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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Remember an old thread there the poster had issues that his cat catched the disc during the re cycling.
  2. What is in the image? Video, data, game?
  3. What ImgBurn was about to do, was to check if the burned disc was ok by verifying it. A burn can be reported as good by the burner, but still the disc can be unreadable. The verify part of the burn, checks that.
  4. Does it happen every time you burn? Tried to plug it into another USB port?
  5. You can do a Google search on that error. It's still a mystery why it happens. Some USB connections seems not to like each other.
  6. Went out of business?
  7. Perhaps this is the problem.
  8. That media code is not supported by the burner, try with some Verbatims. Is that disc really new, it looks used.
  9. Can you post the full log? The stuff before this line also. The Nec 2510 was not a great burner with cheap DL media. That disc media code might not be very well supported in the firmware.
  10. Tried another speed than max (8x), like 2x, 4x, 6x?
  11. Hej! The only speeds you can use for this media code are Selecting something like 8x will only revert it to the supported 6x.
  12. Was that a new disc you used? It looks "used".
  13. The Pioneer is made by QSI and if it's the same quality as the 118/218 series I would avoid it. The Optiarc is both a nice reader and burner.
  14. Thanks! Thought it was only me that had such issues.
  15. Thanks! A little bit to hot for me. 30 degrees is enough. The weather forecast promises rain the whole upcoming week and around 20-22 degrees.
  16. If you alreaddy have an ISO file, you don't need the build mode. That mode is only when you have the files in the native format and want to create an ISO file. Follow this guide to burn your ISO file. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=61
  17. Thanks to you all! The birthday weather could have been better, rain and thunder.
  18. Curious. Why waste a DL disc for a single layer image?
  19. Your friend has the same burner model as you?
  20. Did you use a new disc, that one looks used.
  21. Can you post the full log?
  22. If you used DVD Shrink to shrink (or it wasn't needed to shrink) - it will fit on a DVD5 (=single layer disc/regular +R disc)
  23. According to NEC it should support both -R and +R discs. http://support.necam.com/optical/specs/nd-1100a.pdf Edit: You are right, it only supports +R media. I'm reading as the the devil reads the Bible. The Nec 1300 was the first one that supports both formats.
  24. How big is that ISO file. It might require a double layer disc and that burner doesn't support those. Can you post how many sectors the iso file is? You should see this in the upper right corner of the program.
  25. 1. Best is to cut between two VTS; so I would go for the VTS_04_0.IFO 2. Looks to me as the VTS_04 holds no video. Might be a fake VTS that's been removed during the rip There is's even a menu video file for that VTS. IFO/BUP files are text based script files. You can use IFOEdit to look at them and you get an idea what they do/contain. http://www.ifoedit.com/
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