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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. then inside your .dvd file should have looked like this example 1 replace actual iso name before .iso LayerBreak=1913760 name_of_your_iso_here.iso the actual one therefore should have been as below LayerBreak=1913760 sp-uefa.iso and the options in write mode should be at default and not user specified if using a .dvd file
  2. or for a one off do this but you should really only be using a correct .dvd file ok open ImgBurn then go tools/settings/write look at right hand side for user specified and put a dot in it then type in there or paste 1913760 then click OK then right click on ISO you have and choose burn with imgburn then after it burns undo that and use optimal which is default and from then on use the .dvd file that goes with ISO
  3. what is the ISO filename of the game
  4. I'm too old to go to bed at 4.30 am, cripples me now for days if I try.
  5. Does the beer not come and get you by now
  6. post log file or tell us what disc's it is doing this with, the media code/disc Id, this bit of the log I 16:44:42 Destination Device: [0:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111 1.29 (K:) (USB) I 16:44:42 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: TYG03) (Speeds: 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x) I 16:44:42 Destination Media Sectors: 2,298,496 I 16:44:42 Write Mode: DVD I 16:44:42 Write Type: DAO I 16:44:42 Write Speed: 8x
  7. It's been fixed for next release which I believe will not be long.
  8. Sponsored by Micro Switch Repair Centre
  9. and what did you change it to ? Also I think sammy drives were fussy about this thing and never remembered settings which is why The author of ImgBurn updated his program to sort of force sammy and lg drives to auto booktype to dvd-rom for dual layer. So if your not using the latest version download it, I think it is setup at default to do this but check settings
  10. it may play but with glitches, pixelation, stuttery sound, numerous errors may be present, It may play but not all the way through. A disc with an error is a bad disc and not a successful burn.
  11. it may play but with glitches, pixelation, stuttery sound, numerous errors may be present, It may play but not all the way through. A disc with an error is a bad disc and not a successful burn.
  12. What a knob He also said that he was going to kill her, Police say He doesn't have the balls.
  13. btw ~How exactly are you packing the rar to get it down to 313k, or is it related to the server side of things, or is it cos the image is actually still just that DVD_RTAV folder and the rest compress to nothing as it was just dummy file to get to 4.37 gig full size image etc.
  14. 50/50 yeah there are a couple in the above IT would be the GREEN one 3rd from top image so whatever colour you see this as look for that in future. If you wanted SPLIP though that choice would be no good and therefore 1 or 4 would be a good choice. After reading your post again though, your saying you cannot differentiate between green and yellow, maybe if it would not mess up the Gui - L_UK could just after 50/50 or rather just after the percentage to correspond with the star rating, could include Ex for excellent, Vg for very good, G for good and Av for average or maybe on the tab after splip ? Been a while since I have built a dual layer image but when you get to choose LB can you not hover mouse over stars and get some info that way ?
  15. One of the comuters upstairs has that option ticked. So I am not going crazy and did not imagine seeing full size of Ram after format. Did not help having so many IB's on toolbar was running older version downstairs, had not adjusted shortcut path
  16. Default Is SPTI for XP,2000, probs 2003 not sure about Vista. I prefer to leave it at default, have used wnaspii32 b4 with no problems and Elby one. Media does not seem to be outhere yet. You need to have admin access to use SPTI, Differences would be best left to an expert to detail. or try google or this link http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofive...php/t19362.html or to quote another Expert when asked a similar question in the past.
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