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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. @lfc no worries @ROD sent you pm
  2. I,m not selling any of my 1650, I never sell anything i buy even when i buy 5 of them, he's winding you up. you may still be able to get one though as pcworld have them or had them for 24.99. will have a look to see if they still got some and let you know.
  3. you know you can just press the Prt Scrn----sys rq key and capture screen then open paint and paste then save as JPG Bet you looked for ages to find your digi camera
  4. They are not very good, they may work then stop then work or not work at all
  5. model number or a bit more info about it
  6. dontasciime


    Curse of ITV strikes again. Every time ITV steal the footy away from Channel five and Newcastle are live on Itv they lose. Utter Shit, opposing teams manager Cheeky git, saying Newcastle's defence were good, which fkin match was he watching
  7. can you not install the 109 into the towercase instead or what make of computer do you have surely it has to have usb 2 ports.
  8. the pioneer 109 cannot set booktype to DVD-ROM unless you put in a hacked firmware for a buffalo drive if i remember rightly. So if your not prepared to goto those lengths then i would suggest getting some verbatim DVD-r media and maybe using the 109 in your computer on an IDE cable rather than connecting it via usb The speed your 109 is writing at and verifying suggests that your computer is using usb1 which is no good. Is the pioneer 109 connected to the usb ports at the back of your computer eg the motherboard usb slots or are you using a PCI card that gives you extra usb ports, or are you using front usb ports on tower case ?
  9. you have usb2 in the PC you have, IF so something has gone wrong with it, the speeds your getting are terrible and look more like usb1, not worth using usb1 with anything especially writers.# You in Europe or US as the dvd player you have and Tv If in Europe will have to play Ntsc at a guess from identifier. does not look like the 109 is setting booktype to dvd-rom, i know the 110 111 112 auto do this I kinda thought the 109 does but that might be cos i got a hacked firmware in mine..
  10. They have to be winding us up.
  11. set it to dvd-rom by clicking book icon at bottom right before you burn or search in google to find out if your drive can do it a lot now can, newer pioneer writers automatically do this for you. A lot more info from you would be more helpful, image to dvd is vague .
  12. browse for the iso with imgburn write mode open, or look in settings and tick ISO and make default setting [edit] I misunderstood your question, search google for the version of shrink you had then
  13. LOL, Hope you realise by the time you actually write the disc we will all be dead
  14. for cd i would burn it at 16x
  15. If the CD you got is something whereby you check size of it in windows and it reports as being way over the capacity of a CDR and you use build mode, chances are the file system is using symbolic links and when you try to create it with build mode you will end up with an ISO in the region of 4 gig. If this CD is like that you will only be able to read it and write it to CD if you use read mode so forget about Build mode. What is the Cd your trying to Read anyways, something to do with linux or ?
  16. have you got ISO ticked in ImgBurn settings if that does not work then look for an ISO you have on hard drive and right click and choose open with, tick box always open with and look for ImgBurn in list if its not there browse to program file and fine ImgBurn.exe and choose that or right click on an ISO and choose properties then change the opens with to ImgBurn
  17. you do not have to associate ISO images with winrar to be able to manipulate or extract ISO images with winrar Untick it in associations in Winrar so as to simplify any help you can receive its a simple process, put unprotected CD OR unprotected DVD into DVD reader, switch to ISO read mode in ImgBurn, select reader, then choose destination eg where you want to store ISO created by read / then switch to write mode and burn
  18. Still the software is not at fault, and it gets pretty annoying when people post version 2.X is fine but new version is creating coasters. (to be then told it is not possible) then for the original poster to say WELL IT HAS TO BE, It's been tested with countless drives in numerous scenarios (poor drivers and corruption should be first port of call, then down to hardware/ cable/ MEDIA etc (saying as they were verb media should not be the issue) It would drive me mad if i was the author. Not quite sure what you mean by manually entering layerbreak as there is no need when you have a correct .DVD file as alls thats in it is the layerbreak and ISO name.
  19. From ISO the layerbreak will not be present. To recalculate use the tools / ISO /display IFO then browse for the IFO You can recreate the MDS file from tools menu then browse for ISO, I'm sure it will not insert layerbreak though. (at create mds file bit if you manually enter the layerbreak that you got from IFO) it will then patch this into .mds If you already know the layerbreak (eg xbox360 game) you could create it in text doc then save as .dvd LayerBreak=1913760 GRAW2.iso I think, so wait for the author of program or blutach to respond.
  20. Check Ram again
  21. why would you want the files, if your so desperate for files video_ etc then create ISO then extract it.( you need winrar) read ISO in ImgBurn is for non protected material, protected material you need something else. ImgBurn works as it was intended.
  22. Is this pork luncheon meat ?
  23. for DVD-r to be showing as 2.4x i would check to see if there is a firmware update to the writer and maybe try different media in it. It may also be of benefit to check all cables, check your dma, and do a scan of hard drive for errors [edit] maybe also check to see if there are any newer chispet drivers for your motherboard, or if your using nvidia ide drivers try using standard microsoft ones
  24. chances are your mates pc has problems, did you try disc in every available reader he has ?
  25. try cleaning disc, or try it in another dvd reader.
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