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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Cynthia


    A guide about firmware and related stuff in Swedish. http://www.sweburn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=624
  2. Same issue with 4x as write speed? Low quality media can be a bit of hit and miss.
  3. Cynthia


    Hej! The writer has no support for that media code/disc id in the firmware, so it's using a generic write approach and obviously that doesn't work very well. There is a later firmware you could try with. http://www.firmwarehq.com/NEC/ND-3450A/files.html There are some more here that might support that media code. http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/en/NEC-ND-3500A/ The burner is a bit old and support for DL media was not very good implemented back in those days. Genuine Verbatim media usually works best with those old ones.
  4. Looks more as an issue with low quality media. Tried to write with a speed lower than max = 48x?
  5. Can you post the full log?
  6. Media Code Speed Edit should be able to load the firmware and you should see the supported stuff inside that program. http://ala42.cdfreaks.com/MCSE/
  7. Aha, sorry missed that. Looks as the burner doesn't support over burning.
  8. Use a DL disc instead.
  9. A log of such a burn would be nice.
  10. Yes, but a very outdated version.
  11. http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download Why not run that old program in a DOS window in one of the more modern versions of Windows? Or try to use the compability mode while running it?
  12. ASPI drivers installed?
  13. The same problem prior to the installation of the 1.0 version of the firmware?
  14. For a Verbatim -R disc the amount of sectors should be: Sure you used a new unused disc in the burn you posted screens about?
  15. Old logs. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=14632
  16. ImgBurn can't expire.
  17. There is an old thread with that error text. But the poster in this thread could have got it a different corner of the program. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=9656
  18. Guess you are not running with admin rights.
  19. Even if it burned ok, it can still be a crappy burn. Verify would check that. W = Warning E = Error
  20. Cynthia

    Optiarc - AD7260S OB

    Saw that 7280 is on its way. Wonder if it's going to be as good as the old one or a joker.
  21. I'm moving around DVD stuff a lot and never any problems with that. Only thing I don't trust is WMP. Have you tried to play with a decent player, such as http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/
  22. Could be good to use the verify option to check if the burn actually was good or not.
  23. Might help if you get a DVD burner...
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