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Posts posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. <CHOMP!>


    LOL yea how long ago and what Linux Distro?


    There's little doubt that Linux (overall) is a great OS. As previously mentioned, if you want driver support for the latest hardware, you're screwed. The popularity of Windows ensures that you can at least find the driver you need. Having to fuck around with kernels, crappy hardware support and the general "unfriendliness" of many aspects of Linux is what keeps alot of people from using it. Granted that there's thousands of virii all targetting Windows but there's also a shitload of free software available to deal with it and protect against it. It's not that I love Windows (as a die-hard Amiga fan that's impossible) but, as a general rule, Windows does what it's supposed to. It's not a great OS but it's the easiest to use. A quality product isn't determined by how good it is. It's determined by the consumer under the expectation that it'll do what it's supposed to do. Windows might suck in certain aspects but it's made for the greater mass market of users who are essentially computer illiterate. If they plug a camera into it - it'll work....... usually. ;)

  2. I have the same thing, and it is driving me crazy that I can't find where to disable the function that makes wmplayer.exe autostart....


    Right click on the drive in Windows and select properties and then the autoplay tab.

  3. Heavy CPU usage is why I asked you to check DMA. The more you tell us, the quicker we can help. We ain't psychic. :)


    Bring up your task manager (ctrl+alt+del) then click on the processes tab. Now try and get a directory listing and have a look under CPU to see what programs are using what resources.

  4. You can buy a CD cleaner from any store that sells hi-fi gear. It's just a disk with little hairs on it that brush against the drives' laser when it's spun. Never used one myself. With hardware as cheap as it is these days, I'd check the ribbon cable and also swap the drive onto another IDE channel to rule out problems with the motherboard. If neither of these worked I'd toss it into the bin.

  5. I 17:30:21 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: PRINCO8X02) (Speeds: 1x, 2x, 4x)


    G'day. :) A couple of things. Matshita drives aren't the best. They're cheap and pretty nasty (which is why none of us has one). :) These disks are the biggest problem though. They're really bad for both reliability and quality. Grab yourself some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim media and most of your problems should dissapear.

  6. Seems to have come good for some reason....... sort of. Read/write speed still stucks but the drives are spinning up properly now and there's no stutter/lag when copying files like there was last night. I still don't trust it but it's working for the moment.




  7. not backup? who me? :innocent::innocent:


    so!!! how long does it take to restore??


    did that once with a tape drive (pent 1, 300 mhz) took all night and half the day, and then didn't work


    Normally it should take around 4 hours to copy 600gigs from a network drive. I dunno how long it actually took because I went to bed. :D

  8. Did i not send you ontrack ? that would format the 600 gig in about 1 minute flat.


    Restoring would take as long as it does though.


    Dodgy RAID controller mate...... and it's still playing up. Drives won't spin up properly and won't sustain read/write. I think it's fooked.

  9. * learning mode on *


    Hey Shamus, Not as deep into mobos as you but could you not try to save the motherboard by buying a sata card and getting around the problem that way?, or is it always better to use the onboard raid controller if the mobo is so equipped. How do you know its not the HD thats causing you grief but suspect the onboard raid........ :blink::blink::)


    * Question period over * :lol:


    Good question. :) Basically, there's 2 reasons. Firstly, I've never been happy with it. The read/write speed has never been as good as it should be. Secondly, the PC I'm having problems with doesn't have any room left in the case for more drives and uses 2 external drives instead. The 2 drives run to a couple of makeshift pci cards with sata connectors at the back and run from there to the sata ports on the m/board. Far from ideal. I really need to spend some money and get some more Coolermaster cases or something. The m/board itself is just about due for an upgrade anyways as it's about 3 years old, I suppose. BTW, the drives function perfectly in another PC. It has to be the m/board. :(

  10. Having LOTS of problems with it too, mate. It just doesn't want to play properly. I'm beginning to suspect that the onboard raid controller has crapped itself. Anyone want to buy a slightly used motherboard?

  11. Nothing better than waiting for a format to finish, Kev. Being given the oportunity to sit here like a bottle of stale piss while it grinds through the process is the epitome of joy. Hitting ones' self between the eyes with a hammer comes a close second. :lol:

  12. You fucking beauty! I just had one of my raid drives crap itself. YES!! 600gigs of data gone in an instant. Instead of killing bad guys on BattleNet or fluffing around with the new beta of ImgBurn, I get to format a 600gig drive and restore the data from a backup drive. Does computing get any better than this? WooHoo!! :cheerleader:

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