying after I heal, I won't be entirely healed by tomorrow, but, it's when I currently have plans to be taken out, a bit late, for birthday dinner by me mum.
  21. Is that a command? Happy birthday. MATE!
  22. Or, trade me one for Abducted By The Daleks.
  23. They certainly do mate try the NEC 4550 or 4551 ! Send me one, skin flint!
  24. I had my Commodore 64 up until about 1991. I managed to sell it for about half of its 1987 or so price, even then!
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