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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. No idea why it selected 48x as the speed. Buggy firmware perhaps? If you use the Discovery mode to test burn a disc, select the full disc. 1 Sector is nothing, as the disc can hold 359,844 sectors. There is also a later version of the firmware. Now you have ver 1.09. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Plextor/PX-Q840U/files.html Suggest you update the firmware and try a new burn.
  2. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=59&view=findpost&p=967
  3. I've had shaky burnings when I download stuff at the same time. But first check mmalves suggestion if your hard disk is in PIO mode or not.
  4. Are you running some other programs that accesses your C drive while you are burning?
  5. Cleaning is one try. Another one is to test with a quality media such as Verbatim.
  6. Your burner only supports the 4x write speed on the media you are using.
  7. Yes, it's the read mode also.
  8. I think you are in the Build mode. Switch to Write mode and select the .iso file and you should be on the right way. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=61
  9. Can you post a log from that burn? You'll find old logs here: Main Menu -> Help -> ImgBurn Logs
  10. I would try with some better quality media to see if you can get the speed up. It looks as it has a hard time reading the later part of the disc.
  11. Equal to 4.4671 GB A DVD -R holds 2 298 496 sectors. So you need a double layer disc. http://egret.net/kb__mb.htm
  12. Using another spindle of discs would indicate if it's the burner or a bad spindle of discs.
  13. The speeds are to high to be a DMA issue. Could you upload this file? Not the best media, could be that the burner is reverting to a lower write speed strategy due to that. The low average verify rate might also reflect this.
  14. There is a significant drop in the read speed after they layer break, could very well indicate the burn is not very good at that spot and it has a very hard time reading the burned sectors in that area.
  15. Might be an OEM drive that you have.
  16. Perhaps the lens got dirty and need a cleaning with a cleaning disc.
  17. This file could give an indication on how hard/easy the burner has to read the different parts of the disc. If you still have it, could you upload it?
  18. Might be that the burn is not good around the layer switch. Sometimes the reading works and sometimes not. Even if it works, your disc could look like this. (Red and high values are not good.)
  19. There is a later firmware version. I think your burner doesn't really like the INFODISC-A10-01 discs. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Lite-On/SSM-8515S/files.html That area is where the burner calibrates the laser to test how to write the disc.
  20. Update to the latest version of the program. Looks as ImgBurn can't get full access to that drive. Some other program that is using the drive?
  21. There is a SB02 version of the firmware. http://www.firmwarehq.com/Samsung/SH-S223C/files.html
  22. Tried with another brand of CDs or a different write speed?
  23. If you insert a non empty disc in that drive, can you play it with a media player?
  24. Wii game discs are a special type and only a hand full of DVD drives can read a Wii Disc and you then also have the issue that it might be protected and ImgBurn can't read such discs.
  25. When you are in the read mode, can you press the start button to get it to "start reading the disc"? Do you see the info in the right Disc Information panel window, if so, copy that info into a posting window here. What's on the source disc? A burned game/movie/files?
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