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  1. Hi Lightning, Thanks for getting back to me I've used a certain program called dvddecrypter. Maybe you've heard of it Just kidding Well, at least that would explain why I can't even access the disk at all after having "burned" it. I could open and extract the ISO without any problems (using winrar; that eats about anything ). I can try to create a new ISO, but how do I know if it's ok then? I've tried to run imgburn in test mode, but although I customized imgburn for that (choosing BenQ as the drive and imgburn returning that the setting was changed succesfully), when I try to do it the program returns the message that testmode is not possible and that it will be an actual burn. I don't want to spoil the costly DVDs if I can prevent it, so is there a way to check the ISO and MDS are ok? Thanks for your help PS Somewhere else it is suggested to use CloneCD, and not dvddecrypter & imgburn because the latter wouldn't be capable of handling my copy attempt; would you happen to agree with that (probably a stupid question since you're the author of these two programs )
  2. ImgBurn doesn't make MDS files (or at least not in version - unless you secifically use the 'Create DVD MDS File' option in the Tools menu. That option would create the same MDS file that very same function in DVD Decrypter would do. If you already have an MDS, there is no need to use ImgBurn to create another one. The MDS files created via that 'Create DVD MDS File' method DO NOT contain layerbreak information and so are worse than any that are created automatically by any other means.
  3. Well, unintentionally, I've been on one for 5 years. Personally, I'd rather have a date! Or, to feel my feet again. #39;( BTW, remember I have saved the lady. Several times over the years. Wish I knew who she was. So I could find more of her, maybe? Anyway, so, I should always have a backup on hand. Kind of like the first data disaster I have had since 1997, which made me implement a backup scheme that has worked well. What happened was I lost 17 days of live data due to an error on a disc that contained a backup. What I failed to realize at the time was, yes, Drive Image verify MAY pass after it writes a file to HD. BUT, AFTER you burn the Drive Image to discs, you need to MANUALLY run the verify on the new copy. What I discovered was MS-DOS 6.x is an idiot. It's definition of "format" the target drive actually means FDISK and destroy any existing partitions, create one large partition, and THEN format it. So, that destroyed my HD partition of daily backups. HOWEVER, I had made the to disc backup copy of the most recent backup first. I felt so smart, but, I was kicked in my smart arse by the ultimate, cosmic smart ass. So, I had to restore from my monthly to disc copy, 17 days earlier. What I discovered I had lost, though, or so I thought, was something I thought I didn't have a backup copy of! The only time I've ever seen my first girlfriend in a partial state of nudity because of a topless photo she sent me years later. But, as it turned out, I had a DVD-RAM formatted temporarily with a packet writer for a temporary backup. And, amazingly, the file WAS contained there. So, now, there's a copy, a copy of the copy, an archived copy of the copy, backups, and friends who have copies so I can get it from again, should I need a parachute.
  4. Is there a way to use .REG keys to uncheck/remove StartUp entries in Microsoft Configuration Utility? i.e. is there a common Registry key/branch that contains this information? Or, is it impossible except on an individual basis, depending on where the software installs a key? What I want to do is, if possible, have a .REG key that unchecks/disables/removes a given checked "thing" that starts on StartUp, controlled by MCU. Such as zlclient, a common one added by ZoneAlarm. [ No, I don't want to disable that, and, neither do you! ] Then, I can just create a shortcut to silently import the key and put that shortcut in the StartUp folder of the Start Menu. That way, any updates, new versions, etc. that re-add them will be taken care of on each start of Windows. Thus, I won't have to worry about them. Similar to keys I've already developed to keep MY settings, such as my default CD/DVD players, etc. Thanks!
  5. What is the file ext. of this file? Eg. .iso .bin .txt etc. And how did you create it? what software did you use? hi, i used dvd shrink 3.2 and its an .MDS file. the problem i think i have is when i format the disk through imgburn, it finishes formatting then when i go to burn it, it pops up and tells me there is almost no space available on the disk, i think thats where the main problem is. All i am doing is testing out this software with a short film. when i tried again last night, in dvd shrink, instead of having the compression setting at automatic, i set it at custom, so i shrunk the file even lower, so the had to be enough space on a totally empty disk.
  6. Hard to tell what you're talking about here exactly... ImgBurn can BURN/WRITE images of any size really - depending on the size of your blank media of course! The next version of ImgBurn (version 2) can BUILD images from files on your hdd... yes it can do UDF only, and will allow you to create big images by splitting them (if needed) on FAT32 drives etc.
  7. What is the file ext. of this file? Eg. .iso .bin .txt etc. And how did you create it? what software did you use?
  8. To set the Book Type on my Plextor 740A, rather than set the drive tab to Plextor, I set it to Benq. My 740A is after all a "Benq" drive. This allows me to change the Book Type for +R, +RW & +R DL. Following any change the new booktype is correctly shown as the current booktype. Presumably this is successfully changing the booktype. *IF* I could successfully burn a DVD+R DL I could read the disc to be certain, but I have had no success thus far. Plextor 740A w/ firmware v1.02 (the latest) Maxell (actually a "RITEK") DVD+R DL "Saving Private Ryan" from folder on HDD Burning with PGCEdit and IMGBurn, I can create an ISO version that is reported as "Okay". Also, when mounted it plays perfectly. However, with several attempts at burning to DVD, I have created a DVD that fails verify, but seems to work, another that fails to play some of the "specials" and another that stopped writing halfway through the burn. The disk is more than 99% full, so the only suggested location for the Layer Break was the midpoint of the DVD where it is located on the original disc. I left this location unchanged. I have switched to Verbatim DVD+R DL media. This was what I wanted in the first place but couldn't find any at the local stores. So far I haven't tried burning with the Verbatim as I wanted to do some more research first... Any suggestions as to what I should try next are GREATLY appreciated! Tom
  9. I did not create the DLT tape. It has been given to me to be transfered to DVD-R.
  10. Which software did you use to create your DLT tape?
  11. Grain

    pinki floyd

    I agree. My buddy who put me back on vinyl, and also sold me his Rega Planar 2 turntable (nice little unit) when he decided he needed a $1200 turntable with a $900 cartridge!!, describes the sound as warmer, and I think that's a great way to say it. CD's can have a slightly metallic sound to them, but at the very least an album in good condition seems to create no "ear fatigue" like cd's can, which we don't even realize is happening after all these years of listening to digitally compressed music. Analog is still the shazba! It's dead when it comes to mainstream consumers though. Show a kid an album, explain that they need to clean it before and after each use, they have to get up and manually skip to the next song, or pause, and then show them a 40GB ipod and ask which they prefer, and you'll have your record back every time. Useless trivia: To the best of my knowledge, there still isn't a $25,000 DVD player out there, but there are several brand's of turntables that sell for more!
  12. Without resorting to commercial software your best bet (until ImgBurn 2 arrives) is a freebie called Folder2ISO. It will scan the contents of any given folder and its subfolders to create an ISO image but it can't do *.bin files like VCD. I used to use this program now and then. Find it here: http://www.videohelp.com/tools?tool=Folder2Iso EDIT: I have a nagging suspicion that Folder2ISO doesn't create compliant DVD images. It'd probably work fine as just an image file (for streaming to an XBOx, for example) but I probably wouldn't burn the created ISO onto disk.
  13. Yes, if possible, I'd like to know about a program that can simply create .iso (.bin .mds etc.) from files.... that means: I select a folder, and the program creates virtual image that contains everything that was in that folder... or some kind of another mothod I'd really appreciate answer to this question
  14. Create an ISO from a DVD [edit] like copying DVD movie to movie.iso (virtual image), that would work exactly the same when mounted on Virtual Device P.S. With DVD decrypter and "Virtual CD" I could burn a movie.vc4 (Virtual CD file)... but I would like to burn .iso, mds, bin ... or whatever image that has support from Deamon Tools
  15. You've lost me. Do you mean create an ISO from a DVD or burn an ISO stored on a DVD? ImgBurn happily burns images from virtual drives. As long as the file format is supported, it doesn't care what medium the source is on. It would help if we knew what you were trying to do.
  16. The Change Volume Label is not working corectly with non ASCI characters. If I write a label (UDF) with non ASCI characters, it is shown corectly in the Change volume label dialog, but is garbled in the main window and also after burning (ie. ě?čř????? becomes ?????????). If I create an image using mkisofs, the volume label is garbled in the main window an also in the Change volume label dialog, but is shown corectly in Windows (after it's burned). Also if I create UDF only image, ImgBurn shows also ISO9660 label.
  17. I'm still wondering why they need to create a proprietary format (*.daa) instead of using a standard ISO. I must be missing something.
  18. I can write a program that prints "Hello World" I think it would be pointless to write another burning app when LUK has already done such a superb job with ImgBurn. I would consider helping LUK out with the programming side of things if he so wished, although I couldn't guarantee how much time I could spend working on it. While ImgBurn is already pretty light on RAM resources, I think it could be improved by switching from Borland windows framework to Win32 or WTL (probably the better option, but I think it only works with VC++ at the moment), but doing this is certainly not a necessity, more a nicety. Other than that, the only new features I would like to see in ImgBurn would be 1) Burn files/folders (- being implemented in version 2) 2) Multi-session support for RW discs 3) Copy unprotected CD/DVD, with ability to specify number of copies (ie. create ISO image and then burn it X number of times). It shouldn't just use the files/folders, instead copying sectors so all information is retained (eg. boot information with bootable discs) 4) Support for burning Audio CD's 5) Blue Ray/HD-DVD support (don't have a drive now, but will no doubt have one in the future) and maybe a couple of other things I can't remember at the moment. That would probably suffice for me and allow me to get rid of Nero. I'd be interested to hear from LUK what his plans are for ImgBurn and how far he intends to take it.
  19. Back to the DVDInfoPro thing, I just looked at my copy - version 4.61.4 - and it's making the key as it should do. So perhaps you're not on the latest one? Previously I only had 4.61.0 and that didn't create the key. I think the .4 revision was snuck out there when nobody was looking.
  20. Yeah as Grain said the next release of ImgBurn will allow you to create .iso's from video files created by the aforementioned unmentionable program ! You might still need Shrink for your backups tho as you will need to shrink the files to fit a DVD?R !
  21. is shrink the best method to create an iso file? i created one using the old unspeakable instructions that uses dvd shrink, saved the file to try and got imgburn to work for the first time, just do not know how i did it. sure was fast, was thrilled to get it to fly for the first time.
  22. The primary issue is Folder2ISO. It will not create DVD's that play in a standalone player. I learned the hard ware, but, used rewritables, so, all I lost was time.
  23. pegasus2120, ImgBurn will recognize only image files. You'll have to create one image (ISO, NRG, etc.) file with all of your pictures; Folder2Iso is a good program to use. From there, ImgBurn will burn your image. This should work for your files and programs as well. As far as the life-span of the DVD, I'm not sure that you should be too concerned about that, but that's just my opinion.
  24. I think you have a couple of issues here. Please, please, please, get rid of those CMC MAG DL's, Verb +R DL is the only thing that will work right. If this is after a burn, then as you can see you havn't burnt anything. The book type will show the correct info (DVD-ROM) after the burn is completed. Do not use folder2iso for video files, use shrink to output the files to an ISO, if you're going to be doing DL's set it to no compression. Or you can use Imag tool classic to create your ISO.
  25. I have a i/oMagic internal DVD burner (brand new) and am trying to backup my DVDs, but have been unable to successfully do so. I've tried to err on the side of too much info rather than too little. I used Folder2Iso to create the *.iso file, and then tried to write the image using ImgBurn (1.3.0) My first burn gave me a blue screen of death, and my second burn failed. The third burn I had was complete but I was unable to play the DVD in either of my drives on my computer, or in my DVD player. I came to the forums for some help, read the FAQ (and was able to fix the incredibly slow write speeds, thanks!), but I have been unable to find any old posts that deal with my exact problem. For my fourth burn, I tried to follow all of the advice on the forums, but it was still unsuccessful. As a newbie to all of this, I'm not sure what the problem is but I have some guesses. First, the ISO file is writing all of the files straight to the DVD, rather than putting them into a VIDEO_TS folder. I feel like this could be the problem, but I didn't read of anyone else having any problems like this and I feel like it would have come up if it was a common error. (Whenever I put it in my DVD drive, the auto-play response is to open a window with the *.ifo, *.vob, and *.bup files. I am unable to play it using DVD-player software.) Second, it could just be my discs are bad (they're CMC, apparently), but I don't feel like that would be the only problem, since the burned DVDs won't even play on my computer. They are HP DVD+R DL discs, I'll go get some Verbatim tomorrow. Third, despite setting the Book Type to DVD-ROM in settings, the Book Type is still displayed as DVD+R DL by ImgBurn: I don't really have any clue what could be the problem, but it's starting to upset me that I have to make two dollar coasters every time. Any advice would be appreciated. Here is the log file if it is needed, but I'm not sure it is since the writes are successful and verified:
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