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Posts posted by spinningwheel

  1. I know this is not being answered here but does anyone know how to increase space in my c drive??. my system has only 20 gb of space and 2 usb drives whee i stored all my other avi files.


    i found out that you can trim a avi file. how? does it need to be created to an iso or you can do this before creating an iso?


    Just what does this have to do with ImgBurn support? Take this to the chat section and ask your non ImgBurn questions there


  2. I/O errors are simply a matter of the drive/firmware/media not playing nicely together. Your choice of media is poor, change it as advised by mmalves, check your firmware version and make sure you have the newest available and maybe you need to use a drive cleaner to clear off your laser and try a different burning speed....that's all there is to an I/O problem.....this part is not rocket science :thumbup:

  3. I/O errors are simply a matter of the drive/firmware/media not playing nicely together. Your choice of media is poor, change it as advised by mmalves, check your firmware version and make sure you have the newest available and maybe you need to use a drive cleaner to clear off your laser....that's all there is to an I/O problem..... :thumbup:

  4. i keep getting I/O errors


    Follow mmalves advice. I/O errors are the result of your firmware/media/drive not playing nicely together. Skip the junk media and get the proper Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim DataLifePlus discs made in Singapore. Make sure your firmware is up to date and maybe clean your lens in the drive. :thumbup:

  5. E 23:12:38 Failed to read from file: HAIRSPRAY.ISO


    OK that's your first error message in this run.


    It follows on the heels of these warnings:


    W 23:07:39 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 508192)

    W 23:07:44 Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level...


    I believe your ISO is most probably corrupted, the drive is trying to reread the bad sector(s) while your buffers are dumped to disc and the drive/buffer system is trying to play catch-up when the theshold alert is triggered; finally the drive gives up and reports the file as uneadable and the burn is compromised.



    Disc ID: SONY-D21-00
    is not one that we recommend here.
  6. I 23:55:04 Source Media Type: DVD-R (Book Type: DVD-R) (Disc ID: LEADDATA01) (Speeds: 3x, 4x)


    Your media choice is iffy at best. Your drive reads it at 3x which is not an industry standard speed. Change to Taiyo-Yuden or Verbatim DataLifePlus made in Singapore for best results.




    E 23:55:04 Session 1, Track 1 is smaller on the disc than it is in the image file.


    Here is what happened, again I'd say that your burner can't handle the media. Also, check to see if there is a newer firmware for your drive. :thumbup:

  7. KimslanD;


    Just what are you looking for? We have 11k+ members in this forum and countless millions of users of this highly regarded and wonderfully free product that the :worthy: Boss :worthy: has seen to both create and maintain. We've been here for years, come from all over the globe, dedicate a great deal of our free time to helping useres understand and use the program and, every now and then, someone comes along that wants us to change what we do to fit their needs because they want to use the Bosses creation to fulfill a need that they have. This forum runs under LUK's command and rules, and, when people get out of line, be they member or Beta, he corrects their actions. No one requires anyone to come here, no one requires anyone to stay away unless they really manage to create a problem. Avatars, signatures and the rest are a part of who we are and it's really a matter of taking it or leaving it....because grousing about the way we are is just going to turn your experience here into something that you really don't want. :/

  8. You also might want to try taking this to pm or to the dvdflick forums since this site is maintained for ImgBurn and Imgburn related problems. But also remember that beta's are just that...betas... and the next will probably solve whatever the current problem is and may create other problems...that also need to be discussed on their forum....... :thumbup:

  9. :yes:


    Good catch Flawless115;


    Lost internet access on 3 laptops in a row and all within 20 minutes of each other. Took hours of rebooting and re-addressing the wireless and cable modems to figure out that something had slamed ZoneAlarm and Explorer and Firefox were out of the loop as far as internet browsers were concerned. Uninstalled ZA and all worked fine...went to the ZA website and found that all you had to do was set the access slider to 'medium' and all would work just fine...now have to reinstall ZA, go through the ass-ache of telling it to ok this and that program and all of the good stuff you buy decent programs to avoid. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

  10. ericf;


    Welcome to the forum and please adhere to the rules.


    We do not doscuss ripping any material from any media. The DVDD days are over and it is no longer supported. We support ImgBurn, a burning program, here and will gladly answer any questions that you have about burning whatever data you have on your HDD to media.


    For your style of questions I would suggest using Google and following whatever links that they provide. :thumbup:



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