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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. And, the film version of this thread will star Tim Curry. The soundtrack will lead off with Johnny Cash's "Ring Of Fire." I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire I Went Down, Down, Down And The Flames Went Higher And It Burns, Burns, Burns The Ring Of Fire The Ring Of Fire
  2. Who cares about that stupid git?
  3. For I beheld the Corny Beast. A thousand eyes on each wing. And the name written on his thigh was... DEATH! And tatooed across his forehead was ORVILLE REDENBACHER, the number of a man and the mark of the Corn.
  4. Granted, I only performed one test, so, the test was limited to one movie, one software, and one player. But, with the cost ot DVD+R DL, I'm not inclined to do anything more except wait for the DVD-R DL I've been, well, waiting for.
  5. Which is the irony I've found with DVD+R DL in that my tests showed that removing anything you don't want caused a 50/50 chance of the disc not playing in a player that allowed a 1:1 archive of the same material.
  6. Family Guy had a similar gag where Peter, pretending to be God, answers "Yes?" when Lois says, "Oh, my god!"
  7. Then, turn the oil into wine. Or, make the oil burn for 8 straight nights.
  8. Good god... 500 DL's at about $3 each! Plus, imagine backing up 500 movies in just a little under 2 years since the introduction of DL's.
  9. Peri already cornered the market on bikini clad assistants.
  10. I still wonder what the Spielberg/Amblin/NBC/Hasselhoff Doctor Who might have been like had it ever been made. Spider Daleks. A talking TARDIS? "Michael- er- Doctor. I am detect an anomaly in the space-time continuum."
  11. digi, you've obviously forgotten your American history when it comes to Doctor Who. Whenever you need someone to dub over a new Who, the first person you seek is David Hasselhoff.
  12. Are you kidding? Often times, I need a translation of what Christopher Eccleston is just SAYING because of his fast accent. Honestly, sometimes, I just gave up trying.
  13. Let us not forget the Chicken Gun from Mythbusters.
  14. I suggest you take your last CMC MAG DVD and write on it to keep track of how many bad burns you have had.
  15. The .GIF is showing as not found. Is that image the one of the TARDIS materializing on the White House lawn? If so, I know that image is severely edited. It doesn't show Georgie looking out upon hearing the grinding, see a mysterious blue box appear, and shout "TERRORISTS!" and sending the armed guards to arrest, interrogate, and then lose the Doctor.
  16. Except for those pissy ALI bridges.
  17. Sure, it was an easy decision for them. It's always an easy decision to reach to screw me over. After all, Sci-Fi had the FAR better deal the first time, to get all existing old Who merely for showing the new Who.
  18. Over Sci-Fi Channel, yes. BUT, just because the Beeb says Sci-Fi will show it doesn't mean they will. Sci-Fi said they were going to go to series with Babylon 5: The Legend Of The Rangers. Never did. They said that Sciography, or whatever it was called, would go beyond Battlestar Galactica, the original series, and also cover The Twilight Zone, the original series, Quantum Leap, and The Incredible Hulk. Never did. I wouldn't be surprised if Sci-Fi suddenly decided it felt it necessary to play the episode of Stargate they had just shown but play it BACKWARDS. Did you check the shoes? Were they just silver painted tennis shoes, ala The Invasion? BTW, we all know you know Cybermen aren't real. It's the Daleks you're still working on.
  19. Oh, and, this does mean a delay for the R1 DVD releases, of course, since they were due next month. But, who would want to see it on Sci-Fi, then, right?
  20. What the flaming Sephiroth said. Word.
  21. No, no, no. Only 1 title from the King's film career says it best here: "Stay Away, Joe!"
  22. Was this before or AFTER you had your 3 very big, scary drinks? As for the Sci-Fi Channel, I'll believe it when I actually see it. Plus, I will always still fault Sci-Fi for dropping the ball on a far better deal. They had the chance to get not only the new Who but all existing old Who episodes, too! Now, all they have is an option to air season 2 of the new series, too.
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