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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. You knew how to use DVD Decrypter's 'ISO Write' feature (mode) - yeah? So ImgBurn's 'Write' feature (mode) is identical to that. It just has some extra bits bolted onto it - like the queueing system. You're confusing everyone (including myself!) by saying ImgBurn has no front end. No front end would make it a DOS application - which clearly it's not! What you really mean is that it doesn't have the ability to READ a disc to an Image file. In saying that, yes you are correct. The name kinda gives away what its primary purpose in life is Look in the Guides forum, I'm sure you can read / follow the VERY short guide I put together, and then you have Corn's which details how to use the Queue. To check the disc has burnt correctly, you just need to have the 'Verify' box ticked. You can Ignore 'Discovery' mode, it's purely for testing media / drive compatibility - with the aim of then scanning the burnt disc in something like DVDInfoPro. OH BTW, the Queue system can be set up to burn multiple copies of the same image. Just follow Corn's guide
  2. Ok, in that case I would say your drive doesn't support those discs properly. A firmware update max fix that - if not, get some verbatim DVD+RW discs.
  3. Click Tools -> Drive -> Erase -> Full. Your drive isn't reporting the media as not being formatted and so the program isn't automatically taking care of things. Showing the full log may have helped - I don't remember the format operation being something that is optional - so I'm not sure how you got it to burn without first doing so.
  4. No, it'll use whatever is already active - i.e. whatever you select in qsuite.
  5. The program doesn't ask anything about DMA! God knows where you got that from!
  6. Oh... according to the filesystem, the image was originally created using Nero. I just assumed you were therefore burning NRG files that you'd created an MDS for.
  7. Sorry, I hope that didn't come across as being rude. It just really seems like I'd be duplicating functionality if I was to implement such a screen. Either way round, you'd have a list of all images in the folder and then be unchecking / deleting the ones you don't want.
  8. Not everyone knows all of the tools and as you were burning with ImgBurn anyway, you need not have mentioned DVD-RB at all. It has nothing to do with the question you asked. No, getting write retries is not 'normal'. However, if the retry worked, everything should be ok. Of course, you can use 'Verify' to double check that.
  9. And surely to have a window where the user can select which images to burn, it is exactly the same as the 'Queue' window you've already got?! Just delete the ones you dont want from within that window.
  10. I guess so, I've never looked it it myself, I just know it's possible somehow!
  11. There is a 'display name' option in this version of the forum software. You should be able to rename yourself via that.
  12. Another good one can be found at www.sysinternals.com One of the best sites on the internet for small FUNCTIONAL admin/advanced user type tools.
  13. lol read the changelog 'Laughing Man'. Not all changes are 'visible' ones.
  14. Can you use something other than Nero to make the images - if you've not already tried that. Just make sure that program makes REAL ISO images and not it's own format of ISO images. I don't have the Nero specs for NRG images so maybe there is something weird in your files that I'm not accounting for. You're making an MDS file for them which leads me to believe they're multipart images too (The MDS shouldn't be necessary btw) - multipart images are even less likely to work.
  15. TweakUI can be used for AutoPlay stuff. You can download it from Microsoft's site. Just search google for it or something. It's easier to use than regedit - which I doubt you've seen before! ImgBurn can also enable/disable 'Auto insert' as a system wide feature via the settings.
  16. Right click your dvd drive in My Computer / Explorer. Then select 'Properties'. Then look on the 'AutoPlay' tab. Ensure the 'Prompt me each time' radio button is selected for each of the content types.
  17. Make sure you use the DVD+R DL discs, NOT the DVD-R DL ones. The drive will change the booktype to DVDROM automatically when you burn on DVD+R DL and you'll also get a layerbreak in the right place - which you can't do with DVD-R DL. Unless your player really just cannot read the media (and that's nothing to do with it just saying it can't - as is often the case if you don't change the booktype), you should not have any problem.
  18. It would be nice if ONES just kept to using ISO files instead of making up their own extension. I can understand it for CD images where they might want to embed special info, but for a DVD it's kinda pointless.
  19. That's why they invented zeroloss linking
  20. Yeah so you're attempting to overburn. You were lucky any previous versions worked... there are two basic methods of burning DVD+R, with or without the reserve track command. From day 1, I just chose to do it without. Without it, the plextor seems to allow automatic overburn. With it, it errors out - which you're seeing here. The opposite is true for BenQ drives and in, I added support for overburning on BenQ (by starting to issue the reserve track command if the program had already noticed the user wanted ot overburn) and hence broke overburn for Plextors. So anyway, I'm already aware that Plextors don't do overburn with and fixed it a few days ago ready for So the simple thing for now is to burn an image that actually fits on the disc.
  21. DVD Dec and ImgBurn are both standalone exe files. There is nothing for them to replace or screw up. Seems your drive is getting stuck burning. I assume you're already running the latest firmware for the drive - if not, update it now. If you only have problems when shrink is open, close it! It might be trying to use the drive too, and that's messing things up. The 'Lock Exclusive Usage' bit in the settings (when enabled) 'should' sort that out though (and it's enabled by default), so I don't really know what to suggest.
  22. Ok so what's the exact reserve track message? Are you not being told about 'overburning'? That would explain your errors.
  23. Yes, new firmware fixes problem. No you wont have any problems if you follow the (very simple) instruction. I do it all the time, it's fun!
  24. So are you saying it's not burning anything at all, or are you switching discs between closing imgburn and opening dvd dec? Looking forward to seeing the log Cheers!
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