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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I have pretty much the same burner. Mine is the ASUS DRW-24D5MT and the difference is the lack of attached software, like Nero. A very cheap burner (around 14 Euro) and that actually works very well when burning Verbatims at 8x and book types automatically. Never liked Asus before. But today there is pretty much nothing to choose between on the market. I 01:51:48 Destination Device: [2:0:0] ASUS DRW-24D5MT 2.00 (I:) (SATA) I 01:51:48 Destination Media Type: DVD+R (Disc ID: MCC-004-00) I 01:51:48 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 8x; 16x; 24x
  2. I've used the instructions in this page under the section "Fix Windows Update by Deleting Its Cache Manually" a lot of times and as the OP posted, it's the only way I can get it to get it to start the Windows Update once it's stuck. https://www.howtogeek.com/247380/how-to-fix-windows-update-when-it-gets-stuck/
  3. Settings -> I/O -> Page 2 http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/6232-the-imgburn-settings/?p=125883
  4. You can disable them in the settings or write your own wise words.
  5. Think you only need to check in the log of ImgBurn. I 05:09:40 TV System: NTSC
  6. Where are those Verbatims made?
  7. In Sweden the last ones will be removed this year.
  8. It's based on Vista. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc251966.aspx
  9. I know that the sharp version in Clone mode and if ImgBurn is installed, calls up ImgBurn to set the layer break and let ImgBurn create the ISO. It can create an .ini file and here is the layout of such one. The name of the file is example DVDNAME.ini [ISO] Files=DVDNAME.iso LayerBreak=1906672
  10. Assume you make a home video and it's in the physical shape of a DVD. Even if there is no copy protection system on the disc, you are still the copyright holder and don't want it do be distributed illegally by people making copies with the help of ImgBurn.
  11. No, problems here. It downloads the right file. Sure you didn't click on one of the advertise buttons?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmz3yT7rj2E
  13. You need a Premium account if you want to download without that installer. Why should I pay $9.95 to download somehting that I can download for free at the ImgBurn site and if I don't want the Candy stuff, I just mark in the installer that I am not interested?
  14. I love jokers. Asked several times to install junk and even if you decined - you ended up with a program called Tiny download manager.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_sheet_%28computing%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMG_%28file_format%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_image
  16. If you don't use that SI card for RAID purpose, but only want to use it for optical discs - flash it to a IDE BIOS status.
  17. "Even though this fungus is widespread it could only develop on a CD in high humidity and high temperature, which is not the case most of the time," Mr Valls told the BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1402533.stm Luckily we don't have these problems in Sweden - not even when it's summer time.
  18. Did you read the part in the license agreement about OpenCandy?
  19. Start a new thread - it's free.
  20. Not sure this thread is giving much clues. http://club.myce.com/f44/lite-dh20-a4p-resetting-life-record-count-257872/
  21. Tried to search Google. Found nothing. Only way to know is to burn one disc.
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