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  1. I have tried using ImgBurn to create a dual layer image with seamless layer break. Every time I mount the image in Daemon-Tools, AnyDVD says "This Video-DVD is mastered incorrectly. AnyDVD will be deactivated for this DVD." EDIT: This problem happens even if I leave the seamless option unchecked. I've never had this error before and have been using seamless layer breaks in the past through PGC Edit and just burning DVD Shrink Images. (They play fine in my stand-alone machines.) Any ideas what might be wrong here? SuperBit and many Criterion DVDs have seamless layer break, which proves that players can handle it. I've never seen AnyDVD report this problem with Criterion or SuperBit DVD titles, so this isn't normal. Something is broken.
  2. Then it is not something for this Forum. ImgBurn is clearly working as it should. No, it's not. LUK admitted that it was a problem and someone in another thread said that it would be fixed soon. It's a problem caused by ImgBurn's Build Mode messing up DL images created from hard drive files. The problem is caused by ImgBurn and introducing mastering errors. If the images are not mastered correctly, then that is your problem or concern.It doesn't matter what program reports it. That's completely irrelevant. Either the images/discs are mastered correctly or they're not. I have found they are not mastered correctly when I create images from files on disk. That reduces my faith in the program and I'm sure others react the same. I will not use the program for creating dual layer discs until this issue is fixed. I think that is a valid position to take, unless you show my concerns are unfounded. LUK specifically told me that this thread was on-topic. You are totally off-base, and off-topic. The software is buggy and I'm not going to apologize for saying that it is. It works great if you don't care about dual layer. I would prefer that my discs not have mastering errors reported. That's just me, though. I'm not "going on" about anything. I added some information and you attacked me in a totally off-topic and hostile manner. If I am off-base, why are my posts not deleted? Maybe your 12 year old has a problem thinking for himself. Maybe you're just using hyperbole to make your points.
  3. I was wondering, going a bit off topic. Is there something that can create MDS/MDF from an existing ISO or other image AND still write images to non NTFS partitions? i.e. create split images in that format when the image goes over 4 GB. UltraISO will, but, only with that klunky all but arbitrary .IBZ, I think it was, format. Thanks!
  4. I don't see why it would take much time and effort. ImgBurn can read ISO files already. All it needs to do is look at the file sizes, like it does anyway, and create a new image structure. You can mount the image with D-Tools and use the root directory as your source in Build Mode. That will achieve the same result I'm talking about. But it'd be better if ImgBurn supported it directly. If you can read images, most of the work has been done.
  5. Well, the NRG files I have tried to load are audio CD images I created in Nero. Is there a way to create an Audio CD image file in ImgBurn? If so, I will gladly do it (I tried to figure out how to do it but could not - everything wrote as data and not CD-compatible audio). The ISO files I tried were ISOs generated by so-called "NRG-2-ISO converters" and these apps did not allow me to specify the filesystem. Regardless, I guess if the original NRG is no good, the ISO that was the result of a conversion would be no good as well. I gave up on the TOC format since it's not widely accepted so I am no longer concerned about that one. If ImgBurn cannot build audio CD images, could you perhaps recommend an app (preferably free) that can? Thanks very much for your assistance - Brian Mc
  6. I have a similar problem to that of the original poster, except that the error message refers to VTS_01 rather than VTS_05. I can't follow Cornholio's suggestion, since I didn't create the image, all I have are the MDS and I0x files. ImgBurn shows trhe following additional information: Imp ID: Sonic Scenarist 3.0 File Sys: ISO9960, UDF (1.02) Sectors: 3,459,555 (MODE1/2048) Size: 7,085,168,540 bytes Time 768:49:30 (MM:SS:FF) Is there a way to make the files burnable, or am I SOL? Thanks in advance, Unobtainium
  7. Peter i can't answer for the Guv'ner, but all older versions of ImgBurn are not supported anymore. Development of the current version is the main priority, as it is with all programs and programmers. I personally know that LUK has been totally dedicated to the development of V2.0.0.0, and the time and effort he put in to getting it to release stage was amazing . If he allowed older versions to be hosted it may create several questions being posted in the forum which would only lead to confusion for everyone .
  8. Any programs compatiable with Img Break..and if i create an iso with imgburn is that better than creating an image on dcd decrypter?
  9. Thanks for your reply. I checked out the guide you have posted and have a question about selecting the layer break position. When the Create Layer Break Window pops up it shows numerous LBA's with the green stars and under SPLIP it designates them as N/A and No. I see in your guide its recommended to choose one with No, but how do you determine which one to pick. Also how do you pick up your screen shots, this would come in handy for posting of any problems. Thanks Perch
  10. you shouldn't have made an iso with shrink, it can't create dvd9 iso's properly if you still have the video_ts folder files , then follow the guides on this forum http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showforum=4 ?
  11. I've got another question (I think that there is no need to create a new topic) . About the layer break on the DVD... Is the layer break info different if I create a ISO (with the MDS file)? or is it exacly the same from the option to copy from the HDD files? This question is just my 1st post question but I'm always reading in different foruns and topics that you should create an ISO with the MDS file to have exacly the same LB info from the original disc. Should I? regards.
  12. can u create a DVD with multiple videos and a menu on ImgBurn? If so how?
  13. so if i create a menu with some other software i can burn that and the videos to a DVD using ImgBurn?
  14. sorry no you cant but you can burn the files you will create doing what you are trying to do with imgburn
  15. nice tool btw - would it possible to create an iso from cd/dvd, would be handy
  16. This not really a bug, so I've posted it here in support. Both IFOEdit and PGCEdit are capable of parsing the sector addresses and sizes on VIDEO_TS.IFO and will correct sector addresses that do not match the file size. PGCEdit does this silently while IFOEdit returns an warning message. However both reduce the file size (all that I've seen) of VIDEO_TS.IFO (and VIDEO_TS.BUP of course). I built an image with ImgBurn last night that I did NOT use PGCEdit on first, as there were no PUOs that I needed to turn off, nor any other adjustments to be made. ImgBurn happily made the image, which I mounted with Daemon Tools and then used QuickSFV to create CRC signatures, which I subsequently compared against the source files. All compared except for VIDEO_TS.IFO and VIDEO_TS.BUP. I noticed that Imgburn was changing a sector address, and as it apparently does so on the fly without altering the source files, the miscompare was not expected. However, out of curiosity, I decided to run the source files through PGCEdit and noticed that the VIDEO_TS.IFO and VIDEO_TS.BUP were shortened from 16K to 12K. I restored the original files and performed a "Get VTS Sectors" in IFOEdit. I received the following warning, which I've seen before, and from my research is likely the result of re-authoring and once corrected is nothing to worry about: "There's something wrong! The IFO Endsector does not match the file size." The resulting VIDEO_TS.BUP and VIDEO_TS.IFO are again 12K, as with PGCEdit, though the CRCs are different between the two programs, but likely due to the 32K option being turned on in PGCEdit. Meanwhile ImgBurn ignored the fact that the sectors were not consistent with the file size. Anyway, I realize that PGCEdit has undergone extensive development, and ImgBurn's image creation engine is in its infancy, and may not be intended to do all the things that these other utilities do to "fix" the source files. However, I saw mention by some that PGCEdit would no longer been needed with the advent of the ImgBurn build mode. My recommendation would be for the short term, at least, to continue running your source files through PGCEdit until/if this feature is included in ImgBurn. Of course PGCEdit also has the handy "fix streams" function that gets rid of the bogus extra audio and subtitle streams produced by some reauthoring packages, most notably CloneDVD from Elby. Ford Man
  17. There are two issues that were covered in this thread: 1. My observation that ImgBurn does not strip the padding from IFO/BUP files and update the end sector in the IFO/BUP in the manner that PGCEdit/IFOEdit do. 2. There is a confirmed bug with updates to the IFO/BUP when ImgBurn requires padding to conform to the 32K minimum gap between files. So, as long as you can observe that your files won't require 32K padding, or you have the option turned off regardless, then number 2 should not be an issue for you. I believe LUK is releasing a fix for this on the weekend. I've successfully burned two ImgBurn created dual layer images, and both were seen by AnyDVD as valid video DVDs, but neither one needed 32K padding (though I do have the option on). On the 3rd image, I did some experimentation and observed the behavior in number 1. At first it was assumed (by me and then LUK) that this was related to the 32K problem. However, on re-exmination, that image didn't require 32K padding either. Instead, I was observing that PGCEdit and IFOEdit recognized that the end sector didn't match the IFO size and fixed it. Meanwhile ImgBurn ignores that mismatch and adds the IFO/BUP to the image untouched. Running this through PGCEdit first to fix the mismatch, and then making an ImgBurn image ended up doing the trick. Since I'd like to use Imgburn primarily for the nice time/date stamping of files in the created image, I'll continue processing the files in PGCEdit (open and then save) and then create the image with ImgBurn... In conclusion, you will not experience 2 if you have the 32K option turned off, but you may experience the behavior described in number 1. This thread went on to debate whether that is a problem or not. However, since both PGCEdit and IFOEdit found that the existing end sector specified in the IFO did not match the IFO size, but ImgBurn retained both the specified end sector and the IFO size, there seems to be an issue, though it may be the same issue with updating the end sector that causes the 32K bug.
  18. I don't know if this is a problem with ImgBurn, Shrink, or my PC. When I create ISOs split to 3.99 GB on FAT32 drive, Shrink can't open or analyze the MDS file. "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Failed to open file XXXXX.I00." The image can be mounted with Daemon-Tools and played. I can analyze the mounted image with Shrink. It burns and plays fine. But the image can't be loaded in Shrink. Has anyone else had this problem? Any solutions? I found that using 2 GB splitting or smaller on FAT32 will fix it, but I prefer to I use 3.99 GB. I asked LUK about this a while ago and he said it should work. I used to have this problem with DVDD as well. I had to use 2 GB file splitting on FAT32 drives.
  19. I think I had suggested the create folder idea before, but, I had the new idea of leaving everything the same except the focus changes. That way, only the focus change needed to be added.
  20. That's not the only issue. The all-or-nothingness of it was the main issue. A person might want to check for updates regularly, but they don't need to always have the latest. Give the ad hominems a rest. Being able to burn files and create ISOs makes it a de facto ripper. I've posted on this issue numerous times. Nero and others do not have the same functionality as ImgBurn, so they aren't good comparisons. What you should say is that ImgBurn won't circumvent copy protection. Nor will Nero and Roxio and others. It can rip unprotected discs or "drives" if you know what I mean. (And I think you do.)
  21. Hello. Congratulations to LUK for this excellent program! I was reading the forum (including FAQs and Guides ) and I was wondering what's the best way to record DL media. Create an ISO and then record or record directly from HDD files? Regards.
  22. Thought I'd start another thread separate from the announcement thread to thank LUK for his fine work. Burning files is an important step for ImgBurn. It will save time and steps for burning single and double layer disks without having to first create an image or use commercial software. Additionally, if you need to overburn a DVD+R, you can do that in a single step from files instead of making an image first. I'm not aware of any other software, commercial or otherwise, that can claim that capability. A fine piece of work all around.
  23. For me this option is very useful it's permit to add in my software an option for direct burn an Windows XP folder without create an ISO file. If it's possible to add this, it's great for me, and another person I suppose !
  24. I have an idea for simply support audio file with ImgBurn ! Foobar2000, it's a free project of audio file player. With this freeware, it's exist a optional components for burning CD Audio, but this optional components use Nero ! If a person create a Optionnal Components for Foobar with support ImgBurn, it's great ! I make a demand on official forum of Foobar but anybody make it !
  25. @lfc, DVDInfoPro can create iso images in the same way DVD Dec used to. @Rosco, It would help to see the log from this failed verify of ISO1 so I can see exactly what's changed and where. ISO3 would be different from ISO1 + 2 because it has a totally new filesystem. Remember it's not reading sector by sector here (as other 'image' building tools would do), it's looking at / reading the files and then compiling (building) a new ISO from scratch.
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