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US Sci-Fi Channel to air new Doctor Who

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  jack said:
Now I wont make the common error of saying that this was the first episode to have the Dr's face in the opening titles because that honour belonged to 'The Macra Terror' so I will have to think about that one.



The common opinion although it is difficult to confirm is that Episode 6 of The Dalek Masterplan which was titled The feast of Steven was the first to be junked, although it must be nigh on impossible to confirm these sort of things so many years later. Still a terrible shame though :(


Now, werent the Daleks in one of the beatles films? I think they were.



Actually, you were SUPPOSED to fall into The Faceless Ones trap. :D The ironic attribute is that Part 1 of The Faceless Ones is the oldest, surviving, complete episode in the BBC vaults that contains the Doctor's face in the title sequence. None of The Macra Terror episodes exist in the vault, but, you are right in that The Macra Terror Part 1 was the first episode to feature the Doctor's face in the opening titles. So, points there. ;) Interestingly enough, The Faceless Ones Part 1 is the only fully surviving episode of that arc. Episode 3 exists, but, is severely damaged.



My information for the first wiped episode was what was listed in either the 20th or 21st anniversary books. However, since one of them, too, also incorrectly listed that The Faceless Ones was the first arc to feature the Doctor's face in the title sequence, something I hadn't thought of until just now, that information could also be wrong. But, from that book, The Feast Of Steven was said to have been the first one junked, sometime shortly after August 17th, 1967. However, the reason why no copy exists can be fairly well theorized. The BBC never included it in syndication packages to other countries, because of the fact it was a Christmas episode and the spoofs of so many BBC programs would probably not be caught by viewers in other markets who didn't get those spoofed shows on their networks. Since daily reruns weren't the norm back then, airing a holiday episode outside of its holiday date wasn't viewed as desirable. Lastly, since the episode doesn't really have anything to do with the entire story, being a Christmas spoof one-off, it could easily be skipped and not interrupt the story flow. Networks wouldn't pay for something like that, so, why offer it? Thus, no copies were ever made for other markets. These copies were what ended up saving many of the junked episodes. Plus, the copies are the reason why the series looks like it was always on grainy film. I remember when seen the VidFire restored segment on The Tomb Of The Cybermen and The Day Of Armageddon on the Lost In Time set... I was floored! I had been so used to the old VHS style of releases, I never even knew it was supposed to look like it was on video tape, except for the Pertwee and later era.



The Beatles and the Daleks. I admit I'm not a Beatles fan at ALL. :lol: The only connection I know of is the film clip of the Beatles in The Chase. So, you could be right. The only other film appearance I am aware of is a strange cameo in Looney Tunes: Back In Action. An appearance that I'm sure most American audiences wondered, "Why the HELL did that happen?" =))

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  digidragon said:
  jack said:
Which was the first story to be filmed outside England?

Rose. It was filmed in Wales by BBC Wales ;)



Youre forgetting the Green Death, but to be fair I should of said included filming outside England. I unintentionally implied that I meant the whole story was filmed outside England. To be honest I was trying to catch DB out, I was hoping he would say the city of Death. :whistling:


But why the hell were the daleks in Looney Tunes??? :wacko: Thats just weird!! I had a feeling they were in a Beatles film but I cant find any mention of it so I'm probably wrong :(


I'd forgotten that The Feast Of Steven was a Christmas Special, but then again i'm nowhere near old enough to remember!!


Another simple question:


What was the Doctor's nickname in the Academy?


I was going to ask about Rose, "ENTIRELY filmed outside England?" :)



As for the Looney Tunes, I believe the writer was trying to be clever by half and ended up being 1/4 confusing instead. :lol: Robby The Robot and Kevin McCathy's character from Invasion Of The Body Snatchers also showed up.



Of course, the most confusing Dalek cameo is in The Enemy Within movie, because they accidentally sped up their voices. Although, the Pakinstani Dalek sketch is a close contender. Along with, apparently, the Brokeback Daleks. ;)



As for the Doctor's nickname, I was always a little confused over that. In The Armageddon Factor, he was addressed as Theet, but, in The 7th Doctor once claimed his nickname was Theta Sigma. Speaking of fake names, name an alias the Doctor has used with the word doctor in it other than Dr. John Smith.



Since you brought up the Academy :) what was the name of the Academy, what was the Doctor's final score upon passing, how many times did he have to take the exam, and what was his speciality?



Here's one I got accepted back on TVTome.com! :D In Remembrance Of The Daleks, what was the Special Weapons Dalek originally supposed to be instead, what inspired it, why was the Special Weapons Dalek built by the prop department instead, and what other scene benefited from its construction?



I have heard the narrated audio track for The Feast Of Steven on the Dalek Master Plan CD releases, and, I am not aware of some of what they're spoofing. :) I have heard of Z-Cars, but, don't know anything about it.



OH! Here's a good one! :devil: What animation company (Sometimes companies.) was linked with the never made Doctor Who cartoon series, and according to the one known promo cel (which could, of course, be a fake) which Doctor was it most closely to resemble (He also resembles one of the Real Ghostbusters, too, actually! =))), and which companion would be returning with him? And, if you've never seen the cel... well, posting a link now would give it away. :lol: But, I can copy and paste it later if anyone has never seen it.


I'm giving up, you know way too much about Dr Who!!


The Doctor belonged to the Prydonian chapter and Romana stated that he'd "scraped through with 51%" on his second attempt at passing his finals. I think he specialised in Thermodynamics if I remember correctly, but in some stories he claims to be qualified in "practically everything".


He and The Master enjoyed building "time flow analogues" to disrupt each other's experiments. The Doctor's hobbies included backgammon and chess . The Academy taught a wide range of courses, and The Doctor seems to have taken most of them. He has a broad knowledge of law, particularly Gallifreyan law . He studied art, architecture, cybernetics, pharmacology, and history. He is an expert on power sources , who specialized in thermodynamics . He's a scientist and engineer, though he admits that he knows very little about quasitronics .


Heres an intresting qoute:


" Since, as far as we know, the lower classes of Gallifrey cannot regenerate their bodies, and do not possess the "Time Lord gift" which allows one to understand alien languages, it seems likely that The Doctor underwent the processes which enable both of these as part of his graduation ceremonies."


I heard of the cartoon series, but I know nothing about it. And as for the special weapons dalek:www.specialweaponsdalek.co.uk/


Interesting! A site especially devoted to the Abomination. ;)



I'll just cover what you didn't. :) Aliases the Doctor has used with Doctor in them: Doctor Who, Dr. W (If you've ever played Mega Man, it takes on a new meaning! :o) Doctor Caligari, and Doctor Werr.



The Special Weapons Dalek was originally supposed to be a floating weapons platform manned by many Daleks. It was designed after Skeletor's floating platform from the live action He-Man movie. However, the budget basically said, "You can have your Dalek platform, but, we will have to remove the entire cliffhanger sequence with Ace in the school. Oh, and, we're not entirely sure we CAN make the Dalek platform." So, the decision was made to go with what they knew they could they do: breaking glass, stunts, explosions, and laser effects. Thus, the Dalek platform became a singular engine of destruction, which, I thought, was probably the better idea.



The supposed animation cel: http://www.skaro.org/cel.jpg



This reminded me of when I made my own Special Weapons Dalek from one of the Dapol creme and gold ones. :lol: It was a simple affair: I just removed the motor and wheel assembly to better move the Dalek around and then replaced the bottom again. I removed the bar holding the two arms on the front, turned it the opposite direction for a flat surface, glued a gun I cut off from an Octo-Bot Spider-Man Doctor Octopus figure from Toy Biz to the bar, and reinserted it. Lastly, just removed the eye piece and called it the SWD Mark II. :) Because of the different shape, different gun, different "eye," a slat in place of a plate, the fact that it had dome lights, and was clean. :)


Looks like I'll have to make an addendum to the list of Dalek movie appearances. Came across one I wasn't aware of. Not even sure if I saw what I saw, actually. :) But, there appeared to be a scene of a guy sitting in one of those open back sit in Dalek suits Be A Dalek display show props in the film called Breakfast On Pluto.





And, no, it's not "K-9 & Company: The Next Generation." :lol:http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=35801



We do get some Jetix Europe shows on Jetix on Toon Disney in America. Including one Simon Furman wrote an episode for. So, maybe we'll get "K-9 Adventures?"



Coming soon: "Dalek Adventures!" :devil:





The new DW episode (3) on tonight stars K9. And Elisabeth Sladen!


I found the first 2 episodes a bit disappointing, but am looking forward to "School Reunion".


Father's Day premiered last night. All in all, I liked this one a lot. Probably the 2nd best one of the 2005's I've seen. I could have done without the time monsters, though. Just kept the story on Rose and the Doctor. Rose dealing with her father and the Doctor dealing with a time anomaly. Because I thought they had just as good a story idea in the first half hour. Who wouldn't abuse, if given the chance, a time machine to save a loved one they never had the chance to know? I also loved how they had two sets of travellers in the area. The look on the Doctor and Rose delta prime's faces when Rose came running past them! :lol: Rose's motivation for being there at first, not to change history but to just be there so her dad doesn't have to die alone, is a refreshing change. And how Rose soon learned that though her mother told her glowing stories of her dad, he wasn't exactly the saint she made him out to be. Yet, he wasn't exactly the sinner her mother treated him as while he was alive.



There were, though, some other problems I can't glance over. :) Why would ONLY Rose's changing of her father's death NOT be undone when the Doctor restores everyone else to life, as he claims? It seems a bit far fetched that there are time creatures whose job it is to kill anyone on a planet affected by a time anomaly, because that would seem to me to create an even larger one. Still, I have to give this show its points for a strong start and a relatively strong emotional tie with the central characters. While the execution does falter a bit in the last half, it still presented a new look on an old time travel cliche.


Good choice db. It was one of my favourites too. And there's wasn't a Dalek in sight either... :P


But it was a well-written, well-acted, and thought-provoking episode. I too wondered about the Doctor saying that Rose's Dad could live, but I think at that point the Tardis had already started to re-materialise, so time was already starting to be fixed, even with the anomaly of Rose's Dad still being alive.


Incidentally, Rose's Dad appears in the upcoming Cyberman episodes, as it's set on an alternate Earth.


If you enjoyed Father's Day, I think you'll like the two-parter starting next week. Zombies in gas masks roaming around wartime London. But apart from that, it's really well-written and acted, and quite scary...


Yeah, I had read that Rise Of The Cybermen takes place in an alternate reality where Rose's Dad is still alive.



BTW, notice how many episodes have dealt with Rose going back to some point in time where her mother, father, or boyfriend are? :lol: Also, it seems that between the old series and the new, the Doctor has regained complete control of the TARDIS? Maybe without his race chasing him down anymore, there was no more need to be unable to control it, so, he finally repaired it? Then, what about the Randomizer and the Black Guardian?

  dbminter said:
The only other film appearance I am aware of is a strange cameo in Looney Tunes: Back In Action. An appearance that I'm sure most American audiences wondered, "Why the HELL did that happen?" =))



And, conveniently enough, ABC Family Channel is premiering Looney Tunes: Back In Action this Sunday! I'll tape it then to see.



Also, got a reply from a post on IMDB forums about Breakfast On Pluto, and, it does indeed appear to be a Dalek in that movie! :o


I have to agree with you guys the story about Rose and her dad was great, I didn't even mind the time monsters..... There were very similar monsters in this weeks episode of the second series - Krillians I think they were called....


The episodes about WW2 and the Lost Child are excellent too !


I still don't like the helments, but, otherwise, they're a great redesign! They have the feel of the Iron Giant and the Adi Granov covers to Iron Man comics.



How was the K-9 episode? :) And "Tooth And Claw?" I admit to being somewhat of a fan of werewolf movies. :D


The helmets look much better in real life ;)


I just listened to the "Spare Parts" audio adventure, which the Cybermen two-parter is (loosely?) based. It was excellent. Really looking forward to the episodes.


Tooth and Claw was quite good - very fast and quite scary. The werewolf was good. Some of the dialogue was annoying though. School Reunion was better. Both Liz Sladen and K9 were brilliant. If you wanted to see them, I'm sure it could be arranged somehow...


Ah, I didn't know that "Spare Parts" was the source for a Cybermen story for this season. :) I liked "Spare Parts," too! Who knew the Doctor had such a direct hand in their creation? I think it's time for a new Big Finish Cybermen story directly involving the Doctor. I know they've recently finished a Cybermen only story, akin to Dalek War, but, as far as I can recall, there were only 3 Cybermen stories with the Doctor over at Big Finish.


I have to say that so far Tennant and the new series have been very good - not sure about this weeks one tho - the trailer looks a bit weak but I won't judge it until Sat evening !!


Tooth and Claw was very good, I like werewolve stories anyway and adding the Doctor and Rose :wub: makes 'em damn near perfect!


School reunion was good, although the actual story of The Headmaster and the Krillians was overshadowed by the emotional content between the Doctor and Sarah-Jane. Tony Head hammed it up big style though! :thumbup:


Just cant wait for the Cybermen though :D




Have you seen any of the new series yet DB? :whistling:


Only Season 1, which is still premiering on Friday nights on the Sci-Fi Channel in the US. Tonight is The Empty Child. Also of interest, May 14th is the 10th anniversary of Fox's Doctor Who movie, aka The Enemy Within. Well, I should say, the 10th anniversary of the date it was first aired. The UK saw it 6 days later, I think.


Hey, what is up with these rumors of a revival of The Prisoner? Possibly set to star Christopher Eccleston? :) "I am not a number! I am a free Doctor!" :lol:

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