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Everything posted by Kenadjian

  1. Ah, you need PgcEdit to rebuild your ISO for DL's, (that's the most common) Unless you've got a 1:1 reading program, then it's just a matter of burning it with ImgBurn. As far as shrink, I don't believe so.
  2. Don't quite understand the question. (Will what has to happen before burning?) Yes.
  3. Hi polo, can you see a checkbox in CD-RW in the "Write capabilities" on your PC?
  4. I wasn't suggesting they are usless, and honest to God I can not see a check mark in your posted image, I don't know why? I wasn't suggesting you're a fool either, but it's amazing how many of us get caught with the simplest things. So, you're right maybe the drive doesn't like those disks. The amount of sectors it lists in your first post suggests that it realy doesn't know what it's looking at.
  5. Well, I don't see a checkmark in RW box. If there is one, I don't know why I can't see it? BTW, have you burnt any RW's with this drive before?
  6. Instead of getting huffy, have a good look at the "Write Capabilities" BTW, "RW" in the drive discription does not mean it supports RW media.
  7. Does it support RW's? It sure doesn't look like it.
  8. All your problems are pointing directly to media quality. Verb +R DL are the only DL media to use, the ones your using are nothing but trouble. As far as your SL burns, again media quality is the usual cause for freezing etc. While you're at it check for the latest firmware available for your drive. If your not sure how to do that, post a log from ImgBurn, and we'll help you sort it out.
  9. I think this has come up before, if you do a search you should find it. Never mind, I found it. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1259
  10. You didn't start a second instance of ImgBurn did you? Because if you did the first instance has got the drive locked. If not, than something else has got it locked.
  11. Errm, if memory serves me right that's below freezing, who wants a fookin frozen beer.
  12. i know what that is now Lol, I thought the esky was an International tool, a must have.
  13. No offence taken, just a reminder.
  14. Sorry Lahem, I should have realised that you're talking DL burning, ImgTool is good for SL, so the boss is right, PgcEdit is what you need here. Always the MDS
  15. Kenadjian


    Good stuff jersey.
  16. We don't do too bad down here either, we've been there everytime you guys decided to sneeze.
  17. Like LFC said in post 2 justin, Taiyo Yudens, or Verbs are the go.
  18. Bloody dead right mate, I use to love TDK, it's only of late that they decided to go down the shitshoot.
  19. Imgtool classic. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_so...ool_classic.cfm
  20. You're dead right, it's enough to put off anyone new to DVD burning forever, simply because they don't believe what they bought is crap, and of course big names using this dye doesn't help, like TDK, it's hard for a newbie to believe he or she bought shit, their argument would be "but it's TDK".
  21. You thought you were THE ONE didn't you DB?
  22. AHHHH, CMC's strike again. There should be a law against the sale of these things.
  23. Thanks mate, I pointed him there in case he didn't know how to get shrink to output it to an ISO.
  24. Data transfer to DVD's is far greater than CD's, therefore the clearer the "highway" to the burner, the better. Imagine two lanes of highway trafic merging into one, result=chaos.
  25. Jannat, As per spinningwheel's post, it does sound like it's a DMA issue. This won't fix the problem, (pending on what it is) but you should be using the latest, so yes. Oh, and as spinner said, always include the log in your post, this will give us much needed info to your problem.
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