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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Having LOTS of problems with it too, mate. It just doesn't want to play properly. I'm beginning to suspect that the onboard raid controller has crapped itself. Anyone want to buy a slightly used motherboard?
  2. Nothing better than waiting for a format to finish, Kev. Being given the oportunity to sit here like a bottle of stale piss while it grinds through the process is the epitome of joy. Hitting ones' self between the eyes with a hammer comes a close second.
  3. You fucking beauty! I just had one of my raid drives crap itself. YES!! 600gigs of data gone in an instant. Instead of killing bad guys on BattleNet or fluffing around with the new beta of ImgBurn, I get to format a 600gig drive and restore the data from a backup drive. Does computing get any better than this? WooHoo!!
  4. Happy belated birthday, MJ. Apologies for being late.
  5. Please post the entire logfile. Thanks.
  6. Shamus_McFartfinger

    New Toy

    As I said, it was a rumour and nothing else. Problem is that damage has been done yet again to $onys' reputation as a corporate bully. Try this: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&...earch&meta=
  7. Shamus_McFartfinger

    New Toy

    I'll be waiting a while too. Speculation was rife not too long ago that $ony threatened to revoke the licences of the "stampers" (those contracted to press the actual blu-ray disks) if they took contracts for pornographic films. Whether it's true or not is anyones' guess but what is known is that a large portion of the adult film business went across to HD-DVD. A $500 million a year industry (just in the USA) would have alot of pull. Pull? LOL! *sigh* Bedtime.
  8. It's not a bad idea. What kills it is the crappy resolution. Nobody would be able to see what's going on with a font 2 pixels in height. I remember a video tutorial for DVD Decrypter done a few years ago that used some sort of screen capture software. I can't think what the name of it was now. It had a gecko or a chipmonk or something stupid in the name...... I think. Looked really good too. I'd host an ImgBurn tutorial if someone wanted to take a crack at it.
  9. Ohhh, I thought earlier posts said bad drive. But the answer is better blank discs! I can buy better discs - I've read all those posts too. Thanks, Jerol Bad/old firmware and crap media causes most of the problems we see here. Even new drives (like the Pioneer 112D), have serious problems burning CDs with firmware older than v1.21. Updating your firmware and using decent media will help alot.
  10. I love happy endings.
  11. As was I. *sigh*
  12. Only if the DVD has no copy protection. If it does have copy protection (and most do), ImgBurn will fail - and we can't help you with this part.
  13. It's possible. CDs go in the tray shiny side up, don't they?
  14. Sensitive New-Age Guy.
  15. I read your post and tried to burn CD iso, all went ok! Crap. I dunno why mine has a problem. I suppose I could threaten it.
  16. Try Google. We can't help you.
  17. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=4178
  18. Try burning a CD.
  19. Anyone taking bets on how long it will be before the gun nuts jump into this thread and turn it into a complete and utter clusterfuck?
  20. The USA isn't the sole repository for the criminally insane. Perhaps a history lesson. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_m...cre_(Australia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milperra_massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoddle_Street_massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Street_massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strathfield_massacre
  21. How much to ship 10 blanks to Australia?
  22. Yep. Smart enough to figure out how to download an illegal torrent and too stupid to figure out what to do with it. Go away, boy. Come back when you've learned to buy instead of steal.
  23. A logfile would be nice. Buying the game instead of downloading it would be better.
  24. You didn't expect a spammer to stick around, did you? Also, this thread is self explanatory. Obvious to the point of ridiculous. I just wish someone would explain it to me too.
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