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  1. I just downloaded the latest version of Image Burn. I am attempting to create a bootable Windows CD using the file UBCD4WinBuilder.iso. I am a relatively expert computer user, and I have a bizzare problem that I have never before experienced with a program. I select the .iso file as the source, imgburn in the "write" mode, then I click the "burn" button. Things begin, but when the progress marker reaches about 50%, my system powers down. My operating system is Windows XP Pro, SP 2; 2 GB memory; 300 GB hard drive; AMD dual core 4000+. I am impressed by the elegant simplicity of Image Burn, so I hope that someone can give me a clue about this problem. Thanks, Lee Shelton
  2. One more questions... Can I verify a Discovery disc in an another drive? I know that it only contains zeros, but I need an image to verify the disc to, which is dinamically created by ImgBurn during the write process. Can I create the same 'discovery' ISO as well with ImgBurn? If not, can someone send it attached (I think the iso zipped should not be too big) AE
  3. The string in Row 422 in section frm.Main ��" Panel_ISOBUILD_FileSystemLabel.Caption: Is that & character intended to be there? I guess it's for the shortcuts (Alt Gr + X) function. There are also & characters in the same section on rows; 389, 434, 436, 437, 438, 570 and 577. Will it work in the final version - if we use that & character to create shortcuts in the menues/selections?
  4. Although they are TDK , TDK have used the CMC MAG dye , another example of leading brand companies using other peoples product in mabufacturing . Have a look HERE to see how many brands use the CMC ink/dye on +R media If your unsure what the ink/dye is, its the coloured layer you can see from the bottom side of the disc. Its this part that your writer ( burner) actually burns to create a series of 1's and 0's, the binary data This in turn is what your player reads and interprates into sound, so basically a low quality dye or ink will not get perfect burning and so cant be read later on after the disc is created. we have had cases of CMC ink/dye that wont read back straight after its been burned Vebratim and Taiyo yuden are probably the better manufacturers of ink/dye. In fact, verbatim actually use the Taiyo yuden dye on some of there +R media as well as the MCC dye ( MCC = Mitsubishi chemical company) , personally I'd go for the genuine Taiyo yuden as they DONT use any one elses dye/ink
  5. This release is all about CUE burning really - or that what I wanted out of it! That in turn meant I needed to support CUE/MP3 as that's quite common - hence the need for additional audio decoding code. Then due to audio decoding code + having the ability to create custom CUE files, it's possible to build one to write pretty much any audio file. So although burning custom audio cd's wasn't my intention for 2.4 (I only wanted to be able to read an Audio CD to an image file and then be able to burn it back), it IS in fact possible - even if the way in which you do it is a little long winded.
  6. If you look on the 'Bootable Disc' tab within ImgBurn's Build mode you'll see an option called 'Create Boot Image'. You can use that to save the one from the original disc to a file on your hdd and then use the file + the info added to the log window during its creation to fill out the fields on that tab. Just change the drop down box to point to your cdrom drive (with the original xp cd in it) and click the blue floppy disc 'Save' button.
  7. @ sdcougar May I suggest you simply add a boot.bin or boot.bif to the image. Then when you burn using Image Burn, you'll have a Bootable CD. You can create a Bootable image with UltraISO. You can "Make", "Write", "extract a Boot.bin from any Bootable CD", "You can both Make or write a Floppy Image", "You can Load a Boot File" <<< your looking for this., or "You can Save a Boot file". "You also clear boot information", and make "Multi-boot DVD's and CD's" Personally I found it most simple just to extract the boot file from a bootable CD. (such as a WinXP Disc) Save the file for future use, and then just add to any CD you want to make bootable. A word of advice. Don't use a Nero boot file, unless you want to burn with Nero. The extension and contents differ, due to copywrite issues I presume. (it uses Dr. DOS) A boot file will be 2K (2048 bytes). demaX
  8. Under "Tools", I see "Create DVD MDS File", but nothing above that as seen in the screen shot. Is this a feature for future versions? Thanks for any help! On another note, it's ironic that this guide is posted today because just earlier I burned a few Christmas CDs (using CDs for the first time in years) and learned that just converting FLAC into WAVs and burning it onto a disc will not work, so I came here looking for an answer. Good timing!
  9. NOTE: This Guide only applies to ImgBurn and is for burning a *proper* Audio CD (typically 80 minutes worth of audio) that's playable in any standalone CD player. If you want to burn MP3 files for playback in an MP3 ready CD player, just add the files in Build mode and ignore this guide. ImgBurn's ability to burn Audio CD's is currently based around the well known 'CUE' (as in 'BIN + CUE') image file format. To burn music files (MP3 etc) you first need to create a CUE file. Top Tip: If you already have a CUE file you should be following this guide instead - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=61 The most direct method of doing this involves first switching to 'Write' mode. To do this, click the 'Mode' menu at the top and then click 'Write'. Then click the 'Create CUE File...' button. Top Tip: This is probably the easiest way, especially if you intend on burning the disc there and then. OR you can do it by clicking the 'Tools' menu and then selecting 'Create CUE File'. You'll then be presented with the screen shown below. Next, click on the top right 'Browse for a file...' button. The familiar 'Open File' dialog box will then appear. When you've located your files and selected them, just click the 'OK' button. Top Tip: You can also just use drag and drop from an Explorer type window. Once you've added your files the window should look something like this... If you want to configure the 'PreGap' / 'CD-TEXT' options for your tracks, select each track in turn and change the settings until your heart is content! Note: ImgBurn currently supports reading 'Tag' data from APE, Flac, MP3, OGG, WMA and WV files. Note 2: Whilst most standalone CD players support reading CD-TEXT from a CD, software players do not (they rely on an Internet database). You can use a plug-in called 'WMPCDText' to get Windows Media Player reading CD-TEXT from the disc properly. Alternatively if you want to do them all in one go, highlight the appropriate 'Session' object in the tree and do it that way. Along the same lines, highlight the 'Disc' object in the tree if you want to configure the top level 'CD-TEXT' information - this is where you'd specify the album name/title (as opposed to the track name/title). Depending on how you like to work, you might want to check the 'Add To Write Queue When Done' box here. By doing so, you won't then have to load it manually when you've switched to 'Write' mode and are ready to burn. When you're done, click the 'OK' button and you'll be prompted to save your new CUE file. Type in a name for the file and click 'Save'. If you took the easy route earlier (via the button in 'Write' mode), you can probably just click the big 'Write' button to burn your audio compliation to disc! OR you can simply follow the 'How to write an image file to a disc with ImgBurn' guide to burn your new CUE file just like any other image file.
  10. Seagull, please create your own thread and when you do so, post a log of a failed burn so we can see what's going on.
  11. Hello, I couldn't find this on the forum, but I keep getting this error when trying to burn large ISO files. Optimal L1 Data Zone Start LBA: None Found! (VTS 01) This image has not been mastered coorectly for burning onto a double layer (OTP Track Path) disc. None of the cells meet the 'DVD-Video specification' criteria for a potential layer break position. Do you want to continue anyway. I've said Yes to this and I get a coaster. When I go into build mode to do something, it tells me I'm over the limit for file size for a ISO9660 The file in question is 7,954,624 Kb How do I create a layer break in the existing file? Thanks, D-R P.S. I've switched to Verbatim DL discs because of this forum, and I've had no problems with coasters anymore! Now I just need to figure out this Break Error.
  12. Alright, so what do you do when all you get is all average LBAs in the "Create Layer Break Position" window? What criteria do you use to choose a Layer Break Position? (And what's "Padding" btw?) See also aatched LBAs.png file: which LBA should I choose?
  13. It might be easier to just use DVDFlick or ConvertXtoDVD. They create the proper DVD Video file structure.
  14. Welcome to ImgBurn Forum. You should have set SUPER up to make a DVD with IFO files. Anyway, take your VOBs and use Ifoedit's Create IFOs function. Regards
  15. hi cant start read mode "UNABLE TO CREATE OR REPLACE FILE
  16. don't think so. download 7zip http://www.7-zip.org/download.html and extract the nrg file and use ImgBurn's build mode to create ISO and see if it suggests a laybreak when building
  17. I will sometimes create an ISO using clonecd (1:1 copy) for DL dvds, and then burn with imgburn (v.2.3.2), but I am curious about something. In imgburn, I will always the 'confirm layer break position' dialog box. A few days ago, that dialog indicated that the layber break was in a 'good' position (rather than excellent). Since clonecd is a 1:1 copy, does that mean that the original layer break was in a 'good' position rather than an excellent one? I guess what I am asking is, when I open a clonecd ISO with imgburn, is imgburn changing the layer break position?
  18. Thank you so much for the help, I will purchase new media as soon as possible. Once I read the disc using ImgBurn and create the MDS & ISO files and put into one folder do I use the build or write mode to create the new disc?
  19. I don't normally use Imgburn to burn data, but have you tried "build" mode to see if you can import your files into Imgburn and let it create your image file for you?
  20. You can use ImgBurn itself to read a bootable image from another disc, have you tried that? It's on the same tab as where you'd tell it to make the image bootable - The option is called 'Create Boot Image'.
  21. I am trying to create an iso using grldr as my no-emulation image. I get an error saying that there is a problem with the el torito configuration because the image size is not a multiple of 512. Is there any way you can fix this? I am trying to use grldr as a no-emulation boot. Grub4dos is great for making bootable cds. It will help boot almost any OS. Also, I don't remember this off the top of my head. If I use imgburn to burn files and folders, will the names of the files and folders be in all caps? This is the reason I cannot use my old roxio program. Grldr tries to find menu.lst, but it can't because it's case sensitive and my roxio puts names in all caps. I would really prefer not to have to get a hex editor to change the default path to all caps. Roxio will use the no emulation image just fine even though it's not a multiple of 512. Thanks for the help!!!!
  22. No, i have been trying to create a backup for mass effect One thing i noticed by looking at other logs is that instead of Filling Buffer... (40 MB) it appears as Filling Buffer... (20 MB) COULD THAT BE IT?
  23. check guides section or look at blutachs sig in short extract the iso and switch to build mode and let ImgBurn create iso and it might correct/ suggest a layerbreak for you
  24. now when i go to burn, it displays: ISO Write mode is for burning disc images, not VIDEO_TS files Switch to ISO Build mode, add your video_ts folder to the list and then create image if you dint know what you're doing, read some guides what did i do wrong this time?
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