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Everything posted by LIGHTNING UK!

  1. No, close doesn't do anything if there was an error. Add /close to your shortcut if you want that functionality all the time Can I ask, in what situation would you find this useful?
  2. load the image in imgburn, right click the value next to 'Sectors:' in the Source box. There's only 1 option on the context menu so it shouldn't be hard to figure out which one you need to click
  3. Aren't activex controls downloaded to your PC anyway?! I'm pretty sure they're not run from a remote server. Sorry, this one has to go on the 'never' list.
  4. Not without making an image first. ImgTool Classic from www.coujo.de should do the job. It can auto load/burn with ImgBurn too.
  5. This will happen one day, I just don't know when.
  6. L0 = L1 is actually the best situation. It means there is no 'padding' at the end of L1. The padding is not as good as real data - according to MMC specs. An original PTP disc can have L1 > L0. As an Image file, of course the layer break doesn't matter. When you try to burn that image to a normal DL disc (that's then OTP), you obviously have to move the layer break position back to the previous cell - in the hope that the new layer break will be such that L0 >= L1. If that previous (or there abouts) cell LBA is not a multiple of 16, you're screwed! You then have to recreate the ISO, adding padding to the file system or whatever so that previous cell IS on an LBA that's a multiple of 16.
  7. Yes, you're right in thinking it's a 'no-can-do' thing. Extract the contents and then merge them.... maybe. But the ISO's themselves, not a chance.
  8. lol I meant the bit about buying monkeys! Clearly the buying of verbatims over Riteks is a very valid point... I just think buying monkeys is a little off topic
  9. You get monkeys...although I don't see how that fits into this problem
  10. Ooops yeah sorry
  11. The layer break position.
  12. You're not boring (me), I just don't think you've quite understood what PTP and OTP is all about. PgcEdit doesn't and cannot tell ImgBurn to burn OTP... there is no such things as 'Burning OTP' or 'Burning PTP'. Discs are either manufactured to be read/written OTP style, or they're manufactured to be read/written PTP style. The software doesn't give a monkeys if it's PTP or OTP - all it sees is LBA 0... LBA 1... LBA 2.... LBA XXXXXXXX. The Image PgcEdit spits out is also not specifically aimed at OTP or PTP discs, it's just an image that has Layer 0 smaller than or equal to the size of Layer 1. The image could be burnt onto an OTP disc or a PTP disc. The only time you can't burn an image onto a OTP disc is if Layer 0 is bigger than layer 1.
  13. Eh?! The destination media determines the track path, it's not something that can be configured in software. All writable DL media is OTP. I can't change that. If the PTP DL image has a LB that's not allowed by OTP specs, ImgBurn will look for alternatives that are within spec. If it finds one, it'll move it there. If it can't find one, you need to rebuild the image with PgcEdit and have it apply padding to the files so that a cell WILL be within spec for a layer break position. After that, PgcEdit will pass the LB to ImgBurn and it'll burn. ImgBurn doesn't have to do anything.
  14. PgcEdit is based over at the doom9 forums. I suggest you go take a look over there.
  15. blutach, Yes you can make an MDS via 'Create DVD MDS file' in the tools menu. I assume that's what you're talking about? It doesn't contain layerbreak info though... never did.
  16. You're correct, there is no other way to get it.
  17. If the LB is currently in a place that wont work on OTP discs... i.e. where Layer 1 is bigger than Layer 0, you'll need to recreate the image using something like PGC edit. Unless of course ImgBurn itself can find another Cell in the PGCs that will meet the criteria. Load the image, right click on the 'Sectors' text in the main window and get it to display IFO layer break. If it works, you'll be ok. If it doesn't, PgcEdit it.
  18. SPTI can't be used by anyone other than Admin. Obviously it's also only available on NT based OS's. Making your own means you can interrupt the standard flow of data and fake the results given back to the OS. I also said nothing about performance, I said the quality of the burn has nothing to do with the I/O interface. All you're doing is sending digital info to the drive. If the I/O interfaces changed that data, they'd be bloody useless! So basically, it doesn't matter how you send it, the drive still get the same info and burns that same info. The interface doesn't come into it.
  19. If you have a copy of the log handy (or remember to keep it in future), it helps with us helping you!
  20. OTP is all you can get for DVD+R DL discs. If it's PTP, THAT is when you have a problem, OTP is fine. If you mount an ISO made by another program, it won't have kept the info about track path and so will default to PTP, regardless of if that's correct or not.
  21. Anything about closing tracks, sessions, discs etc is all down to the drive. As you're normally right at the edge of the disc at this point, it's the most prone to failure. As Shamus said, the 109 and ImgBurn DO work ok together. Things to check are that you're running the latest firmware and you have decent media.
  22. These I/O interfaces are mearly roads from A - B. They have NO effect on the burn quality, which is totally down to the drive / firmware / media combo.
  23. going between two drives would be the same as just opening up another instance. Within one instance, it would still only burn 1 disc at a time. If you opened a second and built up a second bunch of images in the queue, you could have it burning 2 sets of files to 2 different drives. That's about the best I can do right now.
  24. I've spoken with VSO, they changed something and I never updated my code to reflect that. Will be done for the next release.
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