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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. dontasciime


    Lol. You will be ok there will be few jumpers and none to worry about. Vista now thats a different matter.
  2. He asked me what distro I had used so I answered. Makes no difference I prefer Windoze.
  3. yeah I edited to ddr3 though. I think I will wait a Little not paying 300 quid for 512 meg or whatever it is actually I overlooked that part onboard ram (did not register as who would expect it) er no thanks Hang on Im getting confused here, seems to support ddr2 as well, and onboard ram, some places selling this mobo for nearly 600 quid and one at 137. I see now, the one for 137 is showing picture of deluxe and specs of deluxe but saying they have for sale a premium wifi, which does not have dimm slots but hard wired ddr3. Deluxe takes ddr2 or ddr 3 Unless they got that bit wrong on description as well. [edit] asus make same board one takes ddr2 and the other version takes ddr 3 but not either so to speak] premium is onboard ram
  4. I fancy this http://www.asus.com/news_show.aspx?id=7819 ddr3 though
  5. They any good as my msi is full of twatty bugs like no warm reboot and typical msi no idea on how to fix it, like 15 bios images later and back to square one, shame as well as nice fast board. I have a spare c2d now so might get one. How long for 38's though. That be ICH10 or ?
  6. http://www.xtremecomputing.co.uk/review.php?id=359 http://www.bjorn3d.com/read.php?cID=1107&pageID=3479 fair enough on p35 boards they have gotten them to 1200 and a little above but 965 and 975 seem to be struggling. Has your board been cleared to use 1333 fsb for newer c2d or like mine have they said it will never happen.
  7. Only going by what I read about them not going over 1072. Will see if I can find links
  8. I decided to buy the Ballistix Tracer from 1337pc and It arrived this morning. I will not be able to run it at 1066 though as all 975x chipsets cannot seem to run it at 1066 and have to use 1000. Very strange chipset the 975x. So 1337pc are legit they were a lot cheaper than eleswhere (and that made me dubios) but checkout is via protx (secure padlock top in ie7) stupid me was looking for padlock on bottom, forgot I updated to Ie7. The Ballistix memory is also not very good to overclock as found out by plenty of reviews etc. Maybe I will run it @800 and lower Cas and push up with FSB. That Gskill not got warranty whereby you can swap it for something that works.
  9. When you started ImgBurn did you still have open ? and when you tried again did you close ImgBurn ?
  10. I,ll swap you for 10 gig of ddr 266/333/400 I see they are down in price at misco again but 5 day wait. I fancy the tracer version I have found at 1337 but don't know if they are legit company.
  11. See I found Linux to be lacking, every machine I have ever had it on always had some driver missing, like gigalan network non recognition. Poor screen detection. Lots more issues, too many versions of Linux. Strange with it being so FREE that only 10% of the market uses it. Or would that be 5% Mac 5% Linux ? Linux has some neat mods and structure is quite clever but I prefer Windows as It works 100% of the time (resource hog , maybe) and you probably could not run it for weeks at a time without switching off without some corruption somewhere as opposed to Linux which I have seen running non stop for over a year. Each to their own.
  12. World is once again safe with that mystery cleared up. And thats the end of that chapter, star wipe and fade.
  13. Crappy apps written in delphi whats next. I need to know why I should not be using Vista and why linux would be better.
  14. Try replacing the disc's you are using first if they are anything but TY or MCC, make sure your burner's firmware is updated to latest. Without any other info do any of the above mentioned for previous poster.
  15. Ah can translate it into geordie
  16. Newer versions of ImgBurn are meant to auto booktype for lg drives have you changed the default settings
  17. you using fat32, try saving iso to ntfs, other than that press the defaults button in ImgBurn If you have messed on with file splitting.
  18. I see there are few uk companies which have ddr 3 1006 /1333 memory now. I like my corsair xms leds though , might get some of those ballistix modules though spotted some 8500 tracer for 101 delivered. nice design in black
  19. I see, thought maybe you had not been on their website for a while. Might have to look around to see if anyone makes them without them being rounded.
  20. Where are the deals for UK users. me now
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