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Everything posted by bootsector

  1. hehehe Turbo Delphi = "Modern" Turbo Pascal Regards, bootsector
  2. LOL! Mabe that's a "Jurassic" version of KDE or Gnome :
  3. Hi folks! It looks like the old Borland times are back again: http://www.turboexplorer.com/ There is a hack which make it possible to install third party components on 'Explorer' (free) versions! Best regards, bootsector
  4. Hmmm... So it looks like this kind of shows are all nonsense when it comes to technology stuff.. A few months ago I saw on 'CSI Miami' a guy who typed an IP address which begin with 318.. WTF? At least I laugh a lot! Regards, bootsector
  5. Hi! All you need is a program similar to Partition Magic, right? If so, you should never buy this kind of software before take a look on this ass kicking freeware: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ Best regards, bootsector
  6. LoL! One more vote for the "eye closing" solution! Just leave the Splash Screen alone! It's gorgeous, delicious!
  7. 100% agreed!
  8. I always loved Borland tools! You can do just ANYTHING you want with them, and with not much troubles! After ImgBurn, I just love them even more! Best regards, bootsector
  9. That let me curious: ImgBurn is coded in Delphi or C++ Builder? And which version do you use?
  10. OWNED!! LOL!!!!
  11. OMG, LUK! I knew you weren't kidding about releasing it tonight! THANK YOU A LOT!! ImgBurn can not only burn images, but it KICKS ASS as well Best regards, bootsector
  12. OMG!!! Tonight???? I think I'm having a heart attack!
  13. Hi folks! I was checking some Linux boot disks and some Live CDs with ISOBuster. All of them seems to have a RockRidge filesystem. Now I need to rebuild one of these disks with ImgBurn and Build mode. Does anyone know if these modified boot disks will boot without the RockRidge filesystem? Thanks in advance! bootsector
  14. Here is the species who caused the tragedy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasyatis_brevicaudata AKA "Bull Ray" or "Short-tail stingray": "It frequently raises its tail with barb in a scorpion-like fashion when approached. Though it can inflict severe wounds, it is considered more inquisitive than aggressive." Maybe that one was in bad mood that day
  15. @DellE1405: From version, ImgBurn is much more than a ISO burner. You should check out the "Build" mode, there are some tutorials in the "Guides" section as well! Warning: Prepare to get Nero and any other burning application ABANDONED! Best regards, bootsector
  16. PayPal info updated! I've just made a donation! It was cool to know LUK!'s real name Are you curious about that? Then DONATE! Keep up the GREAT work, LUK! Best regards, bootsector
  17. LOL! I thought I didn't get that as well because my broken english
  18. I was a big fan of this guy! I got very surprised when I opened the news this morning and saw him on the front page. It was hard to believe... It was easy to imagine him as a "immortal" guy when you saw him on TV. Very sad history
  19. Hello there! It's 10:47AM here in Brazil. It's a cloudy and fresh sunday morning and I just woken up! Now I am going to shave myself, take a shower and take my fianc? out for lunch! See ya folks!
  20. And remember that Windows Vista is still "beta" software, so, you can expect every kind of weird stuff coming from it! Best regards, bootsector
  21. Weird error... Nice wallpaper...
  22. DDoS smell is in the air!!!
  23. hmmm... You could check your DMA settings and your drive's flat cable! Best regards, bootsector
  24. Hi! There is an error when I try to open any of your screenshots. That's great news, anyway!! Are you able to burn discs (CDs and DVDs) and generating ISO files flawlessly? Best regards, bootsector
  25. Hmmm... I've heard this issue will be solved on next version of ImgBurn... Just can't wait for that! Best regards, bootsector
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