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Everything posted by kirk1701™

  1. Glad to hear you all are ok jmet LMAO on the stintch, I bet that smell smuthered in the truck overnight and with 80 degree temps its probably going to be there a while. Might had been better off had a tree fell on the truck and get a new one from insurance, but thats MHO
  2. kirk1701™


  3. kirk1701™


    Sleep, the great regenerator is a wonderful thing. REM sleep where one'e eye's move at a constant pace and while this natural process happens we dream of things we don't even understand nor have the ability to remember what we dreampt upon awaking. Take advantage of this process if you can get it, some of us lie awake, roll, turn, fall off to sleep just to wake up 20 minutes later to start the whole roll and turning process all over again while trying to decide which side we can get comfortable on and which pillow is just the right hight along with which blanket is better or no blanket at all or just a sheet for now. Shall we turn on the A/C or cealing fan or open the window? Start thinking about what the next day has in store, what do we need to accomplish, what time do we need to be done, when do we need to be where and why were we going there again? Before you know it the mind turns to and the race is on Sleep while you can otherwise you find yourself sleepless in Bowling Green, KY without tom hanks or the heart throb Meg Ryan
  4. I agree! I'd even convert from my beloved Newcastle to Liverpool FC if he was banned. Regards I have it by a good source you like Country and western Blu
  5. Bama opens with four straight wins for first time since '96 We going all the way this year Arkansas 13 Alabama 24 Final score
  6. welcome to the country side of America
  7. Watched the season pilot of this show my name is earl last night If this pilot episode is as funny as it gets well the whole thing is lame as shit. Buy a lotto ticket, loose lotto ticket and get the bright idea to go around doing good things for people you made fun of So he starts with a old high school classmate he made fun of and takes the guy to a gay bar
  8. Hay, Jennifer Lopez is a relative ok thats why she's in my address book Don't go get all jealous on me now
  9. Nice find kev, I never seen MS offer a hotfix this way Oh and password has expired, but good try.
  10. And a little tune for all those in Texas and Louisiana tonight May the force be with you. Five Feet High And Rising
  11. kirk1701™

    For the Boss

    Oh Boy Me gonna catch hell for this Oh well White Lightning
  12. Don't try it volvo. YES it will ruin the drive. Hate to tell yu bud but your best bit is to network both of them together. Or, connect the hard drive to one machine or the other but never both.
  13. I heard there was another one behind Rita has anyone heard about this one or did it fizzle out?
  14. OK, I'll check with him and get back to you. But being Friday here and weekend coming up it might be Monday before I know anything Americans like long weekends and cheat on friday afternoons
  15. Hay boss, you got a link to this KB article? There are no documents that match your search for "KB 899409" I have a friend, (Used to be my instructor) which is now network admin for the school and might have this, its a long shot but I'll ask if you have something he can refrence it to
  16. kirk1701™

    Hey Everybody!

    Actually, I think UPS traded it in on him for something a bit more gas efficient Thats no shit, UPS came to our door the other day in a mini van
  17. I just read where they are starting to offer college students video game courses Me can't teach this crap http://apnews.excite.com/article/20050923/D8CPUVMO1.html
  18. More live loops
  19. kirk1701™


  20. Consider yourself lucky jmet, still $3 a gallon here in Kentucky since the last storm came through. This just in, Rita turned eastward and heading for New Orleans. That was on msnbc just a few minutes ago. Guess in a way thats a good thing, I know that sounds bad but New Orleans is already evacuated and practically destroyed so what more damage can it do there.
  21. Only for safety Football is a fashion, never goes out of style
  22. Who idiots? I said it does not see a floppy drive, only CD and DVD rom drives. We'll, you got me there, thats true
  23. Without looking and going from memory only I'm going to say NO, computer Management did no good because it does not see a floppy drive, only CD and DVD rom drives. Now, I could be wrong on that so let me know as you got me curious As for not liking context menu's, my other option works just as good db, lay the floppy ontop of the tower near the back by the PSU will create just enough of a magnetic field to erase the disk
  24. Right click A drive and choose format from the contex menu Or you can do like me dumb ass and just lay the floppy on top of the power adapter to my laptop
  25. http://apnews.excite.com/article/20050919/D8CNEI60I.html =))
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