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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. There is a later version that includes some bug fixes, might be worth a try to use it. If you still get a crash, post in the DVD Flick forum about it, they should know more about the issue.
  2. That error code seems to be very linked with Matshita writers. Hardware problem (either temperature or the device is wearing out). Contact the device manufacturer for diagnosis. I would try with some better (higher quality) media. After uninstalling the ASPI layer - did you revert the setting to SPTI in ImgBurn?
  3. I think you have enabled the option 'Close Program', that makes ImgBurn to close the program after the burn. It's nothing u normal with that.
  4. Looks as it crashed before it was done. What's in the errorlog.txt file?
  5. Here is a free one: http://www.slysoft.com/en/virtual-clonedrive.html
  6. Cynthia

    log file

    The first one that fails. As you can see there are no speed descriptions after the Disc ID. More or less - your writer doesn't support that brand of discs with the currently installed firmware version. The ones that worked: You might want to try to install a later firmware version that might support that brand of discs. http://www.sonynec-optiarc.eu/en/support-s...-nd-series.html
  7. Might be that it created an .iso file?
  8. Could be that the source file is not 100% in quality. Not the first time that happens.
  9. Did it state any error code?
  10. Those discs can be written at two speeds; 2.4x and 4x. You have previously used the MAX setting = 4x speed. Each speed option has its own instruction for the writer on how to burn those discs. It might be that the lower speed has a higher success rate.
  11. Tried to burn the discs at 2.4x speed?
  12. Even if you create an image file of the .wmv source file, it will end up as a .wmv file on the burned disc. To get it to be DVD Compliant (IFO, BUP, VOB files), you need to run it through a program like DVD Flick. ImgBurn is not a conversion tool.
  13. Can't you start from scratch as the project file seems to be outdated in the new version of DVDFlick? Or make a post in the DVD Flick support forum. They should know more about that run time error. http://www.dvdflick.net/forums/
  14. Off topic: First time I see this on a DL disc.
  15. As there are no speed options after the Disc ID type, it looks as that brand of discs are not supported by your burner. You have any others to try with?
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum, habib! You had a bad burn, the burned disc can't be read. Can you post the full log? It will give some more clues. Main Menu --> Help --> ImgBurn Logs
  17. Tried with the size posted in post #17 that failed on the Samsung SH-S202N and no failure with my SH-S223F.
  18. The poster in post #17 had a My Samsung S223F doesn't crap out on a 'x sector size image that Lite-Ons don't like. Might be a problem with just some Samsungs. But with Lite-Ons, it seems to happen on all models.
  19. I came to the same conclusion. Even if the burn fails and I do a retry and it's then reported ok, it can be played in my player. But it's still very annoying that Lite-Ons reports a failure message and if you burn the same failure image in an Optiarc burner, that burner doesn't report such an error message. I just don't like to get error messages from burning discs that I want to keep and know that they burned without any problems.
  20. Not sure I understand you. The first log is a successful burn and the posted disc information must be from after the write. What happens when you insert a disc that you know is empty?
  21. You can change everything in your computer and in the rest of the world, but if you encounter an image that have x sectors in size, it will never burn without errors with a Lite-On. x sectors = that amount of sectors that Lite-Ons don't like. As an experiment I took the amount of sectors (1,920,720) that was posted in post #24 and created a dummy image. Guess what - it failed.
  22. The reason that you can play the DVD burned with DeepBurner is that it's not doing a retry. The burning program doesn't listen to the burner and never catches the error message that the burner reports. ImgBurn listens to the burner and catches the error message and then do a retry to finalize the disc. So basically, if you unchecked the option 'Finalise Disc - Auto Retry' (in the Write settings window) and doesn't do a new try when the error is reported - I'm most certain that it will also play on your player. Perhaps LUK can do a test with DeepBurner and see if the program really cares about the error message from the burner. The error message from Lite-On writers only happens on a very few image sizes. Here are some sizes that never works - you can try in the Discovery function of ImgBurn and set the custom size to any of these sector sizes. These sizes will work with any other brand of burner in combination with ImgBurn - but never with a Lite-On based writer. I have tried with iHAS120 and two DH20A3H. 2
  23. I've come to the conclusion that Lite-Ons are crap if you are burning with +R media. The only working solution is to change to another brand of burner. Optiarc and Pioneer are two good brands to pick. The reason that DeepBurner works is IMHO, that that program doesn't report the error message from the writer. So from the users point - it looks as a good burn, but it's not. Take a look in this thread regarding this error and various burning programs. Only ImgBurn and Nero reports the error the right way. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=7860 There is a trick to get an DVD image to burn, and that is to alter the size of the image with either a shrinking program or add additional stuff to the compilation. Some more info: http://club.cdfreaks.com/2133216-post2014.html
  24. where am I to look for this: Tools > Settings > Write > Write Type. The first one - Tools - can be found in this window.
  25. Some cheap media have a bad habit of being very bad at the end of the disc. Only burning up to something like 4300 reduces the problems for write/playback errors.
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