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Everything posted by dbminter

  1. dbminter


    EXACTLY! The overlays turn black exactly as depicted in that second picture. I had attributed it to a memory leak, but, a GDI leak makes perfect sense given the cause. (Well, it's STILL a memory leak because it's eating up memory it doesn't have to. ) When this happens, closing Opera and refreshing the Window with black clears it up. Refreshing with Opera opened does not refresh the black areas.
  2. dbminter


    How did you know about my secret experimental race of atomic super insects?! It's too soon! They're not stable enough yet to go into the world, spread a mighty army, and destroy the so called human civilization which has driven me into exile!
  3. InstallShield's program updater is installed by many new apps now. InstallShield is, pretty much, a defacto installer now. Really, only WinAmp's and the Microsoft Installer are as prevelant. Anyway, that updater should, in theory, only work with newer apps that have been told what to do with it. HOWEVER, even *I* disabled it when I saw it installed by something that Macrovision didn't install. It can be configured to be totally disabled. Be aware that, in addition, InstallShield's updater also installs two services: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\ISUSPM.exe" -startup and "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe" -start The first is the Update Manager service and the second is the Update Scheduler. Disabling the scheduler through the Manager should work. The Update Manager interface is the same command line as the UM service starter above without the -starup switch. The Scheduler interface runs the same way, just remove its -startup switch. I just set up the thing to never check for updates. I forget what installed it. WinDVD 7? Easy Media 8?
  4. dbminter

    Mc Download!!

    And, what do you want to bet that the movie will come on a self destructing disc?
  5. The problem with that reasoning is relying back on what this country was founded on. This country, like all, has such fancy and great rhetoric on what it wants to become. Then, the politicians set themselves in and show that they only wanted to overthrow the old oppressors to set themselves up for life on the gravy train. After all, read it carefully, and our Founding Fathers in the US pretty much openly admit that the plebians are too stupid to govern themselves. The prime example? All people were created equal, unless you were poor, black, or a woman. Then, you didn't get a vote. My personal favorite: no taxation without representation. And, what exactly do we in the US have today? We elect people who go up to the various houses of government and they get together to decide how much to raise the taxes when they've dipped into the kitty too much for their own personal perks. The citizen has no say in the taxes beyond electing their representative. In other words, using the very letter of the "law" to work around it. i.e. yeah, it's taxation with representation because the people who make the laws were elected. But, those same people then rarely have the chance to stop a tax they disagree with. Or, better yet, just change the definition of tax if, say, you get elected on the slogan "Read my lips! NO NEW TAXES!"
  6. dbminter


    One thing... if the browser crashes due to this error... how can it be used for a DOS attack? It should just be a chunk of inaccesible memory sitting out there, doing there but wasting resources.
  7. If you have listened to Fox News at any time within the last 6 weeks or so, they'd like you to believe there is an assault on Christmas. An attempt to remove it from public places, government offices, department stores, etc. I used to think it was a load of Conservative rubbish... then, I remembered! There IS such a affront, and, it's been going on for over a decade! I am about to make an unusual argument FOR putting the reason back in the season. A few hours drive from where I live is a theme park. In fact, it was the very first theme park ever opened in America. In Santa Claus, Indiana, Santa Claus Land was changed to Holiday World at some point in the late 1980's/early 1990's, after 30 plus years of being Santa Claus Land. The statue of Santa that greeted patrons at the entrance gate... GONE! At the time, as a youth, I never noticed this obvious attempt to remove Santa's name from the place. Let alone remove his statue from the court lawn. It time for all patriotic people to rise up and stop this secularization of the holiday! Put the reason BACK in the season! Restore His name to the park that bore his name, in the city that still bears it! Restore 's name! It's HIS time of the year! And, I will no longer sit around while Liberals take Santa's name away! I was asleep to it as a child, but, now, I have awakened to the clarion call! CLARION, I SAY!
  8. dbminter


    Well, Preview 1 of Opera 9 showed some promise. But, remember, the Preview versions of 8 were free of the bug, too. The Beta and Gold versions had it. Even 9 isn't entirely free of it. What it does better, though, is not entirely "lock up." You can open links on pages, even if the pages themselves never fully load, in other Tabs. Most importantly, I can close Tabs for things that were open. Before, I had to CTRL+ALT+DEL, terminate Opera, reopen Opera, QUICKLY find the tab I want to close and repeatedly try to close it, and hope it gets closed in time before Opera goes, "Nope... I'm just gonna sit here and DUH! for now."
  9. Besides, isn't the maximum rate the fastest it ever gets, e.g. even for a simple microburst, if it achieves that rate, then, it would be listed as the max. I remember once getting a max read from a mounted virtual drive image of something like 40x!
  10. A merit badge in tit mouse spotting?
  11. Yeah, that's what they all say... until the gal with the big tits comes into the room!
  12. No, that was the Ren And Stimpy short, "A Yard Too Far."
  13. Now, it's been all over the news lately, but, only a handful of times do they ever go to the logical conclusion. Okay, so, yes, the world's first successful face transplant was performed. But, one thing they have only touched upon briefly. As a transplant... the new face must come from... SOMEWHERE! :& Now, surely, since a living person wouldn't willingly give up their face, they have to come from corpses! Also, a face transplant means you have someone ELSE'S face! Imagine the implications...
  14. dbminter


    Where can Opera 9 preview be found? Opera always manages to so easily bury anything that isn't the current version in multiple layers of constantly changing web addresses. Thanks!
  15. Let us know what you find...
  16. OMG! The theme to the movie Electric Dreams! I own that soundtrack on LP! It was given to me as a birthday gift bought from the cheap off racks at the record store next to the arcade where my birthday in the 6th grade was held! I also remember that birthday was delayed because I got chicken pox just before my birthday. :&
  17. dbminter


    No way of knowing, really. What ever needed to be left open that I didn't finish from before. So, it fluctuates. Sometimes many, sometimes few. The test case I created had somewhere between 30 and 40
  18. Woody Harelson. Larry Flint is the publisher of Hustler magazine who was left paralyzed after a failed attempt to assassinate him by some racist nut. So, the combination of a porno publisher in a wheelchair and Dalek porn...
  19. Oh, man... this thread just made me think of a really bad joke! Q: Who should play Davros in "Abducted By The Daleks?" A: Larry Flint!
  20. It's loading now but thanks for the effort. The Dalek props look pretty good. Not well controlled, though. Probably made by that company that sells them made to order for fans. Actually, how COULD this thing be made "legally?" Dalek is a registered joint trademark between BBC and the Terry Nation estate.
  21. dbminter


    Yes, the designers deny it's there. One of the things that has gradually made me drift away from it. Plenty of examples from others on how to re-create the situation and Opera just says to adjust the # of connections. Unfortunately, the deny it's there outright answer is indicative of software that will, eventually, just rot away. I wasn't aware there was a 9.0. I could try it. But, I highly doubt it will help. I never thought that a new tab might be a new instance. It never seemed to be. e.g. Internet Explorer runs higher crash risks once you open beyond 9 instances. But, Opera, etc. never had that problem. And, as far as what I will call memory leak for sake of ease, neither Firefox nor Netscape versions that had tabbed browsing suffered from the same problem. The new instances thing would be easily solved with MY idea. DON'T load ALL the pages on start. Just the one in the current focus. Instead paste the URL's into the destination field and wait for actual loading until they become the focus or manually loaded by the user. I set my cache to 40 MB because it seemed to operate better there under my setup than at 60.
  22. dbminter


    No, Opera has a threshold of tabs where once X are opened, page downloads slow down faster than they should. A memory leak, IMO, because, when it happens, other things become affected with symptoms that are indicative of low memory resources. Like overlays in Windows Explorer display solid black, etc. and can only be fixed by a reboot. And, at the moment, I have a lot of tabs open to go through. Once I get them down and closed, Opera will start to behave. But, this has been there since 7.54 and not present in the Preview releases, even though it is in Betas, so, it's something they add in the Betas but not the Previews. My guess is the Java engine? I've made the cache settings pretty much as great as possible.
  23. Page ain't a'loadin' now.
  24. dbminter


    Paste And Go is a favorite of mine, too. Also the ability to pretty much completely remove the toolbar. I moved all my icons into a drop down from the destination bar.
  25. dbminter


    There's a shock! Oh? I was not aware of this, I don't think. How can I use this one click? I find I am closing Opera tabs unnecessarily because Opera, sometimes, won't "detect" the click until several in. By then, I've also accidentally clicked on another close tab which it, conveniently, of course, accepts on the FIRST try.
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