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Everything posted by cornholio7

  1. yep, right click the item you don't want and choose hide
  2. try supported speeds then get better discs
  3. can you post a log and the filter driver load order please
  4. try again at a supported speed, if it still doesn't work, buy verbatim or taiyo yuden discs
  5. have you tried 12x? my pioneers like those discs best at 12x
  6. the discs aren't good, look at the tests made in the media section, the results show this. buy some quality media like verbatim or taiyo yuden if you can get them
  7. you need a dvd burner to burn dvd's, yours can only read dvd's and write to cd's you will need better discs when you get a dvd writer too
  8. it is the discs . update imgburn and look here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  9. tools -> settings -> general -> options - don't show status bar messages
  10. put imgburn in write mode ( not build mode like your first image) put the disc in and copy and paste the info in the right hand pane in your next reply
  11. take a look here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
  12. john, you have been ripped off, lodge a complaint with your bank or paypal and get your money back. copythatgame or any of the scum associated with it are nothing to do with imgburn/LIGHTNING_UK!/forum/website and they are in breach of the licence agreement shown on the website http://www.imgburn.com/ imgburn is free, download it from http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
  13. what are the supported speeds shown in the right hand pane?
  14. using write mode, insert a new disc and copy and paste the right hand pane info in your reply please Disc Information: Status: Empty Erasable: No Free Sectors: 4.173.824 Free Space: 8.547.991.552 bytes Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF) Supported Write Speeds: 2,4x; 4x; 6x; 8x DVD
  15. why don't you just make a master copy, stick it with the original, then when you need a new copy , iso read/iso write, no need for compression, no need for HDD space.
  16. have you checked for virus? try running malwarebytes
  17. read this http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=10038&hl=
  18. post a log and a copy of the filter driver load order please
  19. try tools-> read-> custom and browse for location if using read mode if using the way you describe above, have you a tick in the box to the right of the folder icon?
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