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Yeah of course - will try and do it tomorrow mate



Thanks a million, much appreciated. :thumbup:


Instead of changing from my current discs to the TYG02s I might change to the TYG03s if the 12x burns are anywhere near as good as the TYG02s.





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Hi folks,


I have been religiously using Taiyo Yuden (TYG02) DVD-R 8X for the past several months ... I am pretty happy with them. I am using a BenQ DW1640 burner with Firmware BSOB and using QSuite at Recomended settings (WOPC on, Overspeed off, ...) and I have been Burning at 4X. As long as I burn at 4X ... I get 95 to 100% when I run NERO's CD-DVD Scan.


Last few days I started burning the same Medias at 8X both with WOPC on and WOPC off ... and I am experiencing some skipping of the movies in playback in just few of my backed-up dvds.


Q1: Is this Normal?

FYI: Same media when I turn the OverSpeed on, and WOPC off in QSuite ... ImgBurn sees the DVDs speed as high as 16X (go figure!?!?!?). But I don't DARE to burn faster than 8X ... so I don't get a coaster!


Q2: Since I have seen some articles indicating that DVD+R balnks are "Superior" to DVD-Rs ... I was wondering if there is in fact any truth to it? Assuming that I use Taiyo Yuden, and 8X speed, and use BenQ1640 for burning AND palyback Compatibility is not an issue for me ... ONLY DVD's QUALITY and BURN RESULTS at higher speed of 8X versus 4X is my concern ... which media would you recommend ... + or -R?



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which media would you recommend ... + or -R?
It is a matter of preference, both media types are as good as one another, it's all about drive/media/fw compatibility. (What your drive likes best)
But I don't DARE to burn faster than 8X ... so I don't get a coaster!

You are playing it safe and there is nothing wrong with that. However tests show that with the right drive/media/fw/computer setup you can burn good media at 16x without any problems and or quality issues.

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Doing it now for you... just updated to the 1.08 firmware.




Ok done it now.


12x still exceeds 12x because NEC are weird like that! The RPM they select is too high and because it stays constant and the final speed reached is something like 13x.


At the 12x point, the BenQ (when scanning) picks up some huge PIE value - not really sure why.

For that reason, I've also done a scan with a LiteOn.

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Doing it now for you... just updated to the 1.08 firmware.




Ok done it now.


12x still exceeds 12x because NEC are weird like that! The RPM they select is too high and because it stays constant and the final speed reached is something like 13x.


At the 12x point, the BenQ (when scanning) picks up some huge PIE value - not really sure why.

For that reason, I've also done a scan with a LiteOn.



That's great LUK!, thanks.


I'd been waiting for the bitsetting version of the firmware before upgrading to 1.08 so I've only just done this myself.


The NEC's are indeed weird. They produce exceptionally high quality burns at 8x but as we've discussed before if you burn at 16x you get a PIE spike at 2.2Gb. If you burn at 12x with certain media you get a spike at 3.8Gb.


These are normally not critical with regard to playback (except with borderline incompatible media) but in my mind are are certainly undesirable.


I think I'll stick to the 8x discs at the moment although I might upgrade to the ND-4570A when the firmware has matured.


BTW the PIE spikes coincide with the relinking points on the disc. The recent NEC drives monitor the write strategy across the entire disc and can alter strategies at various fixed points during the burn.


This works extremely well with the slower speed discs hence the very high quality lower speed burns as each section of the disc is burnt with the optimum strategy.


They haven't totally got their act together yet for the fastest burns though.


Thanks again though. Very useful.




Edited by Nemesis
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At the 12x point, the BenQ (when scanning) picks up some huge PIE value - not really sure why.

For that reason, I've also done a scan with a LiteOn.


there's been some interesting discussion of relinking points and that phenomena over at cdfreaks

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What do you mean by "bollocks" here ... I hope it does not mean they are BAD!!!


but can confirm that TYG02 8x -R was the bollocks from a looong time ago till currently


Q1: By the way I am considering buying me a second Burner ... whta do you folks recommend ... between a BenQ, NEC, or ... ? And the Model number that you prefer!


The reason I am considering getting a second burner is because my BenQ 1640 has been turning out some bad scans of my Taiyo Yuden TYG02 8X -R ... one of my recent burns won't play back at the end on my Samsung CD/DVDR in my computer ... that's how I test my DVD back-up quality besides running a NERO CD/DVD Scan test.


Q2: Anyone would like to take a stab at guessing why my BenQ 1640 is acting up? I make all my burns at 4X. FYI, I have backed up some 2100+ dvds and 1500+ cds ... so!!!!



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1 ) yeah "the bollocks" in this case is good media, the cats meow :lol: .Yudens were counterfitted though so maybe you got a batch or a bad batch of originals, it happens .If all the other burns on that media were good and all you did was get a new batch of discs I'd look there first


2 ) before you rush out and get another burner you might want to try Verbatim discs ,the ones with MCC dye and see if that will make a difference you could also try different speeds for burning the TY's, 6X and burn one at 8x and do the scans and see if there's a difference in the quality of the burn, experiment, try some +R media then you will be able to change the book type to have the players see the media as DVD Rom seems to make the media more compatible with players


3 ) I like the NEC drives I have two models a 2500 and a 3500 a little older but they produce beautiful burns .I'm waiting for the mysterious firmware 2R8 that will supposedly allow the 3500 to do scans .If I get another it will be an NEC because of the great results I've had with these 2

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