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Everything posted by Grain

  1. Grain

    Old media?

    Don't misinterpret my post as being negative, I've had great luck with TYG01's, and wish they were still easily available. Apparently TY themselves call these Value Line, as does my online shop. He's lucky if he can still get G01's, most Value Line stuff is now G03's, can even get printable's. As "regular" TYG02's are only $5 per 50 more where I shop, I stick to those now. Have bot several spindles in the past though, and only had 2 failures. You could see a speck on the dye, causing the problem. Once TYG03's started showing up in the Value Line, and I started to read about more of the "speck" discs showing up more frquently, I stopped buying them. Apparently you can tell the difference, but it's not easy. Sometimes the number stamped into the plastic (at the hub) is double stamped, but not always. Supposedly the numbers themselves will tell you, but I'm not privy to such info.
  2. Grain

    Old media?

    Sounds like Taiyo's Value Line. It's all their seconds that they sell cheap, but only in N.A. Taiyo only rates them at 4X, even though they may be TYG01, TYG02, or TYG03 depending on the lot. Some less scrupulous retailers don't mention that their not Taiyos guaranteed best, but as a rule they are very decent as the scan shows.
  3. Grain

    Star Trek Rumor

    , Mike Meyers is on our $50.
  4. I bet Bill Stone feels like he's lived 240 years with his clean living, but I guess it worked for him.
  5. The women who let him in should be charged a stiff stupid tax also.
  6. Grain

    Star Trek Rumor

    I agree the remaining original cast are a little old to be making more flicks. I'd certainly go see another Next Gen feature though, what are we on now, an odd or even numbered movie?
  7. Damn mongolian, bwake down my Chitty wall!
  8. Grain

    Star Trek Rumor

    Blind from Jersey's avatar.............. :&
  9. Grain

    Star Trek Rumor

    I don't know... Shatner is Kirk, Kirk is Shatner, anyone else playing the part would be a heretic and subject to a savage kicking. As a Canadian (Shatner is on our $20 bill) I am rather concerned with the possibility.
  10. Read recently that the mem cards w/ movies aren't capable of the same lines of rez that the UMDiscs can do, which is a bit of a shit trick Keep meaning to pick up GTA Vice City, but I'd like a pre recall hackable version with the unlockable "extras", and not sure how to tell the difference.
  11. Grain

    Verb +R DL's

    Here's a comparison on a burn scanned on both a BenQ1655 & the Plex 716 it was burned on. I 09:59:17 Operation Started! I 09:59:17 Source File: G:\DVD ISO's\Maxtor ISO's\ROBOCOP Dirrectors Cut\ROBOCOP_USSE.MDS I 09:59:17 Source File Sectors: 4,063,713 (MODE1/2048) I 09:59:17 Source File Size: 8,322,484,224 bytes I 09:59:17 Source File Implementation Identifier: Daikin U.S. Comtec Lab I 09:59:17 Destination Device: [0:0:0] PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A 1.09 (D:) (ATA) I 09:59:17 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x) I 09:59:17 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 09:59:17 Write Mode: DVD I 09:59:17 Write Type: DAO I 09:59:17 Write Speed: MAX I 09:59:17 Link Size: Auto I 09:59:17 Test Mode: No I 09:59:17 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 09:59:17 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 2,050,592 I 09:59:17 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc I 09:59:17 Filling Buffer... I 09:59:24 Writing LeadIn... I 10:00:09 Writing Image... I 10:00:09 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 2050591) I 10:08:34 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 2050592 - 4063712) I 10:16:55 Synchronising Cache... I 10:17:07 Closing Track... I 10:17:08 Finalising Disc... I 10:17:50 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:18:32 I 10:17:51 Average Write Rate: 8,078 KB/s (5.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 8,380 KB/s (6.1x) I 10:17:51 Cycling Tray before Verify... I 10:18:29 Operation Started! I 10:18:29 Source Device: [0:0:0] PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A 1.09 (D:) (ATA) I 10:18:29 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x) I 10:18:29 Image File: G:\DVD ISO's\Maxtor ISO's\ROBOCOP Dirrectors Cut\ROBOCOP_USSE.MDS I 10:18:29 Image File Sectors: 4,063,713 (MODE1/2048) I 10:18:29 Image File Size: 8,322,484,224 bytes I 10:18:29 Image File Implementation Identifier: Daikin U.S. Comtec Lab I 10:18:29 Verifying Sectors... I 10:36:07 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:17:32 I 10:36:07 Average Verify Rate: 7,725 KB/s (5.6x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 11,134 KB/s (8.0x) BenQ Scan Plextor Scan Appears the Plex can read it's own burn fairly well. Strangely enough, the Plex does each check as an independant scan ie the Pi, Pif, & jitter were independant scans/reads, took a long time.
  12. Grain

    Verb +R DL's

    Finally tried out 8X DL burning a little while back with a Pioneer 111D, as the BenQ 1650/5 won't/can't do better than 2.4X with MKM-001-00 Here's the result: I 20:59:44 ImgBurn Version started! I 20:59:44 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 20:59:44 Initialising SPTI... I 20:59:44 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:59:44 Found 4 DVD?RWs! I 21:01:10 Operation Started! I 21:01:10 Source File: G:\DVD ISO's\Maxtor ISO's\Q_THE_WINGED_SERPENT.MDS I 21:01:10 Source File Sectors: 3,219,789 (MODE1/2048) I 21:01:10 Source File Size: 6,594,127,872 bytes I 21:01:10 Source File Implementation Identifier: Daikin U.S. Comtec Lab I 21:01:10 Destination Device: [1:1:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.06 (F:) (ATA) I 21:01:10 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x) I 21:01:10 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 21:01:10 Write Mode: DVD I 21:01:10 Write Type: DAO I 21:01:10 Write Speed: MAX I 21:01:10 Link Size: Auto I 21:01:10 Test Mode: No I 21:01:10 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 21:01:10 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,999,200 I 21:01:10 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc I 21:01:37 Filling Buffer... I 21:01:42 Writing LeadIn... I 21:01:53 Writing Image... I 21:01:53 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1999199) I 21:08:50 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1999200 - 3219788) I 21:13:13 Synchronising Cache... I 21:13:14 Closing Track... I 21:13:26 Finalising Disc... I 21:19:06 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:17:55 I 21:19:06 Average Write Rate: 9,483 KB/s (6.8x) - Maximum Write Rate: 11,159 KB/s (8.1x) I 21:19:06 Cycling Tray before Verify... I 21:19:32 Device Ready! I 21:19:33 Operation Started! I 21:19:33 Source Device: [1:1:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.06 (F:) (ATA) I 21:19:33 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Book Type: DVD-ROM) (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x) I 21:19:33 Image File: G:\DVD ISO's\Maxtor ISO's\Q_THE_WINGED_SERPENT.MDS I 21:19:33 Image File Sectors: 3,219,789 (MODE1/2048) I 21:19:33 Image File Size: 6,594,127,872 bytes I 21:19:33 Image File Implementation Identifier: Daikin U.S. Comtec Lab I 21:19:33 Verifying Sectors... I 21:33:38 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:14:02 I 21:33:38 Average Verify Rate: 7,657 KB/s (5.5x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 10,350 KB/s (7.5x) Not that great Here's one at 6X. I 19:45:42 ImgBurn Version started! I 19:45:42 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 19:45:42 Initialising SPTI... I 19:45:42 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 19:45:52 Found 4 DVD?RWs! I 19:47:15 Operation Started! I 19:47:15 Source File: G:\DVD ISO's\Maxtor ISO's\RE_ANIMATOR_DISC1.MDS I 19:47:15 Source File Sectors: 2,917,199 (MODE1/2048) I 19:47:15 Source File Size: 5,974,423,552 bytes I 19:47:15 Source File Volume Identifier: RE_ANIMATOR_DISC1 I 19:47:15 Source File UDF Revision: 1.02 I 19:47:15 Destination Device: [1:1:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.06 (F:) (ATA) I 19:47:15 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x) I 19:47:15 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824 I 19:47:15 Write Mode: DVD I 19:47:15 Write Type: DAO I 19:47:15 Write Speed: 6x I 19:47:15 Link Size: Auto I 19:47:15 Test Mode: No I 19:47:15 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 19:47:15 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,686,608 I 19:47:15 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc I 19:47:40 Filling Buffer... I 19:47:49 Writing LeadIn... I 19:48:01 Writing Image... I 19:48:01 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1686607) I 19:55:11 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1686608 - 2917198) I 20:00:42 Synchronising Cache... I 20:00:43 Closing Track... I 20:00:54 Finalising Disc... I 20:04:27 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:17:12 I 20:04:27 Average Write Rate: 7,666 KB/s (5.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 8,377 KB/s (6.0x) I 20:04:27 Cycling Tray before Verify... I 20:04:53 Device Ready! I 20:04:53 Operation Started! I 20:04:53 Source Device: [1:1:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.06 (F:) (ATA) I 20:04:53 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Book Type: DVD-ROM) (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x) I 20:04:53 Image File: G:\DVD ISO's\Maxtor ISO's\RE_ANIMATOR_DISC1.MDS I 20:04:53 Image File Sectors: 2,917,199 (MODE1/2048) I 20:04:53 Image File Size: 5,974,423,552 bytes I 20:04:53 Image File Volume Identifier: RE_ANIMATOR_DISC1 I 20:04:53 Image File UDF Revision: 1.02 I 20:04:53 Verifying Sectors... I 20:18:28 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:13:31 I 20:18:28 Average Verify Rate: 7,194 KB/s (5.2x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 9,682 KB/s (7.0x)
  13. I've used my PSP a grand total of 5 hours in the whole 4 months I've owned it. Not making use of it enough. Nice piece of kit though.
  14. Grain

    BenQ 1650/5

    The firmware works well in my 1650, haven't scanned any of the 1655 burns yet, but I'm sure they'll be good also. I must eat rice......
  15. Grain

    BenQ 1650/5

    It's a great drive, it will compliment your excellent 1640 nicely. I love the que
  16. Grain

    BenQ 1650/5

    So far only on the Chinese BenQ website, so possibly take that into consideration. 1655 1650
  17. Unfortunately that's the norm with the 1655 and Verb +R DL's, the only speed you can burn them at is 2.4X, unless you buy there newer 8X rated media. I know its shit, burned one of the MKM-001-00(2.4X Verb +DL's) at 8X last night to check out my Pioneer. It worked, not as nice as 6X with a Plex 716 though. So, BenQ MAY change that with a firmware, but not necessarily, the color bit the IT help desk told you about was shite.
  18. Correct. I thought I'd read that, +R DVD5's aren't changable though are they.
  19. I dumped 91GB onto a 200GB external USB HDD yesterday, took 42 mins. Probably not that good a practice, but it didn't melt
  20. Did you buy their suite LFC? Or are you using an OEM package that came with a burner? That's what I'm doing, but it doesn't have DTS capabilities, and I've considered upgrading to get it. Not sure if you need hardware that's DTS capable also though, I doubt if my onboard sound (MB) is.
  21. Long time no hear Pain Man, glad to see you back. Not sure if I believe the hyperthreading line either, as AMD chips hyperthread also, and well, it just sounds like shite to me. Hopefully someone will be able to help you, the 760 looks like a good burner on paper...
  22. Not at all, got the 1650 and a Pioneer 111D by mail for less than I paid for the 1655 . About 23 Pounds Sterling a piece. Had to remove a NEC 3520 & a Liteon 167T ROM to make room though, kept the 1655 and a Plex 716, no more room at the Inn . Getting some lovely scans with the Pioneer & TYG02's .
  23. -R DL's are a bit of a pain I'm afraid. I don't have any good advice to give on them, other than to switch to Verbatim +R DL's, and you'll have no trouble. I've burned quite a few, with not one problem.
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