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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. You have to wonder about the people who pay 50 bucks a cup for coffee squeezed from a cats' date. What next? Feeding coconuts to cattle for that extra creamy texture? The older I get the more convinced I am that there is more than one gene pool.
  2. I don't know why they haven't either. Even some sites require a valid (non-msn, non-gmail etc...) email address to register.
  3. Does it? I've never used the drag'n'drop thingy. If I could add folders from the context menu......... now that would be snappy. Infact, just thinking about it gives me a chubby. Lightning, what are the chances?
  4. Very much so. About 3 times the price here in Oz. Then you get to pull the lappy apart...... and they're absolute bastards to work on.
  5. How about posting your log so we can see where the problem is?
  6. So it is. Imagine how much more helpful we'd be if you had included a question.
  7. I can see what would happen if I posted it. Within a day or two I'd see a link on fark.com with the heading "Photoshop this idiot in a pool"
  8. Good luck. You'll need it.
  9. That photo has been retired...... never to see the light of day again.
  10. It's a shame the original poster hasn't replied with a link. I'd be happy to drop something into their inbox.
  11. You have a PM that will answer that question. While I'm here, 105 32 119 111 110 100 101 114 32 104 111 119 32 108 111 110 103 32 105 116 32 119 105 108 108 32 98 101 32 98 101 102 111 114 101 32 108 105 103 104 116 110 105 110 103 32 103 101 116 115 32 116 104 101 32 115 104 105 116 115 32 119 105 116 104 32 97 108 108 32 116 104 105 115 32 115 116 117 102 102 63 32 104 105 32 108 105 103 104 116 110 105 110 103 33
  12. Nah. That was a fella I used to work with. He was a Vietnam Veteran and his new neighbours at the time were Vietnamese. Whenever they started yelling he'd stick a speaker out the window and play a cassette of a Huey Helicopter flying overhead.
  13. pbhyqag uryc vg nf vz oberq fuvgyrff.
  14. I'd prefer dropping my jatz crackers into a rat trap than gawking at a pantsless Sinead O'Connor wannabe with an affinity for men whose IQ can be measured by the amount of teeth they have.
  15. Translation: Very clever spinner !! I almost pissed myself laughing !!! lol
  16. I used to post a picture here every time someone mentioned a mouse. Corny took it and made the avatar for me. Glad you like it.
  17. That was the Pioneer 120 I used to have. And yep, it was cannon fodder for the fooking fleabag that lived next door. I haven't seen the drive or the cat in about 2 years, I suppose.
  18. Verbatim +R/DL is the only media we old farts use for dual-layer images as everything else is crap.
  19. I remember an occasion back in the dank and distant past, one of Lightning_UKs former programs had a "cracked version" released. Wasn't much of a crack, just some dickbrain with too much time on their hands and a hex editor. Makes you wonder why they'd bother.
  20. Your hardware and media determine how long it's going to be before it fails. If the burned file or files pass verification against the source, there's not much more you can ask of the software.
  21. Shamus_McFartfinger


    http://www.softwareheadlines.com/modules/mydownloads/30402 From the blurb: I ask you, what sort of dickhead would crack free software? I think I'll send off a request for a keygen and see what happens. I just hope it works with the new version.
  22. Roger Waters' best work was Pulse.
  23. Google is your friend. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&...earch&meta=
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