I agree. My buddy who put me back on vinyl, and also sold me his Rega Planar 2 turntable (nice little unit) when he decided he needed a $1200 turntable with a $900 cartridge!!, describes the sound as warmer, and I think that's a great way to say it. CD's can have a slightly metallic sound to them, but at the very least an album in good condition seems to create no "ear fatigue" like cd's can, which we don't even realize is happening after all these years of listening to digitally compressed music. Analog is still the shazba! It's dead when it comes to mainstream consumers though. Show a kid an album, explain that they need to clean it before and after each use, they have to get up and manually skip to the next song, or pause, and then show them a 40GB ipod and ask which they prefer, and you'll have your record back every time.
Useless trivia:
To the best of my knowledge, there still isn't a $25,000 DVD player out there, but there are several brand's of turntables that sell for more!