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First let me say that Imgburn is the best burning software out there! Ive been a loyal supporter since way back in the early DVDD days...Lightening UK is a genius!

Anyway,although Ive burned over 1000 dvds, the same question is always brought up and i dont have the definitive answer. Although I always burn @ 4x, it that really the "best" speed? Is the slower burn always better? Ive heard all the different arguments and I was wondering what you all think.

Thanks and......Imgburn rules!!!



The only way to know for sure is to burn the media you like to use at all the speeds supported by your drive(s) and then test them using DVDInfoPro (PIPO Scan) / CDSpeed (Disc Quality).


Do that and then see which gives the best results.


8x on my internal Nec 4550 and 4x on my external Liteon on USB, although 6x burns have been fine on it.


8x for me on my external LG as well. I have heard that if you keep the speed down to 8x the burning laser gets more power so you get better burns...


12x on all my quality media, 8x for discs that are not the best :) As the boss said tho get a few of your discs burnt at different speeds and then scan them - see what speed your media/drive can handle best.

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