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Everything posted by kirk1701™

  1. Nice game http://www.liquidgeneration.com/sabotage/pumpkin_carve.asp HINT! the knife gets tricky when you first start
  2. I see the light
  3. Dam, I forgot about that. Oh wait I forgot that I forgot my head is not attached and I forgot where I put it Good thing I don't need glasses. Now, what was that web site again Blu?
  4. uhhhhh Just seen this while trying to eat and watch the news at the same time. Almost choked my chicken when they started talking about E-Mail your pastor the porn http://www.pornsunday.com/why.html http://www.xxxchurch.com
  5. kirk1701™

    Fly in my Coke!

    LFC need we bring up the taco bell story I'm sure you remember that thread I think it was back on the original DDSF Shit in the beans YUKKK turns my stomach just thinking of it :& Yea, the roaches were fresh and were nesting in the boxes. Place did get shut down on a tip to the health dept.
  6. Thats what people have to do that live in that county You can thank the southern Baptist for that crap
  7. Exactly
  8. kirk1701™

    Fly in my Coke!

    On that note The reason I can't eat pitza hut pitza Went in, placed order and for some reason even when eating in the restaurant they put the pie in a box We'll, sat down and opened the box and out crawled two roaches. :& I smashed one right in my hand and took the pies and my hand back to the desk. Can you believe the manager did not want to give me my money back Out came cell phone and speed dials health department
  9. So True
  10. kirk1701™

    Fly in my Coke!

    Quicker to just buy a new keyboard
  11. There's something about ole Jack and tennessee whiskey Or we could just go for white lightning
  12. kirk1701™

    Fly in my Coke!

    Just the thought of a fly in my mouth makes me wanna fcuken :&
  13. Yea I had trouble pulling it up also, finally got it after about five tries.
  14. Thought this might intrest you shamus I don't know much about the NAS but this was on this weeks news letter. http://www.tomsnetworking.com/Reviews-223-...D-ADSNASKIT.php
  15. Just grabbed it LUK Nothing to burn right now but the layout is a sight for sore eyes
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_st...,169653,00.html
  17. Don't shit you pants just yet kev, one jmet stunt is enough I hate gospel music about as much as everyone else hates country Will the circle be unbroken bye and bye lord bye and bye Now I gotta :&
  18. And on that note I think we need some gospel music
  19. Forgot about the VHS recorder we still have in my moms room which is never used It went to the exercise room today and picked up a blank VHS tape for $1 Now I can watch porn movies while I do my jane fonda workout oh tigerman, almost forgot. Bellsouth DSL can't touch my 3 meg downstream the cable Co. offers. Besides, I'm to far out in the country for DSL so now you see why the cable Co. can make restrictions like must have cable TV to get the broadband
  20. I thought about getting satellite but that would mean getting rid of the cable which I can't. In order to get the broadband internet you have to have cable TV Guess its a way the cable company has to keep their customers from leaving
  21. Yea me still here also, been watching the new season premires, some good ones out there and even found Jill working on CSI Oh boy, give CBS another idea, we have CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, and now CSI Melbourne I have one problem, don't have a VHS recorder, TiVo will only record one channel at a time and tomorrow night at 9PM I want to watch NCIS, To Close to home, and Law and Order. Plan right now is to record NCIS, watch Law and Order but to close to home I have no way to record it
  22. But football more fun then grand ole opera and a hell of a lot more contact
  23. kirk1701™

    Ban Kirk?

    jmets ass don't even begin to look like JR's so where I might be looking for love in all the wrong places at least its in the closet when I want it and not in a rumbleseat
  24. Good thing none of you lads made bets Florida 3 Alabama 31 Almost shutout florida Dam I didn't expect this game to be over with in the first quarter. By the end of first quarter Alabama led by 17-0 Next week is not even a game mississippi state is not even in the top 25 AP pole but the following week Vs Tennessee should be good.
  25. kirk1701™

    Icon wars

    http://www.xs4all.nl/~jvdkuyp/flash/see.htm Diablo II kicks ass
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