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Posts posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. All I want to do is save my jpeg and avi files to cd or dvd. I may also want to save some data files too. So what would be the very simple (I hope) steps to take to accomplish these kind of tasks?



    One more question. I was able to burn one avi to a cd using Imgburn but now how do I add more files to the same cd? I have a lot of space left on the cd.


    You can't if the CD has been closed/finalised. Packet writing software like InCD allows you to do this. ImgBurn won't. You're better off organising your files before you think about commiting them to disk.

  2. As an IT admin, you should know that it would help if you gave us all the available info you have, such as a logfile. :) It might not fix the problem but it wouldn't hurt.


    Very true. But the log file doesn't indicate any real problem which is why I didn't include it. I just had a slow read rate with a particular disc otherwise it reads other discs of the same make just fine.


    FWIW, the logfile helps us alot. Even if your burn fails, the log shows the model of your drive, the firmware version and the media you are using. These three things are the root of most of the problems we see here. The more we know, the better equipped we are to help by dismissing the obvious and finding the heart of the problem alot faster. Alot like IT really. ;)

  3. Interesting link. A couple of things from their blog: Heavy use? Straight out of the box mine was unusable for CDs. As for "environmental conditions", this sounds like another way to say "we f*cked up". It would also seem that unless you live in the USA or Canada, you're shit out of luck. Just typical. I've been a fan of Pioneer drives for years but this time they can use my 112D as a 5 1/4" suppository. I won't be buying another one. That's right, shoppers. They can belt it up their crack.

  4. Disc ID: INFODISC-A10-01


    Honestly? These are garbage. Very bad. Sub-standard. Crap. A bit "how's your father". Verging on shite. Could do better. Needs improvement. Not worth the time. Below average. Left wanting. Decidedly ordinary. As handy as a wooden leg in a bushfire. As useful as tits on a bull. As useful as a third testicle. Do you see a pattern here? :) Don't bother using the rest of them. Just toss them into the bin and grab some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim media. They are all we use. InfoDisc media just isn't worth the trouble.

  5. Hey,


    I've been having major problems trying to burn DL discs with ImgBurn. I either get the dreaded 'Power Calibration Error' or it bombs out halfway, if I'm very lucky it will occasionally burn sucessfully. I've tried burning from my desktop, from a caddy attached to my desktop and then attached to my laptop but to no avail.


    I'm convinced it's the burner (Lite-On) because it spins very loudly and clicks like it's struggling, single layer discs are absolutely fine though :unsure:


    Rather than waste more money on Verbatims which will inevitably fail, I think it's time for a new burner. I've seen people recommending Pioneer's, are these the best to go for?




    Logfile please. Help Menu > Logs.



    Also, be wary if buying a Pioneer 112. Mine refuses to burn CDs - even with the latest firmware update.

  6. Good ones will be added to something stupid in the up and coming new release. :)


    Perhaps a "tagline" text file? Y'know, the taglines we used to add to FidoNet messages as padding when the XModem protocol randomly chopped off pieces from the bottom of our messages? I used to use a tagline program with my mail tosser (Spot) years ago. There's probably shitloads of them on AmiNet.

  7. As an IT admin, I'd like to know if the CD or indeed the CD writer is starting to have problems with wear and tear?


    What does the experts on CDs make of this?




    As an IT admin, you should know that it would help if you gave us all the available info you have, such as a logfile. :) It might not fix the problem but it wouldn't hurt.

  8. I 15:14:35 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x)


    While you're at it, ditch the Ritek media. They truly are garbage. Grab some Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden and save yourself alot of grief.

    yea i used to use verbatims but decided to switch to memorex disks because of the price. they haven't given me any issues/coasters so far, just slower burn speeds compared to the verbatim disks.


    Do a scan with DVDInfoPro and have another look. There's a good reason why we don't use them here. :)

  9. I 15:14:35 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x)


    While you're at it, ditch the Ritek media. They truly are garbage. Grab some Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden and save yourself alot of grief.

  10. Standby/hiber/restart they are all there in


    Never ever used em, handy for some though.


    Well, slap me down and call me Susan. I never knew standby was in there too. Looks like I'm wrong for the first time since 1976.



    <enter Bart Simpson>



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  11. ImgBurn appeared to have written the full 2gig iso file to the disc, it's verify also reported back as successful. However, within windows explorer the disc reports as 0 bytes (in raw format).


    0 bytes or 0 bytes free?


    I'm just wondering if i even need that iso file, given that the TS_Video files are all present and play directly from my PC (i'm trawling through the guide forums currently - thanks for the pointer).


    Again, giving you the benefit of doubt, you can load the ISO into Imgburn which will happily burn it onto a disk for you. You can also change the output from ImgBurns' build option to write the files directly to disk instead of creating an ISO first.

  12. great, thanks for the apprentice training :) I was curious how they were burned and that will help me in future issues.



    It's done this way for speed. When you play a movie in your DVD player, the laser will read the final piece of data at the outside edge of layer 0 and then quickly change to to layer 1 and read from the outside edge towards the centre. This way there's only a split second delay as the player changes focus between layers.

  13. Blu, I read that 3 times and I'm still not sure what you said. =))



    @Sliztzan: What verification does is check your disk for errors after it has been burned. Imgburn will burn your disk and then eject it before checking. Ejecting the disk forces the drive to refresh itself which makes the verification process more accurate. If the disk uses a cheap dye (like CMC or Ritek media), it will usually burn fine but fail to read back what your drive has written.

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