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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Have you got a book full of these junkie? Can I borow it? Love em, keep em commmmmmmming.
  2. Have you got something like this for humans.
  3. Kenadjian


    Mate, last lot of TDK's I bought here in australia were nothing short of crap, you guesed it CMC MAG's, upon screeming and yelling at TDK, I got "too bad so sad" this is the way it is now. So I havn't bought a single TDK sinse. Please let us know what you end up with. Edit: polo, I posted this back in Sep in the other forum, I found it for you. Thanks, I thought as much, I finaly bit the bullet and forked out good dollars for top class media only to find that my drive doesn't like them, isnt life a bitch. Oh, I'll share this with you guys, I've been using TDK's now for a long time, their -R media is usualy TTG01 or TTG02, and their +R is usualy RICOHJPN, my drive loved them and never had a problem, the +R's burning at 12X without a problem. The last batch I bought, were all CMC's AGHH, 1 burn in 5 if I'm lucky, I wrote to TDK to inform them that their disks had gone shit, here is their reply, no more TDK's for me. My email. To whom it may concern. I'm writing to express my disappointment in a recent purchase of 4x25 packs of +R media in non printable 1 - 8X speed DVD+R's. I have always purchased these for their quality, in the past they were always RICOHJPN dye, my latest purchase however are all CMC dye, which are nothing short of crap. These are not the cheapest media out there, in fact at $34 per 25 makes them one of the most expensive, but like I said, I like quality and don't mind paying for it. I would be lucky to get one successful burn out of 5 from the CMC's, clearly not acceptable, where as the RICOHJPN dye never misses. Please don't blame my drive or the firmware and or my DMA settings, I can assure you it is the dye used. Please let me know if there is something you can do, if not, you have lost a loyal TDK customer and a about 90 disks in the bin. thank you for your time. Their reply Dear Mr Kenadjian, apologies for the delay, we were checking to confirm possible problems with other users regarding our change of factories (a few years ago we were making DVD's with Ricoh magnetics) now we use CMC. TDK has guidelines regarding quality and the standard of disc has not changed so they should be at same specs anyway. All I can suggest is you return the DVD's at no cost to yourself to the following address and we will test and replace with a report that will hopefully explain the cause. Please include your name and address also the name of your drive and anything that will help our technician with his testing. The address is: TDK (Australia) Pty Ltd. Reply Paid 78277, North Sydney, NSW 2060. Fuck em.
  4. That is so fcuking true. Well done junkie.
  5. Pending on the type of error you're getting, you could have a corrupt Winsock 2 reg key, if that's the case, this should fix it, it happend to one of mates after installing Firefox, then ie6 would not work. Look carefully at your error before jumping into this. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308780/en-us
  6. Happy birthday mate.
  7. Kenadjian


    Fcuk it, why can't we have Wal Marts here. #39;(
  8. Thanks corny.
  9. Oh shit!!!
  10. All good and valid points, so I'll finish off with this. I love my firearms and all the stuff that goes with it, reloading my own ammunition etc. I get a big kick out of achieving a 2" grooping or better at 200 yards. So for as long as my arse is pointing to the ground, I will never give up my right to own a firearm, regardless of what laws they introduce. They can come and get me now.
  11. That is indeed unfortunate Spinner, when you consider the 100's of 1000's people that own firearms and treat them with great care and responsibility (like yourself) just confirms my thoughts about controlling the person rather than the firearm and indeed some proper training should the person be fit enough to own one in the first place. What I get angry about, is the fact once in a while some idiot goes nuts and decides to go on a shooting spree, the authorities immediately react and put a 100,000 firearm owners in the same category. consider this, I'm a fu***n idiot that one day decide to go out and kill some people just for the hell of it, (most shootings in Australia have been this way), guns are banned and I can't get one, so I jump in my car go to a busy city street, mount the footpath and kill say 30 people. Would the authorities consider banning cars? To be quite honest, if I was F****d in the head, I could do far more damage with a vehicle (think of a semi trailer) an 18 wheeler I think you guys call them, than I could ever do with a firearm.
  12. Yeah, they tried the same shit here in Australia, it's just one big wank job in my opinion. I have been a firearm owner for over 30 years, the one thing that people need to remember is that a firearms like most things is just a tool, it's the idiot behind it is what needs to be controlled.
  13. Yes Sir....................... So, you have come back after all, and they said it wouldn't happen.
  15. Kenadjian


    You can't argue with logic. Well said.
  16. Happy birthday young fella.
  17. A sure sign of old age.
  18. DB, have you been at it again?
  19. Thanks guys, I was out of action for a while.
  20. Eat my shorts.
  21. Yeah, that was good too.
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