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And you thought curling was a sport?

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  lmao2k said:
could they have made the domain name any longer!



Sure, but teachingsmallkidstoplaywithcupsandmakeafortunedoingso.com wouldn't fit on the brochure.....=))=))


It's hard to have an ego when your career consists of wiping a broom hurredly in front of a large disc being shoved at you for no readily apparent reason. :lol:


I usually like to watch baseball because it's peaceful and the fields are often very nice to look at. I like natural grass fields.


Curling is well, just fun looking.

  DudeBoyz said:
I really enjoy watching Curling on TV, and I'm in the US. Heck, it seems a kind of fun, civilized sport with very few egos. :)


and I thought they found a use for used land mines :lol:

:lol: Would make the game more enjoyable! The disk, whatever the Hell that thing is called (The curl?) is actually a time delayed land mine. That's why the two dorks are so busy brushing in front of it. They don't want to die. =)) The goal is the mine must be stopped within that circular area or else the timer will not be disabled. Otherwise, eventually... >_<

Hahahaha the whole cup stacking thing is pretty big in schools here now (going from what I've seen at work).


They even have people come round and do demostrations etc. It's pretty amazing to watch. The competitions must be full of hardcore stackers!


I believe the one we have is called 'Speed Stack' or something similar.


I haven't seen it around here at all, that's why it amazed me to watch the video clips...think it'll replace American football??? No Coaches, trainers, uniforms or balls, just plastic cups for $39.95 at Wal-Mart... >_<

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