spinningwheel Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Probably what the Robo Chickens have instead of the bird flu......
kevdriver Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 The Green Death....... A Robotic Chicken Fart............ :& :&
dbminter Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 lfcrule1972 said: wtf is the Green Death ?? Wasn't that when Jon Pertwee took on the giant, green maggots?
jack Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 Quote Wasn't that when Jon Pertwee took on the giant, green maggots?Thats the one! Scared the life out of my when I was a kid. The Green Death. The Dr who Episode Guide. Quote Doctor: 'Stevens, listen to me. You've seen where this efficiency of yours leads. Wholesale pollution of the countryside. Devilish creatures spawned by the filthy by-products of your technology. Men... men walking around like brainless vegetables. Death. Disease. Destruction.'
dbminter Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 I thought it had just recently been released on DVD. By recently, I meant in R1. Just over a year ago here. Those maggots were the Trashigs if memory serves me correctly?
digidragon Posted April 4, 2006 Author Posted April 4, 2006 db, I presume you've seen the trailer for season (series) 2... http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/ram/bb/trail2006_16x9_bb.asx
dbminter Posted April 4, 2006 Posted April 4, 2006 No, I haven't done my Day 2 checks since I'm still tracking down the latest fucker error in my system. The Beeb's sites for old and new Who are part of my Day 2 list of sites, and, I'd probably find it then.
digidragon Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 There was a new 3-minute montage shown on BBC Interactive yesterday, with loads of new clips. Quite of few of Sarah Jane, K9, and the Cybermen. I made an (XviD/DivX) avi of it for anyone interested... http://www.mytempdir.com/594129
dbminter Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Dalek premieres tonight, in just a little over 12 hours! Already seen it, but, still, it's such a fun episode! Plus, I am curious how they handle the little of cursing on Sci-Fi. And, the new season should debut "tomorrow." It may have had a lot of farting in it, but, Aliens Of London: World War III, as I call it, was clever in some ways. An interesting idea to trick the nations of Earth into nuking themselves and then carve the planet to sell the radioactive rubble as cheap starship fuel. Although, was it necessarily cost effective? To fake a crash landing, genetically alter a human pig to appear like an alien pilot, prepare fake human disguises, sneak into positions of power in Britain by kidnapping the Prime Minister (Which, BTW, I guess we infer they killed Tony Blair/the PM? He went missing and I don't recall they ever saying they found him by the end of the story.)... is it cheaper to do it that way or simply bombard the planet from space with nukes and eliminate the middle man? Granted, if the Slitheen trick us into launching our own missiles at each other, they save on having to use nukes themselves to do it. But, is it still cheaper to just use your own nukes as opposed to the elaborate plot described? Inherently, I suppose, it would be because if they used their own nukes to do it, why not just then sell the nukes as the starship fuel.
digidragon Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 Yes, AOL/WW3 was great fun. But if they'd just nuked the planet themselves, then there wouldn't have been much of a story. Plus the Slitheen family liked a bit of hunting, so I guess they fancied slaughtering a few humans along the way. Tonight's episode, Dalek is excellent, althought not really "fun". What will they cut? The bit about "canoodling her spoon..." Did you watch the montage I posted...?
jack Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Check out the 'Tardisodes' Here. theres a new one every week. Cant wait for the Cybermen episodes
dbminter Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 So, are the TARDISodes going to replace the Confidentials for this new season? Any more Who Masterminds?
dbminter Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 I'll need to go over the original again to see what was cut. Dalek isn't fun, no, but, it's easily the most satisfying episode of the ones I have seen. It actually starts off with comedic elements, with the rich man runs the world mentality. Which works in its favor when things start to get serious. Dalek builds off what Shearman started in Jubilee and fixes most of the few minor problems in the original. For instance, I think having just the one Dalek serves the story better than integrating the Dalek in with other Daleks, as was attempted at the end of Jubilee. Because, near as I can recall, no one has ever attempted a story with just 1 Dalek before. Mostly because Daleks are boring conversationalists. Even Jubilee adds more Daleks into the story later on. Using a single Dalek as the focal Dalek character also forces it on the defensive, which, as we've seen, Daleks when they aren't in the opposing positions of power, become, though they wouldn't admit it, scared. Also, the parallels that are made between the Dalek and the Doctor. "You- would- make- a- good- Dalek!" and the Doctor's realization that his greatest enemy is right. After all, we'd already seen the willingness of the Doctor to nova a sun to vaporize Skaro and eliminate the Dalek race. And, as Dalek shows, he was apparently willing to wipe out both the Daleks and the Time Lords to stop the Daleks. So, finding one and only one Dalek would pretty much enrage the Doctor with evidence of his failure. That sacrificing his people, oops, well, it didn't work, did it?
jack Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 dbminter said: So, are the TARDISodes going to replace the Confidentials for this new season? Any more Who Masterminds? The TARDISodes are just little weekly preveiws that are downloadable I think. Heard nothing about confidential now I think on but I would think they are still doing it. Now, Dr Who mastermind is a good idea............ No googling! In which story did Nicholas Courtney appear before he became Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart?
dbminter Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 No need to Google. Parts of the Dalek Master Plan, playing the part of Bret Vyon. I admit I can't name the exact episodes, but, I do remember he was killed in the last of the 3 surviving episodes, Escape Switch. Now, speaking of bizarre Dalek Master Plan trivia... David Graham, one of the Dalek voices, appeared in several other black and white Doctor Who stories, but, only ONE in color. Which one? And, before he was the title character, which Doctor appeared on the series as someone else?
jack Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 Spot on! I only knew it was The Dalek Master Plan. Now, David Graham was in the City of Death I think although i'm not sure about that one. He also played a bartender in one story but I have to admit I dont know which one without googling Colin Baker appeared as Commander Maxill in Arc of Infinity and had the pleasure of shooting Peter Davisons's Doctor, one way to get his job I suppose. Which actor appered in The Time Warrior and then went on to appear in a couple of the original Star Wars films and what charectors did he play in those?
dbminter Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 The answer for the David Graham question was, indeed, City Of Death. He played the scientist who gets turned into a skeleton. All the other times he shows up in the series, credited, anyway, were in black and white episodes of the first two Doctors. Well played. I know of three actors off the bat involved with Doctor Who that have been a part of Star Wars. Peter Cushing was in the two Dalek movies as "Doctor Who" and played Tarkin in Episode IV. Jeremy Bulloch, Boba Fett, was in The Space Museum, The Time Warrior, and recently appeared at a charity function signing autographs for The Trial Of Davros. David Prowse, Darth Vader, was not in The Time Warrior, but, ironically, was in The Time Monster, also featuring the 3rd Doctor. Plus, Prowse played Hotblack Desiato's bodyguard in the BBC adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, which featured Peter Davison as "the Dish Of The Day." The Guide, of course, was written by Dogulas Adams, who was script for Doctor Who, as well as the writer of two produced scripts, and the unfinished Shada. Two sets of story arcs that aired very close to each other featured either the Daleks or the Cybermen. One, in fact, aired back to back. Genesis Of The Daleks was followed by Revenge Of The Cybermen. Later, Attack Of The Cybermen was followed by Revelation Of The Daleks. What interesting common thread about Davros is present in all 4 story arcs? Now, this one isn't as easy as it sounds. Name as many actors as you can who have officially played the Doctor in BBC licensed stories. (For instance, I can name 24 people! 25 with a minor "trick." )
dbminter Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 And, for the well dressed Cyberman on the go, may we recommend heads with see through brain pans? Next time, when you claim your racial superiority, you can show off those fancy brains you're so proud of... literally! Step out for a fancy night on the town with your fellow clockwork friends! http://img118.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rt30bj.jpg
jack Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Intrestingly, David Graham was in the last episode that featured individual names for each spisode. The story was the cowboy one, 'The Gunfighters' and the episode was called 'A holiday for the Doctor' and featured Richard Hurndall in a fairly small role as Ike Clanton, Hurndall went on to appear as the doctor in 'The Five Doctors' I was thinking of Jeremy Bulloch, he played Hal the archer Dont forget Michael Sheard who was in a few stories, The pyramids of Mars, The invisible Enemy and Remembrance of the Daleks to name three that I know of and then went on to play an imperial officer in at least one of the first two Star Wars films. You got me with the Davros connection, I suspect it is something to do with the three actors that played him appearing in the Cybermen stories but that is just a guess. Now, the actors that have played the Dr is a longer list than most would think what with the audio plays and tapes. But there's no way i'm letting you have the waxwork that played Tom Baker in the publicity shots for The Five Doctors!!!
dbminter Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 The Davros one is kind of tricky. The common thread is that each pair of stories features the actor who played Davros in a different role in the other story. Michael Wisher played Davros in Genesis and then right after played a Vogan in Revenge Of The Cybermen. Terry Molloy played one of Lytton's hired men in Attack Of The Cybermen and then the next time he appears on Doctor Who, he plays Davros in Revelation Of The Daleks. There's also another tricky link with Revenge Of The Cybermen. Kevin Stoney shows up as the leader of the Vogans. He had previously appeared on the series as... Tobias Vaugh in The Invasion! And, before that? Mavic Chen in the Dalek Master Plan! I had forgotten the recently departed Michael Sheard was also in some Star Wars part. Good call! He has probably played Hitler more than anyone else ever in the history of film. As for the waxwork of Tom Baker, I don't need to count him. He already played the Doctor before The Five Doctors. No, the "tricky" one I was referencing is this one: Ian Russell reading William Hartnell's lines for the BBC Audio release of David Whitaker's Doctor Who And The Daleks novelization. If we don't count him, as I said, I had 24 on my list: William Hartnell Edmund Warwick (Hartnell's stunt double as well as the robot Doctor Hartnell tackles in The Death Of Doctor Who, an episode of The Chase) Peter Cushing Trevor Martin (Seven Keys To Doomsday stage play) Patrick Troughton Jon Pertwee Tom Baker Peter Davison Richard Hurndall (William Hartnell in The Five Doctors) Colin Baker David Banks (Two performances as the Doctor as Pertwee's understudy for The Ultimate Adventure when Jon was ill) Sylvester McCoy Paul McGann Christopher Eccleston David Tennant Rowan Atkinson (Curse Of The Fatal Death) Hugh Grant (Curse Of The Fatal Death) Jim Broadbent (Curse Of The Fatal Death) Richard E. Grant (Curse Of The Fatal Death) Joanna Lumley (Curse Of The Fatal Death) David Collings (Big Finish Products Doctor Who Unbound) David Warner (Big Finish Products Doctor Who Unbound, and almost became the Third Doctor) Arabella Weir (Big Finish Products Doctor Who Unbound) Geoffrey Bayldon (Big Finish Products Doctor Who Unbound)
dbminter Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 What irony is present in the opening title sequence of The Faceless Ones? What was the very first episode of Doctor Who junked by the BBC, when was it wiped, and what is the most likely cause why no copy of it existed outside of the BBC vaults? Other than the two Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies, the Daleks appeared on screen in only two other movies, as far as I know. One is the highly verboten Abducted By The Daleks. What is the other one?
jack Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 dbminter said: What irony is present in the opening title sequence of The Faceless Ones? What was the very first episode of Doctor Who junked by the BBC, when was it wiped, and what is the most likely cause why no copy of it existed outside of the BBC vaults? Other than the two Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies, the Daleks appeared on screen in only two other movies, as far as I know. One is the highly verboten Abducted By The Daleks. What is the other one? Now I wont make the common error of saying that this was the first episode to have the Dr's face in the opening titles because that honour belonged to 'The Macra Terror' so I will have to think about that one. The common opinion although it is difficult to confirm is that Episode 6 of The Dalek Masterplan which was titled The feast of Steven was the first to be junked, although it must be nigh on impossible to confirm these sort of things so many years later. Still a terrible shame though Now, werent the Daleks in one of the beatles films? I think they were. I going to need some time to think up questions to match those, but here's an easy one: Which was the first story to be filmed outside England?
digidragon Posted April 17, 2006 Author Posted April 17, 2006 jack said: Which was the first story to be filmed outside England? Rose. It was filmed in Wales by BBC Wales
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