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  1. Another thing i tried was to create an ISO with Ripit4me then burning with ImgBurn....another coaster after about 30% into the burn process. regards.
  2. It pisses me off especially as they didn't sell pirated stuff or modified PSP's etc. Sony create these markets by not releasing PSP or PS3 at the same time around the world. Consumers then choose to purchase a foreign model (understanding the issues etc) and Sony goes after the retailer ???
  3. Erm....yes there is, it's the 'Seamless' checkbox on the 'Create Layer Break Position' window! If you then use the MDS file to burn, the whole 'seamless' thing doesn't even come into the equation. The seamless flag is something in the IFO files, the layer break physical location (as taken from the MDS) is something on the media. So loading the MDS will mean ImgBurn doesn't touch the IFO files from how you've already configured them. If you want to find the layerbreak position (physical one) on an original, put the disc in the drive and look at the 'Layer Information' down the bottom of the info panel in ImgBurn.
  4. It doesn't really make any sense. Create a link in ImgBurn to open a program when you can simply open the shortcut somewhere else? Weird people.
  5. So... Have I offended you Lightning UK? have I caused a problem by bringing up this issue? It might be a Recent windows update, because the last incarnation of windows (2 weeks ago before I restored to a fresh OS) didnt have that issue with IMG/DVDD and ZoneAlarm installed... hmmm.. Also... I was wondering when will the ability to make ISO's (i.e. Physical Media to IMG not files to IMG) with ImgBurn be implimented, or is that even a planned feature? and... I Checked with a friend of mine and he has the same issue, He assumed that it was because DVDD and ImgBurn were installed on same OS were causing some kind of confliction by seeing that a system that had DVDD and NO ImgBurn installed didnt have the issue... then later reaslized it hadnt been updated lately so after the updates he had NO tooltips, and we cant seem to narrow down the bad update. (and BTW DVDD isnt illegal in usa because of fair use rights and IF and ONLY iF you didnt use reverse engeneering to create it) - Just thought Id share that because of all the oddball news items on Copyright/DRM/Protection I have seen lately!
  6. I really appreciate you taking the time to post. I think I understand about as well as I possibly could, and I'll just focus on learning how to use ImgBurn successfully and efficiently. Instead of thinking about what it could be, I'll focus on what it is, and be grateful for what it does do and not concerned about what it doesn't. As for Nero, given how that application has turned in to a huge, bloated package full of gunk, I do want to try to wean myself from it, and I can do that in part by exploring new and free tools like ImgBurn. All I would want would be the core Nero Burning-ROM app, fully functional as a retail app or an OEM bundle. But they don't seem to want to do it that way, so I'm looking for alternatives. After a bunch of Google searching, I have found a free and very simple little app that can read non-protected DVD's and CD's and create an ISO from them. It does not burn DVD ISO's - only CD's. So I will just use it to rip ISO's and ImgBurn to burn those ISO's. http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm Hope that helps some folks out there looking for that functionality. Thanks for the help in figuring out how to use ImgBurn to burn my VIDEO_TS folders. It will make it way easy for me to get those TV Show edits from my Panasonic DMR-ES15 recorder on to a disk so I can free up some hard drive space. I will try not to be such a pain in the arse... EDIT: - I just found another ISO creating utility that is free. I was looking through tons of Google page caches and I could hardly believe that this utility has actually been discussed here in these forums in this rather caustic thread: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1788 I sorta wish someone had remembered to mention it. All it does is make ISO images from CD's and DVD's. It is called LCISOCreator and can be found here: http://www.lucersoft.com/freeware.php It's a single 53,248 byte executable and it seems about as idiot proof as it gets. I'll let folks know about this little app. Seems to be yet another excellent supplement to ImgBurn. Another possibility is called CD2ISO, though I have not yet tested it. I found it in the Google searches too. http://www.dubaron.com/cd2iso/ Hope that helps someone. Looks like there are at least 3 freeware options to complement ImgBurn.
  7. I wouldn't class that kind of feature as a 'Tool' and I'm not sure how you can go thinking the 'create dvd mds' file is anything like on the same level as building an iso. Changing the volume label within a given image file, that's a handy tool. Being able to extract layer break info from IFO files in an image, that's a handy tool. Building a DVD Video ISO image is a fully fledged feature. But I didn't want people to JUST think ImgBurn did DVD Video ISO's....quite the opposite in fact. I spent a lot of time ensuring it could be used for anything and everything file/data related. That's why Build mode is as flexible as it is. If I just wanted it to do DVD Video I would indeed just let the user input a single source folder and totally forget about all the other options. What we did (myself and the beta team) was to make Build mode as intelligent as possible. It tries hard to detect if you're attempting to make a dvd video disc and will not let you configure any odd settings that could make bad things happen. So all you need to do is add your folder to the source box and click 'Build'. It's hardly rocket science and corny very kindly put together a good few guides for people to follow - so nobody really has any excuse for getting it wrong.
  8. I don't really want to discuss this matter any further, we've each had our say and we know where we stand.... trouble is, I can't leave it at that! I want to point out that some form of ISO Build mode was always on the cards. I attempted it back when I was still doing DVD Decrypter but kinda gave up because it was overly complex for a tool that wasn't all about burning. Before its implementation, people threw the whole 'make it burn normal files and create ISO's' idea around like it would take 5 minutes. You've no idea how frustrating that is. Anyway.... Of course ImgBurn IS all about burning and so I knew eventually I had to try again. ~13,000 lines of code later, and that's without any real integration into the GUI, it was done. Maybe you don't fully appreciate the amount of time I DO put into this program? Even the most simple of things (to an end user) may actually take a day or two to code. The 'Build' thing took weeks of intensive / solid work. That's why I have to just be blunt about things and say yes I'll do it, or no I won't. I can't keep everyone happy, I am only human after all. ImgBurn is supposed to be 'fun' for me, that's the only reason I do it. If I know I'm not going to be pleased/impressed when I've finished implementing something, or I know it's going to be really boring doing it, I won't bother. Support for DAA images etc is of absolutely no interest to me at all, hence I really have no motivation to do it. Not only that, you try finding the specs for a 'closed' image file format... it's pretty much impossible! As I said before, if a certain image format is a pain for you to burn, don't use it in the first place! I myself have managed to go 27 years without needing to use/burn DAA files so I know it's not a ridiculous thing to say! Reading a disc to an ISO is something we've heard sooooo many times that it just annoys me when people even mention it now. It's not like it's a new suggestion and you'd think the 3000 threads already suggesting it in this forum might be enough for people not to suggest it again - obviously they're not because people still do it. The feature was not forgotten or left out by accident, it was very much left out on purpose. If you look at the last few threads in this forum you'll come across a great suggestion about adding the ability to set the write speed for a given media in a table and have the program use that every time it burns that media. Now THAT is a good suggestion - and actually one we'd touched on briefly in a previous thread. That one has now been implemented and will be ready for the next release. It's a feature that'll be used by the kinds of people that should be using my tool.... people who already know what they're doing.... people like me. ImgBurn was never meant to replace the likes of Nero, and even more so, Nero Express. If people need their hands held whilst burning, they should stick to programs with pretty wizards where they just have to click 'Next' and understand what day of the week it is.
  9. Well, I really do like the program a great deal. But as with many programs, I have my own ideas of things that might make it better and / or more convenient for me as an individual user. I was pretty much just irritated at the tone of the reply, in part because I've read a lot of terse replies from LUK and had a bee in my bonnet about it anyway. I look at apps like 7zip and WinRAR and Rename Master (www.joejoesoft.com) and appreciate how they have added so many user-suggested features to make it more convenient and usable. Like how 7zip and WinRAR unzip a ton of formats. I don't mind that they may only make archives in one or two formats (like how WinRAR does RAR and ZIP). I am just glad that they decompress so many other formats so I don't have to go load like 8 other apps just to decompress different archives, especially since I'm only going to compress them as ZIP archives. The key is I can use that single program to handle almost all of my archiving needs. That is totally cool. With Rename Master, I remember when folks started suggesting that he add the ability to create / modify file names from MP3 tag info and then EXIF data in JPEG images. Then others asked him to include a directory tree to make navigation easier, and the ability to have it save window sizes and locations and change the default interface font and size, and even asked him to add some basic file management functions so people could copy and delete and other things right from within the program interface itself. He was really open to the suggestions and spent a TON of time implementing the changes and additions and as a result, I think it's about the best File Renamer out there. Heck, even the WinRAR folks eventually agreed to make their product skinnable. And the Utorrent guys did a great job of listening to user requests and now the thing is a very popular, feature rich little app. So selfishly, yeah, it is about making an already good product better. Yes, some of my ideas may sound lame or what not, but I'm just trying to add to the mix of brainstorming and suggestions. I understand that good ideas will float to the top and get considered, and that's cool. But I can't help but be a little disappointed when getting shut-down, as it were. I honestly think adding the ability to rip an ISO of a DATA DVD is a great feature, especially for bootable disks like Bart's PE Builder and stuff like that. I'm not talking about ripping protected DVD VIDEO at all - just non-protected stuff. I kinda like the idea of being able to dump all other ISO apps out there with their proprietary formats (like .DAA) and be able to use a single app to read disparate formats and convert them all to one. It seems like a useful feature, and is in line with what other apps like WinRAR and 7zip do. Heck, at first ImgBurn could not build ISO's, but the feature was added and the program is even better because of it. Yeah, folks were like "Hey, ImgBurn is for BURNING images, not creating them" but I don't think anyone can deny how nice it is to have the ability to create ISO's from collections of files. Anyway, I have my opinions on the product, and on the tone of the higher-ups when responding, but I'm only one person. I don't have an over-inflated view of my own importance. I just like to contribute with some suggestions, and not all of them are going to be really good ones. So, I'm sorry if I posted with my own jerk-like attitude. It stems from frustration, but that's really no excuse. I should have been nicer about it. Thanks for those who have taken the time to respond constructively - I appreciate it. I'm still a fan of ImgBurn and intend to use it all the time. I just think it could be a little bit better here and there is all.
  10. I created a DVD video ISO with ImgBurn, using the guide on this forum. However, it seems ImgBurn didn't create an MDS file. What do I have to do to get the MDS file?
  11. But you can also make one manually. Go to Tools -> Create DVD MDS file, and add your image to it.
  12. Many, many years ago when I was 23, I married me a widow who was as pretty as could be. And, about as long ago as that there was something in the ancient flavors of Windows called, I believe Macro Creator. Or something to that effect. Anyway, one of the ancillary tasks this thing could also do is create .AVI's of user actions on the screen. Thus, one could create a demonstration of how to use a software feature by running this capture program and using the application. Then, the AVI would play back the video of everything that happened on the screen. Mouse movements, button selects, typed in text, etc. Is there anything like this currently available for Windows XP? Preferably free. Thanks!
  13. Not asking you to create another coaster, just to check your existing file without wasting another disk. DVD Shrink will howl and complain if something isn?t right with the ISO (which is a good thing). Tell it to output the files to your HD somewhere.
  14. Done. DVDShrink likey... But, I no wanna send thru and create another coaster as that would mean I could have bought another copy of this by now($$$). LUK - whatcha think?
  15. I was thinking about possibly adding something to those Copy Field buttons in the Labels tab in Build mode. You know how when a create job is started and ImgBurn says it notices no label was added and if the user should add and if it should use the one it chooses based on the contents? I was thinking of adding a check to the Copy Field buttons. That if they're pressed and the label field is blank, i.e. the user hasn't entered anything, to make a call to this same function that the build does. The automatic name generation could then be based on the last "Calculate" or to run a Calculate automatically to determine the files added at that point when the Copy Field button was pressed to get the automatically generated label contents.
  16. Yes I should have posted a log, everyone is correct here. And now I will indeed wait until the problem happens again, now that I upgraded my imgburn. But: does anyone out there understand the burn process well enough to explain to me what the "synchronizing cache" step means and is trying to do? Maybe if I understood this I could begin to search for problems in my OS or my DVD burner. I assume by logs you people mean a log created by imgburn. I haven't looked for where I might find this, I assume something in the imgburn interface will lead me to it. But does anyone know how I find a log that might be produced by my DVD burner? Do they normally create logs? Or do I need to look in some Windows log to see what might be happening? Any tip here would be appreciated, I can then do a thorough log search next time the problem occurs. Thanks!
  17. Hi. You didn't burn a DVD. What you did was create an ISO image on your harddrive. You can see it in your logfile: "Destination File: C:\Documents and Settings\Default\My Documents\VIDEO_TS\video-ts.iso" Open ImgBurn and select WRITE from the MODE menu then navigate to this file and all will be well and groovy.
  18. This is something I have always taken to be true, yet I have never had shrink fail to create the iso on any of my computers when destination folder is just a little above 4464 mb. Though it has to be said if shrink gives this warning its there for a reason, wiser choice would be to have a lot more space available on destination drive.
  19. It also appears to have been far less than North Korea actually wanted, but, probably set it off anyway, knowing if they didn't at least create the equivalent of a nuclear fart they'd not be treated seriously in any way on the global scale.
  20. I think the idea is that when you burn the ISO, you create a list of MD5 values for each file (not just the ISO file itself). Then during verify, you compute the MD5 for each file and compare. Unless there is one big file on the CD/DVD, that gives the user a pretty good idea of where the error is. But as Darkfalz says, the idea of MD5 verification isn't meant to replace the "verify against file" verification method, but it is a great alternative to the normal method.
  21. Hi Cornholio, With Nero BurningRom I simply burn the VOB and IFO files to the DVD. Am I right in assuming that with ImgBurn I first have to create an ISO file on my hard drive using the Build Mode then burn this to the DVD using the Write Mode, cos all the guides seem to be about create ISO files or am I missing something? Cheers, Pilot.
  22. This is probably because the DVD in question did not have a menu, but merely began playing when inserted into the DVD player. The good news is that you can build replacement files with IFOEdit (http://www.ifoedit.com). Run IfoEdit and then click on the "Create IFOs" button at the bottom. Try the different options. I've used the "Create 1 PGC Only" and "Create Chapter for each Cell" options normally, though the latter may give you a LOT of chapter points. However, you could remove the ones you don't need in PGCEdit... Good Luck, fordman
  23. Hello, I used the Aone Software's program: "AVI DivX to DVD SVCD VCD Converter" to create DVD files on my PC. The files play OK on the PC. I want to burn these files to a DVD that can play on all DVD players. using ImgBurn. when I try to "Please select a file", it just can not recognize the video files that I created (VLC Media File), so, it does not import them into the window for burning them into DVD ??? any suggestions ??. PLEASE HELP !!! Thanks Rami
  24. Seems to me that your issue is before actually burning to this trashy media anyway. Is this disk mastered correctly? Does no layer break dialogue come up? From your post, it sounds like it does. Can we see a screenshot of the Create Layer Break dialogue please? See the guides section for how the build mode should work. Also, try building first to file, not device - particularly, with those CMCs. And make sure your media is set to DVD+R DL in the advanced section of build mode. Can you post also your IFO files please? Regards
  25. Congratulations for the latest generation of the ImgBurn program. Now that it not only can burn ISO images, but also create them, it is really becoming the small and easy CD writing utility that I was searching for some time. Unfortunately I can not really use it in the moment, because it has a strange problem with my virtual windows manager. I'm using the program "vern" (http://www.oneguycoding.com/vern/) and the ImgBurn does not seem to like being handled by vern. I can start it on one desktop, and when I switch to another one and come back to the desktop where ImgBurn is running, the ImgBurn window disappears and from there on it is impossible to bring the window back. It really looks as if it flees away, I see that vern hides it in some other desktop, but when I go to that it has moved again to some of the currently invisible desktops. Has the program some mechanism that it tries to move its window to some suitable place which kicks in before or after a vern desktop switch? Perhaps it doesn't notice that it has been moved around by another program and thinks internally that the window is somewhere else? I can provide some more technical details I found out how the vern desktop switching works, but that would be rather long so maybe is more suited for offline exchange. Regards, CarlosM
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