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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Try a lower burn speed like 4x (now you have used the 8x) I 10:07:15 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x Clean the burner with a cleaning disc.
  2. The burn was a disaster and now the burner can't read the data on the disc. Switch to use some better quality media like Verbatim AZO.
  3. Curious. Would this issue have happened on a later O/S than XP? From what I can understand it's a limitation on XP and older O/S. http://www.pcmech.com/article/4k-sector-drives-are-coming/
  4. A cleaning disc might also help.
  5. Same problem if you use 2.4x or 4x as write speed?
  6. Should have been something around 6x. Sounds as you got DMA issue. Try this: Main menu -> Tools -> Reset DMA...
  7. Use build mode to add the files to your compilation. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1779
  8. +R DL might work better.
  9. Can you post the log file from that burn? http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=14632
  10. Tools -> Drive -> Change Advanced Settings... Select the tab Lite-On and change the setting for SmartBurn.
  11. Did you do some heavy disc using program during the burn?
  12. Not the log. The graph data file I 23:39:26 Graph Data File: C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\hp_BD_E_DH12E3LH_EHDC_FRIDAY-OCTOBER-21-2011_11-26_PM_MCC-004-00_8x.ibg is located on your computer in the above path. It will show how the buffers acted during the burn/verify - like this:
  13. It's a reader. Not sure why you need a burning program for that one.
  14. Can you upload/attach this file? It should show the stuff better. I 23:39:26 Graph Data File: C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\hp_BD_E_DH12E3LH_EHDC_FRIDAY-OCTOBER-21-2011_11-26_PM_MCC-004-00_8x.ibg
  15. Very often indicates a crashed burner.
  16. A log file?
  17. The .dvd file holds the layer break of the ISO. If you know the layer breaks adress, you can create a new one through this function Tools -> Create .dvd file
  18. Sounds as it's the padding that gets to big. A very large cell (1/3 of the total image sector size). Is that a commercial disc? An option would be to split that cell into two and get a more decent point in the middle of the DVD Movie stuff so there isn't need for so much padding = less total amount disc space needed.
  19. If it can't burn the best media on the market, get a new burner.
  20. OT Funny that these guides always have two things in common. No verify enabled +
  21. SlimLine burners are tricky ones. I would go for an external normal height burner, as your burner can't even burn the best media on the market.
  22. Never used Sony media, so no opinion.
  23. When you buy Verbatim, get the one with AZO label.
  24. If it's not even possible to read commercial discs, get a new one. They are not very expensive today.
  25. IMHO it's enough with the info in this window.
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