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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. I'm not a professional programmer I also don't use Microsoft tools for development. All the components in Borland tools make use of something called an AnsiString... and that (as you can tell from it's name), only supports Ansi characters. I don't believe there are WideString (Unicode) versions available at this time, perhaps in the next version of the development environment they will have addressed this issue. In the mean time, sorry!
  2. If all the buffers in the program are behaving themselves (i.e. at 100%), the drives WOPC routines must be kicking in big time. oh do all programs look as messed up as that screenshot because you've changed the default windows font size? That would drive me nuts, I'd rather change resolution down a bit if I couldn't read the text properly!
  3. Sorry, my mistake the font makes it look like a 0 (zero), not O Your firmware is ok, but I have seen a 47P9 floating around.
  4. What's your CPU usage like during the burn? We must have burnt thousands of discs between and and all our graphs are perfect. Something tells me the program 'may' not be the problem. Try updating your firmware, yours seems VERY out of date. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2143
  5. I've made no attempt to make anything support unicode... so it's quite possible it doesn't work! Do you have a small image (i.e. 5mb - or can you please make one?) so that I can see what you mean and try to fix it. Thanks.
  6. Use PgcEdit to create the image and burn. ImgTool Classic is great, but it won't work properly for double layer images.
  7. or better still.... PgcEdit because it can deal with double layer discs properly too
  8. Sorry, it can't. The IFO would have to be made bigger, which of course means the ISO would have to be rebuilt.
  9. Just load the image, it should automatically pick up the LB info. Double check this theory by right clicking on the 'Sectors' value once you've loaded the image and displaying IFO layer break information. (or via Tools -> ISO -> Display IFO Layer Break Information)
  10. Hmmm raining much?! and to think I quite fancied a trip over to Oz for a bit of sun!
  11. I'm nice to people that listen. Others get my back up and then I'm a bit rude, sorry. 30 posts later in the thread and you're still getting 'Write Errors'. Those messages come direct from the drive. You can't write a disc in any other way, so different software doesn't even come into it. Read the MMC specs from www.t10.org if you want to know more. You'll see there are 3 commands to write data to a disc. Write (6), Write (10) and Write (12). They're all just variations of each other. You'll notice from the I/O Error box that I happen to use Write (10). That's the most widely used/accepted one. I send a Write (10) command to your drive, providing some data to write, it's coming back saying it CANT write to the media. I'm amazed there is actually ever any room for discussion on this type of problem. You could buy some TY discs to try, that's about the best CD media you can get and probably your best chance of draining the last bit of life from your CDRW.
  12. Media has moved on... your drive has not. In that sense, yes it IS less able to burn CDR. Kinda like taking a really old 'leaded petrol' car and putting shell optimax in it. If you've burnt discs from that EXACT same spindle before, your drive has quite possibly given up the ghost. Run a lens cleaner through it or something. Other than that, feel free to keep playing ignorant to everything we're telling you. After all, we're the ones providing help, you're the one asking for it. You obviously know better
  13. Ah just saw your post over at cdfreaks and I was gonna reply to it but the site seems to have gone down for me. That's a really weird place for it to get stuck, yeah you can easily enable I/O debug mode at this point - press F8 as soon as the program starts to load. Then just copy + paste the log. If you can't copy + paste, try and copy out the last few lines. The message in the status bar is often helpful too.
  14. Yeah those reg entries get added/deleted when the settings are saved - as that's what they're based around. You could add you own one to the registry in a similar fashion though. Maybe... 'Burn (and close) using ImgBurn'.
  15. PI in the 900's and you call that successful?!
  16. nope, there isn't currently a way to enable test mode via CLI. Wouldn't take me 2 seconds to add it in though.
  17. Details, downloads etc on the main website. http://www.imgburn.com
  18. Just put the disc in the drive and burn. If it's needs erasing / formatting, it'll be done automatically.
  19. Try and get me a screenshot or something. A copy of the log would be helpful too. Also, try pressing F8 to enable I/O debug mode and see if stuff keeps getting put in the log. (Then show me that stuff too).
  20. So the status bar text is always changing between being ready and not ready? Although you're testing different brand media, they COULD be using the same dye. It's the dye that's important here, not the brand. Try a CDRW or something. Otherwise, sorry, you may well have to send the drive back
  21. is it doing an erase / format at this precise moment in time? Those % values come from what the drive is saying - can't help it if they're not valid and therefore what you'd expect. The format/erase process is something the drive does internally, you just tell it to do it. You then query the drive every so often until it says it's finished. It's that query that gives us the % complete value.
  22. It's a per image option, so yeah you can have 1 copy of 1 image, 3 of the next, 2 of the one after that etc. Yes you can also have an image in the queue more than once.
  23. THIS is your error, not 'invalid address for write'. W 12:32:24 Failed to Write Sectors 1676864 - 1676895 - Unknown (Internal Target Failure) (0x44, 0x4B) Your drive is messing up during the burn. Like the others have said, try some different (decent) media.
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