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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Like I said once before, I gave TDK the arse as they too swaped there dye to CMC, I couldn't believe that a large reputable company like TDK would do that, worse still, when I notified them of there fatal mistake, there atitude was one of we don't care, "take it or leave it". So, I left it. Verbs are the go for me now, love that MCC dye.
  2. There is a good chance that your drive just doesn't like those discs, it's not because they are crap, it's just media/drive compatibility. I had simular problem with TYs with my LG4120 just did not like them. Swaped to verbs with MCC dye and my drive loves them, just the way it is.
  3. Yup, supose to be 100 years if treated right offcourse.
  4. The 4.7GB displayed is in Bytes, 4,700,000,000 when you truly convert that back to GB it works out to 4.377. It is not advisable to produce a file any larger than 4.35GB max, getting to close to the edge of the disk often ends in disaster.
  5. You are two versions behind in your firmware, I'm sure that will fix your problem, link below. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2053
  6. Can you post the info of the media? the complete info out of the right hand pane. One blank, and one you have burnt would be handy.
  7. Spot on.
  8. Did you just recently buy a new batch? Have you burnt any out of the current successfully? If not, please humour me and try something else. Not that I don't believe you, but how did you confirm this? Are the buffers full when it fails to write? Questions questions questions.
  9. Two quick suggestions. 1 any reason why you are using ASPI instead of SPTI? 2 Have you tried a different brand of media? Also, you might want to update your firmware, the latest is GD30, here is the link. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?cate...4&manufactor=24 Oh, last but not least, check your DMA settings.
  10. What's the matter corny? got some ringing in your ears?
  11. give em one from me too MJ, anoying little bastards.
  12. You're kidding, right?
  13. Good stuff MJ Cheers Edit: Fcuk it, you got to register, I can't be arsed. Thanks MJ it was worth a try.
  14. Here in Oz we have three time zones as it is, can you imagine the confusion when daylight savings kicks in? it is not a national thing as shamus mentioned, WA and Queensland do not have it. As there is 2 hours difference between east and west, daylight savings stretches it out by another hour making it 3, so if you wanted to talk to somebody in perth and you were in Melbourne, it's no good trying before 11am Melbourne time. Fuck, by that time you had forgoton what you wanted the person for. Bloody stupid, it should be all or none.
  15. Thanks. I just need to "Rant" once in a while. This whole thing in Iraq really pisses me off. Especially since I have a son who is of draft age if they decide to start the draft again. This administration cares not one iota about our young men dying for naught. All it cares about is getting their greedy hands on more money through the blood of our young men. In fact the head BASTARD, King george, doen't even care about any of the people in this country, other than his f'n cronies. The only reason he wants that damn Middle-East company to run those ports is because he is making millions of dollars from it. KING GEORGE....KISS MY ASS! I agree, it sort of reminds me of Vietnam all over again. What a waste of fucking time that was, not to mention lives. Edit: I don't fucking understand why America in general needs to act every time some asshole drops a fart somewhere in the world. Did someone appoint them as world police? I must have missed the appointment.
  16. @MJ, watch your blood pressure man, I think you're about to burst a vessel.
  17. Indeed it is. Bloody hell, that's some serious imaging. At that time, it was probably only on version 4 / 5 (or at least that's what I had to use) and it wouldn't write to an NTFS partition. It would READ one (to an image), but you couldn't write the the new image to one. They have indeed, Ghost 2003 no problems at all with NTFS and network support.
  18. Question Shamus, any reason for the FAT32? It?s what L_UK! suggested and have never thought to question it. Fair enough, I wouldn't have either I think it all depends on what version you're using, the early ones did not support NTFS.
  19. I've just finished restoring 3 corporate Pc's from a fresh SOE build that I imaged with Ghost 2003 over the network with a mapped drive. Can not fault it in any way, maybe it is the version like you said, the only thing that I can bitch about is that it does not have enough NIC template drivers built in, I usualy have to add these in manualy (DOS drivers). Give it a whirl, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  20. Jesus mate, you're catching up fast. Happy birthday mate.
  21. Question Shamus, any reason for the FAT32?I do all imaging on ntfs partitions without any problems (with Ghost). DB, I've never had a problem with Ghost, both in back ups and restore, even on RAID 5 servers, what sort of problems are you having? Not to mention it is a DOS based tool.
  22. Kenadjian


    Happy birthday Polo, Sorry for the late cheer, just landed back from a 2 week cruse. Happy birthday mate, and good luck with the job hunting.
  23. They would get my vote.
  24. Bloody hell, and I thought all they wanted to do was to ban guns.
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